Ora Maritima/Preparations/My Uncle

4031520Ora Maritima — My UncleEdward Adolf Sonnenschein

II. My Uncle.

§6. In this and the following Preparations the nouns of the 1st Decl. will be given in the Nom. Sing., except when a whole phrase is quoted.

patruus meus my uncle
quondam once, formerly
praefectus an officer
erat was
mīlitiā[1] vacat he is free (i.e., he has retired) from military service
agellō suō to his farm
agellus the farm or estate
patruī meī of my uncle
magnus large
circum villam around the villa
hortus a garden
mūrus a wall
hortī of the garden
altus high
rīvus a stream [river]
prope hortum near the garden
unde whence, from which
aqua water
portāmus we fetch, we carry
hortum irrigāmus we water [irrigate] the garden
in hortō in the garden
numerus number
rosa a rose
viola a violet
tibi to thee, to you
mī patrue O my uncle
cum patruō meō with my uncle
ambulās thou walkest, you walk
Second Declension.
Nouns and Adjectives in -us
1 hortus bellus, a pretty garden
2 horte belle, o pretty garden
3 hortum bellum, a pretty garden
4 hortī belli, of a pretty garden
5 hortō bellō, to a pretty garden (with a verb of ‘giving’)
6 in hortō bellō, in a pretty garden


angulus angle, corner
ulmī elms
in ulmīs in the elms
corvī crows
nīdificant make nests
corvōs spectō I watch the crows
libenter gladly
circum nīdōs suōs round their nests
volitant they fly
corvōrum of crows
multī mergī many sea-gulls
super ōceanum over the ocean
mergī o sea-gulls
volitātis you fly
praeda prey
captātis you catch
ōceanus the ocean
mergīs to sea-gulls
cibum dat gives food
agellus suus his estate
equī horses
vacca cow
porcī pigs [pork]
galli gallinae-que cocks and hens
gallōs cūrat minds the cocks
vīcus a village
rusticī the country-folk, the rustics
nōnnullī ex rusticīs some of (out of) the rustics
cum equīs with (together with) the horses.


Note in the above:1. corvī nīdificant, crows make nests. 2. vōs, corvi, you, o crows. 3. corvōs spectō, I watch crows. 4. numerus corvōrum, a number of crows. 5. corvīs dat, gives to crows. 6. cum corvīs, with crows.

1 hortus bellus hortī bellī
2 horte belle hortī bellī
3 hortum bellum hortōs bellōs
4 hortī bellī hortōrum bellōrum
5 hortō bellō (with a verb of ‘giving’) hortīs bellīs (with a verb of ‘giving’)
6 in hortō bellō in hortīs bellīs

In this and the following Preparations the nouns of the 2nd Decl. in -us will be given in the Nom. Sing., except when a whole phrase is quoted.

scopulus albus a white cliff
ab-est is distant
noctū by night, in the night time
pharus light house
velut as, even as
stella clāra a bright star
in ōceanō on the ocean
illustrat lights up [illustrates]
spectāre to see
(undae) tranquillae calm, tranguil (waves)
lavātis you wash [lave]
delectātis you delight
(undae) turbulentae rough, turbulent (waves)
spūmātis you foam
murmurātis you murmur

  1. Note the Ablative without a Preposition, here meaning ‘from.’