Page:A contribution to the phonology of Desi-Irish to serve as an introduction to the metrical system of Munster Poetry (IA contributiontoph00henerich).pdf/33

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obscure to me, and bhfelleadh is probably due to the influence of file.

8. i unaccented=ə. licighthe ‘likəhə, schlank’, sillice búrca siləkə ʙŪʀᴋa, a snail.

9. i unaccented often further reduced to nul. This occurs when unaccented i in context is absorbed by a neighbouring coloured vowel má’s = má is, lionta bpiantaib C. M. O. for lionta i bp. or when it immediately precedes the accent, dubhairt leis ’mtheacht leis féin, for imtheacht, ’dir = idir.

10. i=ē in gidh pronounced kē, the writing from O. I. cid the pronunciation from ced.

§ 13,1. o=o. tabhair do é ᴅo, innso əɴꜱo, gob ɢoʙ, gotha, gen. of guth, ɢohə, trosgadh ᴛʀoꜱɢə, sop ꜱoᴘ, gen. sip.

2. o unaccented=ə. dob’ oige ᴅe ʙōgə, tosach ᴛiꜱȧᴄ. Here e to i through influence of s. So u in dorus ᴅoʀɪꜱ. ar mo chean er ᴍᴜ cauɴ, ə to ᴜ on account of the labial.

4. o accented in a few instances=a. bhí ’nnso ’guinn ᴠīɴ′ꜱá ɢiŋ, thá sé ’nnso hǡ sēɴ′ ꜱá.

4. o in os prep. unaccented=a. os ceann, os comhair, os a dhiaidh=aꜱ.

5. o in accented position usually near n=ᴜ (Cf. the parallel change of ó to Ū near n § 18,3), sonus ꜱᴜɴiꜱ, donus ᴅᴜɴiꜱ, moch written much, Dunne. gonta ɢᴜɴᴛə, Donnchadh ᴅᴜɴaᴄə D. R. 95, (not ᴅoᴜɴ- because of svarabhakti vowel) cnoc ᴋɴᴜᴋ, lonradh, lunra, Cat. 9.

6. o with i umlaut rarely=e. Vid. oi. orrainn eriŋ Crowley in fr′aɢṛ ꜱ ꜰōr eriŋ .|. freagair is fóir orrarin. Also orraibh eriv.

7. o before the accent=nul. mo fhear ᴍaʀ, colúir ᴋʟŪr, Com. song, a Lifer=Oliver, Oliver Grace song 1687 apud O’Neil. scoláire ꜱɢʟǡr′ə, D. R. 86.

8. o=Ū in combination with consonant remains in unaccented position (accented=ou § 5,1). The prep. con- as element of a noun compound was proclitic and though now