Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/460

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curraidh, sitting on hunkers. Sc. v. curr, "On his coorie-hunkers," said of sliding on ice in a crouching position (Ed.).

deanaich, at work.

diaghaltach, fond of.

draichd, stallion (Arms.), drudge.

drug, illness: unnamed illness; cf. dreag.

dubh - reabha (-reabhgan), a mole; cf. Arm.'s dubh-reotha, Shaw's uir-reothadh = dubh-threabhadh.

faghairt, ask = farraid.

frioghlaisg, shred of skin rising at nails.

fucadh, pushing heavily.

fùrlaich, revolt against. "Dh' fhurlaich mi ris"= abhor.

futhair, the dog days. See futhar (Ed.).

geabhag, a twist.

giolc = sgiolc.

iomaltas, hesitation.

lad, loud talk.

leatach, remote.

leiceid, a slap.

liab, a rag, tatter. See leòb (Ed.).

lomh, a diet = longadh.

lùig, desire, long.

luis, outrush of water.

luthasaich, allow. See ludhaig (Ed.).

maoidheanach, friendly.

moislich, stir (out of sleep).

mùganach, thick and damp.

murthail, grumbling; murlaich.

niannradh (clach), grinding (stone); (nn elided).

niarraidh, middling (as to health, when asked).

prio-taoil (accent on last syll.), clatter, heavy noise of falling things.

pròis, beseech, pray, urge.

ràidh (air), scolding, threatening.

raigealtach, rascal, rollicking fellow.

ràmh, pl. ramhchan, a root (of tree).

reamalair = ramhlair.

riasgach, blustering (of weather).

riodach, kind.

ruaig, shower of rain.

saich, sick (Arms, soithich, s. "ill"), saoich. Cf. maith no saith.

samht, a thud.

seanagair, a sagacious one. See seanagar (Ed.).

sgeilceil, crackling (of wood).

sgiorlaich, crush (anything soft and juicy).

sgiut = sgiot.

sglogaid = sglongaid.

siach, avoid.

siochadh, peace.

sic (air), attempt upon.

sladaig (air), working hard at.

smaiteard, youth, "young spark."

snaoic, chunk (of food).

spacadh, wrestling.

suigeartach, merry.

toman - eallaidh, spider. See damhan-allaidh (Ed.).