Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/247

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-xii. 5
[Paryāya III.ṣoḍaça. 12. virāḍ viṣamā gāyatrī; 13. āsury anuṣṭubh; 14, 26. sāmny uṣṇih; 15. gāyatrī; 16, 17, 19, 20. prājāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh; 18. yājuṣi jagatī; 21, 25. sāmny anuṣṭubh; 22. sāmnī bṛhatī; 23. yājuṣī triṣṭubh; 24. āsurī gāyatrī; 27. ārcy uṣṇih.]

12. This same Brahman-cow [is] fearful, having deadly poison, witchcraft incarnate (sākṣā́t), kū́lbaja when covered.

Kū́lbaja occurs only here and in vs. 53 below; in the latter verse, Ppp. reads instead pūlyājām.

13. In her are all terrible things and all deaths.

14. In her are all cruel things, all men-killers (puruṣavadhá).

15. This Brahman-cow, when taken to oneself, binds the Brahman-scather, the god-reviler, in the shackle of death.

Several of the saṁhitā-mss. (Bs.P.M.W.E.) read -gavy ā̀3dīyá-, curiously enough. All our mss. have páḍv-, and one or two -vīṅç- or -viṅç-. The verse admits of being read as a gāyatrī, probably not by accident, and might better have been printed as such.

16. Verily () a hundred-killing weapon (mení) is she; verily the destruction of the Brahman-scather is she.

17. Therefore indeed is the cow of the Brahmans hard to be dared against by one who understands (vi-jñā).*

18. [She is] a thunderbolt when running, Vāiçvānara when driven up (údvīta).

19. A missile when extracting (ut-khid) her hoofs, the great god when looking away.

20. Keen-edged (kṣurápavi) when looking; when bellowing, she thunders at one.

Bp. reads vā́sya-. Vss. 19 and 20 were perhaps intended as metrical (8 + 8). ⌊As to mení, vs. 16, cf. Geldner, Festgruss an Böhtlingk, p. 32.⌋

21. Death when uttering hing; the formidable god when slinging about her tail.

All the saṁhitā-mss. read -tyù3gró ⌊K. ū̀g-⌋. This verse also has 16 syllables, divisible into 8 + 8, but evidently only by accident.

22. Total scathing when twisting about her ears; king-yákṣma when urinating.

The Anukr. does not heed that the verse has one syllable too many for a regular sāmnī bṛhatī.

23. A weapon (mení) when being milked; headache when milked.

24. Debility when approaching (upa-sthā); mutual strife when felt of.

Párāmṛṣṭā might also come from root mṛj and mean 'rubbed off.'

25. A shaft when her mouth is being fastened up; mishap (ṛ́ti) when being slain.