Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/382

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Alsace belonged to the diocese of Speier, certain villages in the west to that of Metz, most of Upper Alsace to Basel, and the neighbourhood of Belfort to the Archdiocese of Besançon. The Diocese of Strasburg embraced the rest of Alsace, but extended to the right bank of the Rhine, including outside of Alsace the deaneries of Lahr or Ettenheim, Offenburg and Ottersweier. The Diocese of Metz included districts now belonging to German and French Lorraine, to the Grand Duchies of Luxembourg and Hesse, to the Bavarian Palatinate, and to Lower Alsace. After the Revolution the provisions of the Concordat assigned the whole district between the Queich and Lake Biehler, with the Departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and the greater part of Mont Terrible (Pruntrut) to the Diocese of Strasburg, and those of Moselle, Forets, and Ardennes to the Diocese of Metz. During the nineteenth century great changes were brought about in the boundaries of both dioceses by agreement arrived at between the civil and ecclesiastical authorities. The civil districts of Upper and Lower Alsace have belonged to the Diocese of Strasburg since 1874, and that of Lorraine to Metz.

Population.—The census of 1 December, 1900, distributes the population as in the following table, in which (A) represents Catholics; (B), Protestants; (C), Dissidents; (D), Jews; (E), persons of unknown religion;—

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (Total)
821,612 304,204 3,192 25,414 319 1,154,741
488,838  67,874 1,224  6,850  43  564,829

These figures, however, do not include the 34,367 soldiers in the Diocese of Strasburg; and the 44,491 in the Diocese of Metz, who are under the jurisdiction of the Army Bishop in Berlin.

Cathedral Chapters.—There is a Cathedral chapter in each of these two dioceses, which consists in Strasburg of nine, and in Metz of eight actual irremovable canons (canonici titulares), whose appointment must be confirmed by the State. Several bishops of other dioceses, moreover, nominated by the Bishops of Metz and Strasburg alone, belong to the chapters as canonici honoris causâ, as well as certain canonici honorarii living in the dioceses, thirty-eight in Strasburg at the present time, and twenty-one in Metz. Four priests, also, not belonging to the diocese, but who have been of service to it, have been made honorary canons by the Bishop of Strasburg.

Diocesan Administration.—In the administration of the respective dioceses the bishops are assisted by three vicars-general in that of Strasburg, and by two in that of Metz (who can only be appointed with the consent of the civil authorities), and by seven secretaries in the former diocese and three in the latter.

Parishes.—The parishes of Alsace-Lorraine, since the Concordat of 1901, have been divided into two classes: regular parishes, whose incumbents must receive the approval of the Government, and are irremovable, and subordinate parishes, whose incumbents are appointed by the bishop only, and may be removed by him. The regular parishes, again, fall into two classes, according to their respective importance and revenues. In the Diocese of Strasburg there are thirty-eight parishes of the first, and thirty-four of the second class. In Metz there are sixteen of the first and thirty-nine of the second class. There are 617 subordinate parishes in the Diocese of Strasburg, and 518 in the Diocese of Metz. In many parishes the priests are assisted by curates, who, almost without exception, live in the presbytery, the cost being paid to the parish priest by the parish. The curates themselves are paid either by the State as are 221 in the Diocese of Strasburg and 118 in the Diocese of Metz, or by towns and church-corporations (Kirchenfabriken), 73 in the former diocese, and 31 in the latter. Six holders of curacies in Strasburg, and three in Metz have houses of their own, and enjoy all the rights of parish priests, with the title of resident vicars. On 1 January, 1906, there were in the Diocese of Strasburg, besides the Bishop of Strasburg, the titular Bishop of Paphos (former Coadjutor of Strasburg), the present Coadjutor (titular Bishop of Erythraea), 1,245 priests, all but eleven of whom were born in the diocese; in the Diocese of Metz, besides the bishop, 869 priests, 793 of whom were born in the diocese, and 76 elsewhere.

Stipends.—The State pays the Bishops of Strasburg and Metz $4,000 (16,000 marks) each; the Coadjutor of Strasburg $2,000 (8,000 marks); the vicars-general $900 (3,600); and the canons $700 (2,800 marks). As the Coadjutor Bishop of Strasburg, however, merely holds the office of vicar-general as subsidiary to his other functions, he receives only $500 (2,000 marks) in that capacity. The president of the Directory of the Church of the Augsburg Confession is paid $1,600 (6,400 marks) as stipend, and $400 (1,600 marks) for his expenses as representative; a clerical member $240 (960 marks); and each of the lay members $400 (1,600 marks). The Chief Rabbi in Strasburg receives $1,000 (4,000 marks) as salary, and $300 (1,200) for expenses as representative; each of the other chief rabbis $1,000 (4,000 marks). The state pays Catholic parish priests on the following scale (see classification of parishes given above);—

Class I Class II Sub-parishes
To the age of 35 $ $ $312
From 35 to 50  336
To the age of 50  500  425
From 50 to 60  525  450  362
From 60 to 70  550  475  400
Over 70  575  500  425

Curates paid by the State receive $150 (600 marks). The State pays, besides, $4,650 (18,600 marks) for expenses of maintenance of the episcopal secretaries in Strasburg and Metz; $1,650 (6,600 marks) in each diocese for the music and choir of the cathedral; $500 (2,000 marks) for the expenses of confirmation and visitation journeys; $750 (3,000 marks) to the Coadjutor Bishop of Strasburg for living expenses; $19,750 (79,000 marks) as pensions for retirement and for maintenance of a retired coadjutor; $15,000 (60,000 marks) as extra assistance to clergymen and their relatives; $6,625 (26,500 marks) as pay for students in the clerical seminaries of Strasburg and Metz; $4,500 (18,000 marks) as pay for students in the universities as well as assistance to home mission-schools; $31,250 (125,000 marks) in aid of church and presbytery-building, the furnishing and adorning of churches, and the like material outlay for the support of Catholic worship. The Government pays $659,093 (2,636,370 marks) yearly as a regular contribution to Catholic worship, $218,742 (874,969 marks) to the Protestants, and $43,793 (175,170 marks) to the Jews. The Protestant pastors draw from the State treasury:—

Up to 6 years' service $500
 500 + from special church tax,
Over 6 years' service  500 + $ 50
Over 12 years' service  600 +  100
Over 18 years' service  650 +  150
Over 24 years' service  725 +  175
Over 30 years' service  800 +  200

The Rabbi in Muelhausen receives $600 (2,400 marks), and the other rabbis:—