Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/423

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4. Moquelumnan, or Miwok, Stock. — The numerous Rafael and Sonoma, both of which were established

bands of this stock occupied three distinct areas, viz., within their territory. In 1824 nearly 500 Indians of

(a) Northern: A very small territory south-east of this group were brought back from San Francisco and

Clear Lake and about the heads of Put ah Creek, in San Jos6 to reside in the new mission of Sonoma.

Lake Co., occupied by a bond known as Oloonii, or The whole group was known as Olamentke by the

Guenock (?), speaking a language apparently di.stinct Russians. Among the principal bands or villages


INDIAN Linguistic Stocks


from the others of the stock. They seem mostly to have lieen gathered into Sonoma mission, (b) W est- ern: A larger territorv lying north of San Francisco Bay to beyond Bodega Bay, and extendirig from the coast eastwards to beyond Sonoma, included withm the

present .Marin and lower Sonoma Counties. The vari- ous bands of this area spoke the same language m two slightly different dialects (three, according to Mer- riam) and were gathered into the two missions of ban

were Bolina, Tamal, Chokuyem, Licatviit, Petaluma, Sonoma, Soclan, Olompali, Cotati, (iuynien, with oliicrs of less note. The celebrated fighting chief, Marin, was of the Licatuit band, (c) Eastern: The main area, occupying nearly the whole region east of San .Ioa<iuin River to the heads of the tributary streams, from Cosumnes River on the north to Fresno River on the south. Their numerous bands, collect- ively known usually as Jkliwok, spoke four different