Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/318

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Ephesus, John of. See John of Ephesus

—ROBBER CO0NCIL OF (449) V-495a; I-45b: Ill-lOlb; VI- 758b; VII-34Sb; IX-645a; X- 4S9d; XII-331d; 562b; XIII- 416d; XIV-467b; 575a; annul- ment III-556d; V-498d; Basil of Seleucia II-330b; Dioscorus X-757d; Domnua of Antioch V-496C; Eutyches III-5o5c; V-495b; first session VHl95a; Ibas V-495d; VII-614a; Iren- seus V-496a; Pope St. Leo V- 496d; Majdmianus XIII-731C; Monophvsitiam VI-762d; Para- bolaniXI-468a; second session V^95d; Theodoret of Cyrus IV-309a; V-196b

—SEVEN SLEEPERS OF V- 496d; X-493b; XII-91a; XIII- 687d; XV-3c; in Coptic manu- script XVI-29b

Ephetai XII-566b

EPHOD V^97c;VII-664d; Aaron I-oc; and Amice I^29a; in battle II-5o6a; common V- 497d; of high-priest II-4I8d; V^Olb; 497c; XII-413a; II- 418d; idolatrous V-498a; ma- terial V-497C; of Micheas X- 277d; as oracle XI-265a; and pallium XI-429b; in Saul's expedition I-723b; shape V- 497c; and Urim and Thummim XV-224C

Ephoros, in Eastern monasticism VIII-469b

Ephpheta, ceremony III-432a; o02c

— School, Chicago V-319b

—Society XIII-362d

Ephra, name X-678b

—(Benjamin) VI-43Sd

— (Manasses) VI-4.38d; .Gedcon VI-402d; idolatrous altar II- 1713b

EPHRAEM (EPHRAIM; EPH- REM), SAINT V-49Sa; XIV- 409b: Armenian translation I-738b; Assemani I-794c; and Bardesanites II -293c; 294c; VII-597C; on confirmation IV- 218c; Coptic MS. XVI-30a; and Diatessaron IX -633a; XIV-164d; 533a; at Edessa VII-181C; XI-84d; exegetic V— 499b ; on extreme unction V- 720b; Heart of Mary, devotion to VII-168c; as hermit VII-280b; as hvmnodist V-499c; VII- 598c; XVI-lOb; on invocation of saints VIII-72a; Logia Jesu I-226a; and ManichEeism IX- 595a; 596c; and Marcionites IX-649b; on mart_\TS, feast of I-315c; Nativity hymns XV-461a; and orphans XI- 323a; on Passion XI-52Sc; 528d; 529a; on penance I-62a; poetry V-499c; Sext XIII- 747d; in Syriac Liturgy I- 573c; Syriac scansionXII-177a; New-Testament citations XVI- 633c; on St. Thomas XIV- 658d; 679b; Tobias, Book of XIV-751d; on Virgin Mary VII-676a; XV-460d; 461a; works V-498d; XIII-267a; Zingerle's translation XV- 760b

— Codex of. See Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus

— of Caria, Bishop of Stauropolis

XIV-2S3C — Syrus (the Syriaa). See

Ephraeni. Saint Ephraim (Ephraem) , Capuchin

missionary XIII-3S4b . — son of Joseph I-774c; VII- 698b; VIII-507b; 507d; in Isaias VIII-182b — tribe of XV-39C; Aaron, tra- dition of I— id; and Ammonites I-432b; and Madianites VI- 4G2a; symbol I-518d — Patriarch of Alexandria I-301a;

XIV-70Sa — Bishop of Jerusalem VIII-

356b — Metropolitan of Kieff IX-164d;

Xlll-261d — Forest of XII-153C — Gate of, Jerusalem VIII-352d;

Sold — Mount I-377d

—OF ANTIOCH V-500b; I-573c

— of Syria, Saint. See Ephraem, Saint

Ephrata (Ephrath) II-532d; 534a; VI-438d; XV-464Cd; RachePa tomb VIII-261b

— Community IV-lSlc; XIV-69b

Ephree, Pharao II-184b; VIII- 656a; XI-7S9a; 789b

Ephrem (Ephraem), Bishop of Gargara VI-.384d

— Saint, Bishop of Mylasa X- 660c

— of Syria, Saint. See Ephraem, .Saint

Ephron (Juda) VI-438d

— (Transjordan) VH38d

— the Hethite, patriarch I-51d; VII-184b

Epiana, Coptic MS. XVI-29b

Epicharmus, poet I-llla; XIV- 397a

Epiclesis. .See Epiklesis

Epictetus, philosopher XII-238a; eclecticism V-276c; ethics _V- 558c; on God, praise of XI- 393a; Politian translates XII- 213b; on slaves III-S96a; Stoicism XIV-299d

— Bishop of Centimicellse IX- 218d

— Bishop of Diocletianopolis V- 7d

Epicua-yiqui Indians. See Ejiqua- yegi

EPICUREANISM V-500b; XII- 31c; and atheism II-41d; atom- ism II-53c; X-713d; calum- nies I-713C; clinamen V-792a; eclecticism V-276b; ethics V- SOOd; IX-77c; XI-391C; and e\-\\ V-652a; fate denied V- 794a; and freedom VI-260a; and good Vl-638c; and happi- ness XII-587b; Hedonistic teaching VII-188a; and high- est good VI-641a; history V- 500c; and immorality VII- 688b; and logic V-501c; IX- 326a; materialism II-51c; V- 407d; X-41d; metaphysics X- 230d; and St. Paul XIV-631c; and Providence XII-511b; psychology V-511d; XII-545d; and soul, conception of X- 484a; XIV-154a; theology V- .501b

Epicurus, philosopher V-500C; on death V-500d

Epicycle, and planetary motion XV-I83d; Ptolemaic theory XII-47d

Epidamnum (Durazzo) V-209a

Epidamnus, King V-209a

Epidaphnes (Antioch) I-567C

Epidaunis, Bishop of Perge XI- 667b

—Bishop of Sidon XIII-778a

— town, assembly II— 46d; VI- 740a; temple of ^sculapius V- 154b; VII^80d; VIII-39a; X- 123a

— Diocese of. See Ragusa

Epifatu, Giovanni degli, Bishop of Nardo X-704a

Epigenesis, theory II-575a; IX- 240d

Epigonation, vestment I-695c; IV-316b; IX-602C; XV-38Sb; 389d (ill.) XV-389d

Epigonus, Monarchian VII-361a; and Noetus X-449C; XIII- 167c

Epigram, Byzantine III-118d

Epigraphical Monuments. See Monuments, Epigraphical

Epigraphy, abbreviations in I- 21b; Alpha and Omega I-332b; Alpha and Omega (ill.) I-333a; Ancona's work I— 46.3d ; Arabic I-663d; and historical criticism IV-.504a; and historical science VII-372b; Morelli X-564a; and pala-ography XI-403c; Pax in Xl-.W.ic; .Semitic XIII- 709d. See Inscriptions Epikeia V-»ta

EPIKLESIS V r,n2a; 5S5d; in Addtiis l.iturcv I-137b; Alex- iiruv l-304b: Apos-



Mil Mb; By- I\ .;i,d. (\\T-il \ >'.'<'. I , dispute

303b; St. Jill

572d; St. Mark's Liturgy I- 304b; 305a; Roman Rite III- 264c; IX-795C; in Syrian Rite, East XIV-415a Epilepsy XI-544d; and alcohol- ism I-275d; and St. Christo- pher III-729C; and dancing V-271a; and insanity VIII- 41c Epimachus, Saint, martvr V-llc;

\I-649a Epimanikia IV-316b; XV-3S8b Epimeletes vn-341a Epimenides, cosmogony IV-411b Epinac, Pierre d'. Archbishop of

Lyons IX-474b Epinal, pilgrimage XIII-346a Epinay, Governor of Louisiana

n-560c Epine, Jean de I' XV^29a Epinette, festival. Lille IX-252a Epinikion, .Sanctus XIII— 133a Epinois, Henry de 1' I-293c Epiphanes, Gnostic VI-598c; 599a — Antiochus. See Antiochus IV Epiphania, Asia Minor, era of

V-.503d EPIPHANIA, See of, Asia Minor

V-503d — Seeof. S>-riaV-504a; VII-120d Epiphanios, Archbishop of the

River Jordan I-574a Epiphanius, deacon \'II-623a —Bishop of Cestra III-.547b — Bishop of Colossae I\'-131b — Saint, Bishop of Constance (Constantia). See Epiphanius of Salamis — Governor of Cyprus VIII-4S6b — Bishop of Eumenia V-604d —Bishop of Lampa VIII-768C —Bishop of Pavia XI-593b — Bishop of Perge XI-667b —Bishop of Satala XIII-486a —Bishop of Selvmbria XIII-693a —Bishop of Soli XIV-134d — Bishop of Toledo. See Epipha-

— OF^ CONSTANTINOPLE V- 504a; II-660C; VI-759d

— of Cyprus. See Epiphanius of Salamis

—OF SALAMIS, SAINT, bishop, historian XIII-393d; IV-590a; V-703b; VII-.347d; X-468b; XIII-786a; 797a; and Acacius of Bercea I-SOd; and Acta Pilati I-lllb; and Aerius IV- 655c; and Alogi 1-33 lb; on amulets I-444c; on Antidico- marianism I-562a: on apocry- pha I-614d; on apotactics I- 650a; on Archontics I-697a; on Arius I-708d; and St. Basil X-162b; Blessed Virgin Mary VII-675d; XV-460c; 471c; Blessed Virgin Mary, virginity of XV-448C; on celibacy III- 4S4a; on St. Clement I IV-13b; Coptic MS. XVI-2,Sd; and Credo I-710c; and the Cruci- fixion VIII-378b; on divorce V-57b; on Eucharistic host VII-490a;491d: foundation V- 3S0a; on Gnosticism II-327a; VI-596a; 602a; on heresies VI-15a; as hermit Vn-280b; on hierarchical distinctions XII-415C; on early hierarchy VII-342a; and St. Hilarion VII-347C; and Holv Ghost VII — 411a; VII-411d; on hob- water VII— 13.3a; on hypostatic union VII-713C; and icons VII- 669b; on word Jehovah VIII- 330a; and St. John Chrysostom XI-311b; on St. John's exile I- 596a; and St. Jude, Epistle of VIII-543b; and Pope Loo III XI-50c; on Macedoninnism XII-174C; on Maniohnpism IX-595a; 59Bc; on M.ircinnism IX-64Sb; 049b: on Molotians X-164c; on M.ssnliiin.^ X- 212a: on X-72:id: Old Teatamoiil .•nii..n III- 272b: and Origiiiisiii Xl-310d; XIII-222b; PiUKirion \II- 373c: on word l'rnl:il.Mich .\I- 047b; and St. P<'t.r \ni-.-,:ud;

on St. Pc-t.T. S .11,1 Ki.isil.ol,

and SI. r,t,.r..l MiMinlii 1 \1-

771d; n[i l'L..i \n I ;l>,

and l'l.^■.|..l..■■l,- \ll I'M ,1 Home XI .>-'d..,nSi Si, ,,l„n XIV-2S6d: work VI-7b


EPEPHANY V-504c; III-160b; 600c: abstinence on I-72b: Academia Polvglotta XII- 460c: in African Church I-198c: amongst Armenians I-72a; and asterisk II-17d; baptism II- 269a; blessing of the waters IX-199b; in Bobbio Missal III-502a: in calendars, ancient Ill-ieic; 163a; churches, United States XI-564C: and Com- municantes III-262b: in Cop- tic Liturgy XVI-28d: date V- S06c; Epistle IX-195d; ety- mology V-504d; fairs XIII- 239d; fast before V-648a: in Galilean Rite VI-360a: Gospel VI-660C; IX-198d; in Greek Church I-70d; holy day XIV- 341c; holy water, blessing of VII-J33d: hymn XII-607b: indulgence VII-788d: in Jeru- salem V-505b; and Latin drama IX-27c: lessons II-773a; IX- 198b: liturgical prayers III- 500c: in Mozarabic Rite X- 615d: and Nativity III-724d; octave XI-430a; office V-506c: origin V-504d; Polish custom Xn-206d; in post-Nicene Church I-197c: Requiem Mass- es forbidden XII-779d: Star il-24c; 31c; Second Advent VIII-552a; in Syrian Rite, East XIV-416C; vigil V-647c

Epiphi, Egj-ptian month V-334b

Epiphonus, musical term X-768b

Epiphyses XII-621C

Epipodius, Saint IX-474d: on Holv Ghost VII-410b

Epipolai, SjTacuse XIV-396a

Epirus (Albania) I-253b: XI-71b; St. .Andrew's apostolate I— 471c; Duschan conquers XIII-733a; Greek despotate at iy-304b: Tancred conquers XIV-633b: and Thessalonica XIV-634b; Turkish possession XV-97b

—New VI-738b; 73Sd

—Old VI-738d

— Prefecture Apostolic of M- 295a

Episc, abbr. I-24b

Episcopacy. See Bishop; Hier- archy

Episcopal Church. .See Protes- tant Episcopal Church in Amer-

— gloves. See Gloves. Episcopal — Subsidies. See Subsidies, Epis- copal Episcopate. See Bishop Episcopi, in Manichsean hierarchy

IX-594b — comprovinciales VII-324d Episcopius, on Biblical inspira- tion Vlll-lSd: at Dort Synod III-203C Episcopus VII-343d; XII-415C — Episcoporum XII-267a — PlatSEcensis, title n'-190c Episozomene, feast I-767b Epistates VII-341a EPISTEMOLOGY V-506d; IX- 325a; Descartes V-508d; Em- piricism V-407c: form VI-138C historical outline V-507b; Kan- tian \'-508d: Locke V-508d and metaphvsics X-227d ; Mon- ism X-485a; problems V-508b and spiritualism XIV-230a EpisUe (in liturgj) IX-193a 194a: in .\dvent I-16oc: ambo I-381d; in Ambrosian Rite I- 4lH)b; arrangement VI-t560a; in Byzantine Rite I-626c; IV- 3i7c; Carthusian Mass III- 389c; Celtic Rite IIH99C 503c ; deaconesses read I V-652d Deo Gratias IV-737b; in early Church I-27Sb; VI-059C: Gau- dete Sunday VI-394d; Mozar- abic Mass X-619b: 621d; nuns sing III-392a: in papal Mass, solemn XII-233b: Prot- estiuit formula XIII-07c: Requiem Ma-« XII 777a: Ro- nmii Kite IX I'.Mic; T'.tsc ; S.irum i's,- Xlll-isla; ami .-^ulnieacon \l\ :i_>la; in Syrian Kite, East XIV 41,-.b EPISTLE (ill Scripture) V-509b: text, division of XIII-fi38<l; Virgin Mary in .\V 469a

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.