Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/104

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into Warsaw; Prince Henry was killed on the sword. He won the reputation of having been the western front in November, 1916; and Prince Ferdi- model of nearly every virtue, nand was decorated by Kaiser Wilhelm with the ,.9***^^?' ¥ ^t ^ if/*?**'tJ fl* Ifeli?*' ^^*^^' ^imms. Red Cross Medal of the first class. The feeling ^'^^ ^^ ^^"^"^ ^""^^ ^^"^ York. 184^). among the masses of the people, however, was very Bayenx, Diocasss of (Baiocensis; cf. C. E., strongly anti-war. According to the different press II-358b), in the department of Calvados, France, reports, repeated mutinies broke out in the Bavarian with the imited title of Lisieux, suffragan of Rouen, regiments, the Royal Guard even refusing obedience. This diocese is at present (1922) under the adminis- The Bavarian press carried on a continual propa- tration of Rt. Rev. Thomas-Paul-Henri Lemonnier, ganda against the Kaiser in the last months of the b. in Etretat, 1853, ordained 1877, appointed 13 struggle. The pro-war policy of the Socialist party July, 1906. On 9 August, 1919, Bishop Lemonnier forced the working people of Bavaria to resi^ in was named commander of the Order of Leopold by great numbers and to join the Independent Socialist the Belgian king. During the World War 260

Earty. As early as October, 1917, northern Bavaria, priests and 75 seminarians of this diocese were itherto solid for the old party, went over to the mobilized, and of this number 17 priests and 16 Independents. seminarians died, 1 priest was decorated with the

At the overthrow of the German imperial mon- Legion of Honor, 1 priest and 1 seminarian with archy the Bavarian dynasty was deposed 22 Novem- the rnddaille miUtaire, 32 priests and 9 seminarians ber, 1918, and Bavaria was proclaimed a republic, with the croix de guerre. According to the latest It is truly very significant that the first dynasty statistics the population of this diocese numbers to fall at the beginning of the revolution was that 396,300, divided among 38 deaneries and 716 of Bavaria, the oldest dynasty in Europe. A cab- parishes. The principal educational institutions in- inet under the leadership of Kurt Eisner, a Socialist, elude an upper and lower seminaiy and a college took control of the government. He was assassi- Bayonne, Diocese op (Baionensis; cf. C. E., nated m February, 1918, and for a time there was n^^c), comprising the department of Basses^

?f.?^5?imuf7nf °th^^^^^ Pyrenees, France, sulragan of Auch. Since 22 June,

the extremists of the Left who sympathized with 1909, this diocese has also borne the united titles of

h^/n -fn^Ii^^^^^ nL^^^tJ^ioVI^h^S w^^^^ ^«^' ^d 0^°">^- The see is now (1922) filledTby

had returned to power. In 1920 there was a move- r^. Rev. Francois-Xavier-Marie Gieure, b. in Cas- ment m Salzburg, TVrol, and parte of y^^^ tels, 1851, ordained 1874, superior of the uppe^

tna. which had for ite aim the establishment of a seminaiy of Aire, 1895, appointed bishop 21 IS- kingdom with Bavaria, under the Bavanan Prmce ^uaiy, 1906. During the World War 560 orierts and

L^isii'TiON.-The Constitution of 14 August. Tlh^^^ Tave rS^/jrfi'^i" "^"a"^ T^

the basis of one member for every 40,000 inhabi- w^SdKin f^h™^i^^^^^^ T"^

tante; at present there are 183 members. The i^p^i l^Tn^i? * t^^

present Chamber continues until 30 June, 1922. The IS^TXPhioI^ pnncipal educational insti-

suffrage is universal, equal, direct, secret, and pro- of r^ °L t h^Tn^r «^i^ semmaiy

pori^nal All citizeJ^over twen'ty-three yeai?of CX°?o^lei^^ft"l^^^^^^

bf thrMtl^S'as a^UX^n^^^^^ ST^ 5^ the'jmmaculate Conception'^ plu%

arate from the State, all religious associations^^^^^^ I'topilftfon ^^^^ wrc'un'Ted'^^^^

equal rights and equal freedom m their activities. A*M7ot\ ai^t^aJa ^^^\^Afi^l \i^^^

The various parties in the Bavarian Constitutent 43^320, divided among 40 deanen^ and 507 parishes.

Assembly were Bavarian People's Party, the Ma- ^B««^«» DAvro. editor and author, b. at Castle

jority Socialiste, the German Democrate, the 2?^??*?°' England, 28 February, 1856; d. at

Peasante' Union, the National Liberals, the Inde- Wimbledon College, 25 February, 1920. In 1877

pendent Socialiste, and members from Coburg P^ was received into the Church, and ten years

(three). The debt on 1 January, 1919, was 2,559,- ^^^T ®^*?/^ , ^.^^^J^ °^ Jewjs. After his ordi-

687,077 marks, of which 1,951,425,700 marks were nation, 31 July, 1896, he served the Bournemouth

railway debt. mission for four years, then spent a year at

Roehampton, whence he moved to Wimbledon.

Bayard, PiBBRB Du Terrail, Chevalier, an heroic Appointed asmstant to Father Gretton, editor of

French knight, called "le chevalier sans peur et sans ^^^ Sacred Heart Messenger," on the latter's re-

reproche" (the knight without fear and without tirement Father Beame took sole charge of the

reproach); b. at Castle Bayard, near Grenoble, in magazine, retammg the editorship until his death.

1475; d. 30 April, 1524. He was remarkable for his However, he is best known as a write of fiction,

modesty, piety, magnanimity, and his various ac- ^^ senes of boys stories bem^ popular in his own

complishments. He served under Charles VIII in countrv and in America. Despite a few peculiarities

his expedition against Naples in 1494, and distin- o^?tyie. they were received with almcwt universal

guished himself at the battle of Tomova. After P^ise by the critics. Amon^ them are "Ridmgdale

the accession of Louis XII of France, Bayard per- 5^9^168," "The Golden Stair," "Stories from the

formed several remarkable exploite in war against g^K^ 4?®s» The Ridmgdale Boys," "Paying the

the Spaniards and English. In the service of Price," "Lance and His Friends." He produced m

Francis I he took Prosper Colonna prisoner, and all thirty volumes, as well as contributions to his

?:ained a victory at Marignano in 1515. He de- magazine, and some occasional verse. The latter

ended M6zieres with success against the invading ^ inferior to his prose but he had a gift of melody

army of Emperor Charles V (1522), and for this peculiarly his own. He was also a valuable preacher

important service was saluted as the saviour of his ^^^ giver of retreate.

country. He was killed in battle at the river Sesia, Beatification and Oanonisation (cf. C. E.,

expiring as he kissed the cross on the hilt of his XI-367b).— Formerly it was permissible to call ser-