Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/148

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vetic Evangelical Church: 10,009 Jews; and 830 of nates foraine. In 1016, on 9 July, the centenary no religious persuasion. The largest parish is Bude- of the independence of the republic was celebrated jovice. The total parishes number 431 with 630 with impressive ceremonies. A National Eucharistic churches, 10 monasteries for men, 1 abbey, 2 con- Congress was held whch closed on the twenty-third vents for men, 1 college for boys with 84 students, of the month, witl) the distribution of Holy Com- 13 public ayslums with Catholic sisters in attend- munion to 5,000 men and a parade of 200,000. ance, 9 orphan asylums, and 1 home for the deaf,^ The 1920 statistics coimt 1,679,763 Catholics for which is in a small way aided by the support of' this territory, 27 parishes in the federal capital, 11 the Government. Public schools are established in mission centers in other districts, and 127 churches which the Catholic religion is taught. or chapels.

The clergy number 816 secular and 130 regular priests, assisted by a total of 30 lay brothers. The Buffalo, Diocese of (Buffalensis; cf. C. E., regular priests are divided as follows: 57 Cistercians III-37c), in New York, has grown rapidly in recent from Hohenfiirth with 3 professed clerics, 10 years during the incumbency of Bishop Colton and Brothers of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar ™, succereors. Bishops Dougherty and Turner, with 9 lay brothers, 15 Premonstratensians, 8 Bishop Colton's admimstration (1903-1915) was dis- Knights of Malta, 2 Minorites, 5 Reformed Fran- tinguished by the building of the beautiful marble ciscans with 3 lay brothers, 3 Calced and 4 Discalced cathedral designed by Aristides Leonori of Rome. Augustinians with 3 lay brothers, 7 Servites with The corner-stone was laid 9 June, 1912, by Cardinal 3 lay brothers, 4 Capuchins with 3 lay brothers, Farley, and was completed before Bishop Colton's and 2 Piarists. The cathedral chapter consists of death, 9 May, 1915, his funeral beine the first public a provost, a dean, a custos, and 14 capitulary canons service held in the new cathedral. The famous to which are added 5 honorary canons; the con- carillon of bells purchased in France by Bishop sistory has 12 members. The seminary at Bude- Timon were transferred from the old cathedral to jovice has 6 professors and 18 students, with 1 the new building. . ^ ,. ^ , in the Bohemian College at Rome. Hw Emmence Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, then

In the diocese there are 9 orders of women with Bishop of Jaro, P. I., was transferred to Buffalo to 560 sisters and a total of 66 houses, including 50 succeed Bishop Colton, 6 December, 1915, and filled convents and 4 monasteries. The orders are divided the see until his transfer to the Archdiocese of as follows: 285 Poor School Sisters of Notre Dame, Philadelphia, 1 May, 1918. He was succeeded by 149 Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, 79 Sisters of the sixth and present bishop, Rt. Rev. WiUiam the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, 8 Sisters Turner, bom at Kilmallock, Diocese of Limerick, of the Holy Cross, 6 Servites, 8 Carmelites, 23 8 April, 1871, made his studies at the American Franciscans, 2 Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul. CoUege at Rome, ordained 13 August, 1893, having

The following clergy of note are recently de- received his degree of Doctor of Theology shortly ceased: Mgr. Anthony Skocdopole, d. 16 January, before that, completed his studies in the Catholic 1919, at the age of ninety years, the author of a Institute of Paris, and in 1894 was made professor catechism and of various scientific works, and editor of philosophy at the Seminary of St. Paul, and in of the popular weeklies "Anezka," "Ludmila," and 1906 came in the same capacity to the Catholic "Vaclar"; Mgr. John Sweda, dean emeritus of Umversity m Washington. He was appomted Prachen, d. 7 January, 1921, the editor of books Bishop of Buffalo 10 March, 1919, and consecrated of hymns and canticles. ^ March at the Franciscan Monastery, Mount St.

Various associations exist for both clergy and Sepulchre, Brookland, Washington, by His Emi- laity. There are two Catholic publications, one nence Cardinal Gibb^.

semi-weekly and one weekly. During the World During the World War the bimop and pnests of War the Catholics, both clergy and laity, assisted the diocese were leaders in all patnotic endeavors; in every way to relieve the suffering among the thirteen of the secular priests served as chaplains soldiers and civilians. with the American army and one with the Polish

•B j_^i> Tx CI -n army, and the Franciscans, Vincentians, and Pas-

BudweW; Diocese of. See Budbjovice. sionists were also represented in the service. The

Bnenos Aires, Archdiocese of (Bonaerbnbis; cf. percentage of Catholic youth was very high and C. E., III-37a), or Santisima Trinidad, in the Ar- student army training camps were oiiganized in the gentine Republic, South America. This see is now three colleges, thus enrolling more than a thousand (1922) filled by Most Rev. Mariano Antonio Espi- student soldiers. The army posts at Fort Porter, nosa, b. in Buenos Aires 1844, ordained 1868, ap- Buffalo, and Fort Niagara were attended by priests pointed titular Bishop of Tiberiopolis 1893, trans- of the diocese.

ferred to La Plata 1898, and promoted 24 August, During recent years a number of prominent cler^ 1900. Archbishop Espinosa was made an assistant at of this diocese have died: Rt. Rev. F. Butler, O.F. the pontifical throne 15 January, 1907. In recent M., President of St. Bonaventure's college and years several of the churches of the archdiocese have seminary, d. 25 July, 1911; Rt. Rev. Michael Con- been erected into minor basilicas: the Church of the nery, M.R., vicar general and administrator, d. 7 Rosary, 23 August, 1909; that of St. Joseph, 15 August, 1912; Rt. Rev. James A. Lanigan, M.R., January, 1912; that of the Blessed Sacrament, 25 vicar general and administrator, d. 20 August, 1912; November, 1916; the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Rev. John Pitass, pioneer Polish priest m Buffalo, where are preserved the trophies and colors of d. 11 December, 1913; Rev. Christopher O'Byme, Argentina before it became independent, and the pastor of St. Nicholas Church, d. 5 October, 1919; Church of St. Ursula, 8 January, 1919. In 1910 a Kev. Daniel Walsh, pastor of the Nativity of the Catholic university was founded here by the bishops Blessed Virgin Mary, d. 21' February, 1920. By of Argentina, and on 23 December, 1915, the semi- present (1921) statistics the Catholic population of nary was authorized to confer degrees in philosophy the diocese comprises about 100,000 Poles, 60,000 and theology. The archdiocese has jurisdiction over Irish, 50,000 Germans, 40,000 Italians, 3,000 Hun- the ancient prefecture of Southern Patagonia, de- garians, 1,500 Syrians, and a few hundreds of other tached from the Chilean territory at the time of nationalities.

the erection of the vicariate apostolic of Magal- There are 345 secular priests and 127 regulars, lanes, 4 October, 1916, and divided into four vica- 15 brothers, 205 churches with resident pastors, 33