Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/185

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plays, other than those submitted for the White Board of Governors: Rev. John Talbot Smith, Lists, are also made in the Bulletin," coming under Mrs. Thomas A. McGoIdrick, Austin J. Ford, James three heads: plays which because of some objec- Blaine Walker, Rev. John J. W3mne, S. J., Daniel tionable feature cannot receive even qualified com* L. Ryan, Edward P. McNamee, Dr. Harold Beckett mendation; plays with an assumed serious purpose, Gibbs, Rev. John J. Burke, C.S.P., Augustin Mc- the support of which must be left to the conscience Nally, Patrick T. Rellihan, Dr. Joseph H. Wade, of the adult playgoers; and plays which in effect are Eleanor Rogers Cox, John Tyrone Kelly, Nathaniel part of a propaganda in the interest of social and P. Babcock, Miss Mary Sullivan, John F. O'Neil, moral anarchy, ranging from problem plays with Rev. Francis P. Duffy.

anti-Christian bias down to the lowest forms of The Guild's early activities have included an im* saladous farce. posing commemoration of the 600th anniversary of

Catholic UniTsrslty of America (cf C E ^^^ death of Dante. This so impressed the National in-455a), formally opened in Washingtoi, D. cl I>ante Committee that it awarded one of the corn- on 13 November, 1889, has made marked progress memorative medals, issued by the Casa di Dante in recent years, the nimiber of professors and in- *^ Rome, to the guild.

structors having arown since 1907 from 32 to 86, Oattaro, Diocbsb of (Oatarbnsis; cf. C. E., and the total number of students from 210 to 1^34. in-456d), in Jugoslavia, suffragan of Zara. This see With a view to providing the teaching Sisterhoods is now (1922) filled by Rt. Rev. Francesco Ucellini, with the necessary training for this work, a teachers' bom in Lopud 1847, appointed titular Bishop of TOllege was established in 1911, and approved by Benda 18 May, 1894, transferred 18 March, 1895, Pope Pius X m his letter to the Cardinal Chancellor and named an assistant at the pontifical throne on 5 January, 1912. On 22 April, 1914, the college 28 February, 1914. In 1920 this diocese had a Cath- was incorporated as a separate institution imder ©lie population of 14,294, 15,000 non-Catholics, 19 the title of "The Catholic Sisters' College." parishes, 10 vicariates, 29 secular and 8 regular

With the authorization of the trustees of the clergy, university, other colleges, high schools and novitiates Qg^^^ g^ Samo, Diocese op (Cavensis bt may be aflUiated with the university, the affiliated 8.„«voTa- of f F TTT-4«7rl in th^ nmvinpo nf institution preserving its autonomy. At the present s^l^^n 's^^th^m Tf«i^ «fh£I?Tn thl

time (1921) the institutions affiliated with tiie uni- loree Rt^v^&^ versity number: colleges, 15; high schools. 177; T^^e zk^ZhS!T^^^^ novates, 40. * _ • j xu^ at the pontifical throne 18 March, 1906, died 15

Owmg to numerous endowment received the January, 1914, and was succeeded by the present imveraty hM b^n able to ^^ incumbent, Rt. Rev. Luigi Lavitraio. Bom in

hbranes and the law hbrary now numbeis over ^^^-^ jgy.' ^^^^ ^^ honorary canon 3 March, 1904,

A-t: ^^^^^^\ J^«;i;i?^ f«J^r«^« J/„J«o^^^^ 28,000, 18 parishes, 118 secular and 7 regular clergy,

viding educational facihties for men returned from ^ geininarians, 6 Brothers, 20 Sistere, and 100

^l^^^he Rt Rev. ^^^ ^1^1 pa^'£ of ^^^^

Thomas J. Shahan succeeded him as rector 1909. Oayes, Diocese of (Cajesensis; cf. C. E.,

That same year Monsignor Shahan was appointed ni-469d), in Haiti. The Catholic population of

a domestic prelate, ana in 1915 was made Bishop 528,000 is mostly made up of negroes from various

of Crermanicopolis. Bishop Shahan is still (1921) parts of Africa and originally brought into the

rector of the university. diocese as slaves; the balance of a small minority

Oatholie Writers' Guild, The, was organized at ^ .European or American. There are 39 secular

a meeting held at the residence of the Most Rev. Pnests, 34 parishes, 98 churches, 3 convents for

Patrick J. Hayes, Archbishop of New York, on 12 men and 11 for women, 1 seminary for the natives

December, 1919. Its first meeting was held on 25 with 9 seminanans, 55 c ementary schools with 61

March, 1920, at which the organization was per- teachers and 3,000 pupils, many primary schools

fected and a constitution adopted. The idea of a fith 130 teachers and 7 000 pupils, 1 home, 2 asy-

Catholic Writers' Guild was that of the Rev. Dr. ?ums and 1 orphanage. The government contnbutes

John Talbot Smith who at the first meeting out- m part to the support of the Catholic institutions,

lined the objects of such an association, these being For the cler^ there are a Society of Peroetual

the mutual aid which Catholic authors, journalists. Adoration and a fund for infirm pnwte. MMiy

artists, iUustrators. and playrights can be to each rehgious societies exist among the laity. One

other if organized in a body and the value such penodical is published for the entire province,

a body can be to the Church. Archbishop Hayes 0( t^^e 23 pnests who fought m the army aa

was asked to accept the honorary presidency, and soldiers dunng the war, 1 wm killed and many

he graciously accepted. The second meeting was ?ere wounded, 21 returned to their former diocesan

a reception in honor of His Grace. duties. On 17 August 1911, the diocese was swept

The first president of the guild was Mr. Thomas by a cydone which did great damage. The Amer- F. Meehan, the "dean of Catholic journalists." He ica? soldiers were at one time quartered in the was succeeded in 1921 by Arthur Benington of region. Two of the ordinaries of the diocese re- the editorial staff of the New York rrorid. The cently resided and two others were ejected. There present officers are as follows: Honorary president, was an epidemic of smaU-pox during 1919 and 1920. His Grace the Most Rev. Patrick J. Hayes, Arch- Oebft (Diocesis Nominis Jesu), Diocbsb of bishop of New York; president, Arthur Benington; (CiBBUANBNSis; cf. C. E., in-471a), in the Philip- vice-presidents, Dr. Conde B. Pallen, Miss Eliza- pine Islands. By decree of 10 April, 1920, a portion beth Jordan, Thomas F. Woodlock; treasurer, Hugh of the diocese was taken to form the new diocese A. OTDonnell; secretary, Thomas C. Quinn; spiritual of Calboyog. The first American bishop to fill this director, Rev. John B. Kelly. see was Rt. Rev. Thomas Augustine Hendrick, b. in