Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/267

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thirteen yeaiB of age she was imprisoned during the for boys (300 students), 1 college for young ladies, persecution by which Tu-due, King of Annam devas- 6 academies for girls, 40 parishes and missions with tated the province from 1858-1862. For two years schools, 1 orphanage (101 orphans), 12 hospitals, she underwent excruciating tortures rather than The clergy are aided by the various religious corn- renounce her faith, her sufferings finally causing munities of men and women established in the her death. It was not until several years later diocese, that she was given proper burial, when her re- •..^ tv. o a

mains, together with those of eight other martyrs, ^"' Diocese of. See Aire. were collected and buried in the cemetery at Cho- Dayton trniversity, in the State of Ohio, . moi by Van, a native priest. The cause of her formerly known as St. Mary College, was incor- canonization was introduced and signed by Pope porated under that name in 1878, and in July, Benedict XV, 25 May, 1921. 1020, an amendment was made to the original arti-

Daniel, Anthony (cf C E IV-621c)— The ^^S? °^ incorporation and the name changed to

cause of his beatification was' introduced at kome, "University of Dayton." It is a boarding and day

9 August 1916. college for young men under the direction of the

' ' Society of Mary, and comprises three distinct de-

Danslg, formerly an important commercial city partments; the collegiate, the pre-medical, and the of Germany, now a free state by the terms of the preparatory or high school. The collegiate depart- Treaty of Versailles (1919). The area is about 709 ment comprises the schools of arts, letters, science, square miles, and the population on 8 October, education, commerce and finance, and engineering.

1919, was 351,380, of which about 7 per cent are The school of engineering was organized in Septem- Poles. To the west, five miles distant, is the near- ber, 1910. The pre-medical department comprises est Polish district. Danzig's importance as a port is a two-year course for high school graduates desiring shown in the latest register of shipping: in 1918, 1,237 to prepare for medical college.

vessels of 455,127 tons with a total cargo of 76,436 I^ 1920 the university organized an extension tons entered, and 1,223 vessels of 439,473 tons, with course to be given evenings in any of the usual col- a total cargo of 109,785 tons cleared the port. The lege subjects, whenever the number of registrants city is connected with Poland by three main rail* is suflScient to warrant it. Since 1907 a number of way lines: Danzig to Warsaw, 204 miles; Danzig scholarships have been founded in the university, to Lodz, 263 miles; and Danzig to Posen, 192 miles. The total registration of students in the collegiate The educational system of the city in 1919 included and pre-medical departments for 1920-21 was 131, 38 common schools with 517 classes, 322 male and and the faculty numbered 49. The Rev. Joseph A. 218 female teachers, and 24,288 pupils; 3 inter- Fetzlaff, S.M., is president of the university, mediate schools with 44 classes, 46 teachers and

1358 pupils; 6 higher schools with 81 classes and Deacons (cf. C. E., IV-647b).— No one may re- 2,464 pupils; and a technical high school With ceive the diaconate unless he has begim his fourth 65 teachers and 864 students. The government of year's theological studies. Deacons may as a mat- the city is laid out in the new Constitution, ap- ^ ?^ course be authorized to preach, but can ad- proved by the League of Nations on 17 November, minister solemn baptism only by permission and in

1920, which provides for a Volkstag or Diet of 120 exceptional cases; they can expose the Blessed members elected for four years, and a Senate, con- Sacrament at Benediction, but may not bless with sisting of a president, vice-president and twenty the Sacred Host, except when in case of necessity senators. The president and nine senators are they bring the Viaticum to the sick.

elected by the Volkstag for six years; the vice- Defender of tbe Matrimonial Tie (cf C E

president and the other eleven senators for the iV-675.)_Every diocese must have a priest to act

duration of the Volkstag, The sittings of the ^ defender of the matrimonial tie. If he is not ap-

Senate are not public. The President is the chief pointed merely for a special case he continues in

admimstrative officer. The elections are universal, ^^^^^ during an episcopal vacancy, but he requires

direct and secret on the basis ofproportionalrep^ confirmation by the new bishop. He is usually

sentation, suffrage being granted to those of both charged with defending the validity of ordinations

sexes over twenty yeara of age. The official Ian- ^^ frequently acts as diocesan promoter of justice,

piage is German, but the Polish-«peaking element codex jur, can., ifiw.

is to have freedom to develop its own nationality, Tk-»i— .-• ^ f e ri r? rrr om \ m. i *•

and to use its mother-tongue in the schools, law ,^*^ff H' S'^^' IV.692a) .-The population

courts, and government offices. Danzig is not to oi the State of Delaware according to the Umted

serve as a lULval or military base and in case of States census of 1920 was 223,003, an mcrease of

attack is to be defended by Poland. The public 1?,'2% over that of 1910. The population of the

school system is to be "organically developed on the f^ty of Wilmington was 110,168. Of the total popu-

principles of undenominationalism." The procla- lation, m^l 5 were wjutes, 30,335 were negroes, and

mation of the freedom of the city and adjacent the rest (53) included Indians, Chinese, and Japa-

territory as well as the announcement of the Dan- ^ese. Of the native whites, there were^ 172^05

aig.Polih treaty took place on 20 November, 1920. ^1?^^® P^^^^^e ^^^^^^ *^^ f^[^^^ ^°^®?£."^2J^

  • ^ ^ * white, 19,810. The urban population was 120,767;

Dar-6S-8alaam, Vicariate Apostouc of. See the rural population, 102,236. The number of il- Zanzibab, Sottthebn. literates over ten years of age was 10,508, or 5.9 per

Dark Ages. See Middle Ages. <^^^J- Of the negroes, over ten years of age, 19 per

cent were illiterate.

Davenport, Diocese of (Davbnpobtensis: cf. C. Agbicultube and Industbt. — ^Delaware is mainly

E., IV~640b), Iowa, comprises an area ot 12,000 an agricultural state, 85 per cent of the land being in

sq. miles, and has a Catholic population of farms, which in 1920 numbered 10,140 and had a total

51,253. Rt. Rev. James Davis, D.D., is still the area of 944,511 acres, 653,052 acres being improved

bishop of the diocese. According to 1921 statistics land. The total value of farm property was $80,-

the diocese numbers 135 secular and 8 regular 137,614. The chief crops are maize and wheat, but

cleigy, 92 churches with resident priests, 31 missions fruit and tomato growing are important. The state

with churches, 13 chapels, 23 seminarians, 1 college has oyster and other fisheries which are receiving