Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/288

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Dreams, Freudian Thboby of. See Psycho- Most Rev. William J. Walsh (q. v.), who had filled

ANALYSIS. the see from 2 August, 1885, until his death on 9

Drisdale Eiver (cf. C. E., XVI-68b).-A miarion ^^^^^?^Jl}^'i^J^'fJtl;^^

in Australia under the juri^ction of the Benedic t^^' S'EcI^ov wlKiZ>^^!7^

tme.Abbey of New Norcia (q^^ v J The pr««nt ^HatS^ hJ ^cMd L^lTdiShi'^S

'kS!?^*^*** r^v ^AJft^B^J^iSk,.? liwi' Dublin. Before his consecration as bishop, Itoctor

abbot nulhiM of New No^ia, b. /6 N^«^be^ Ig^^' Byrne had been vicar general of the IrisK CoUege

professed 24 March, im, ordamed 20 September, ^ ^ ^ j^ j^ ^^j ^ appointed m

1902, was appointed abbot of New Norcia 30.June, ^^ j- j upon his return to Ireland, he was

1915, and appointed that same day apostohc ad- „rji;irJLi iT the nro-iftthedS in ^Win Imd a

ministrator of Drisdale River. vF^"^,^ of ti.e'^S^ '

Dromore, Diogesb of (Dromobensis; cf. C. E., The present records of the diocese of Dublin

V-160c), in Ulster, Ireland, is suffragan of show the following statistics: 77 parishes; 193

Armagh with residential see at Violet Hill, Newry. churches; 8 novitiates for men; 16 convents for

Rt. Rev. Henry O'Neill, late bishop of the diocese men and 102 for women; 305 secular priests and

(b. 3 January, 1843; d. 9 October, 1915), was sue- 317 regulars; a few lay brothers with each religious

ceeded by Most Rev. Edward Mulhem, b. 29 community of men; 1 seminary with 67 seminarians.

January, 1863, in the Diocese of Clogher, studied The various institutions under the care of religious

in the seminary of St. Macarten, ordained priest orders are: 2 asylums for the blind; 2 alliums for

1888, professor, then president of St. Macarten the deaf; 10 hospitals; 5 orphanages for girls; 6

Seminary, rector of Bimdoran, canon of Clogher, orphanages for boys; 2 homes for the aged; 1 home

consecrated Bishop of Dromore 31 January, 1916, for widows; 5 homes for working women; 4 indus-

which see he still occupies, and under whose capable trial schools for girls and 3 for bojrs; 1 reformatory

administration the advancement in Catholic life for boys and 1 for girls; and 4 penitentiaries. The

has been maintained and quickened. Catholic population numbers 434,586.

According to an estimate made in 1922 the diocese Certain public institutions: 7 workhouses, 2 lunatic

numbers a Catholic population of 43,069, non- asylums, 2 prisons, and 9 military barracks permit

Catholics 68,905; there are 19 parishes, 17 parish the ministry of the priests of the diocese. The

priests, 2 administrators, 39 curates, 4 regulars, 6 Government assists in the support of the University

monks, 76 nuns, ^ piJiilic churches, 1 seminary, 1 CoUege and intermediate and primary schools,

priory, 1 monastery, and 7 convents. Under com- Among the der^ of the diocese the Eucharistic

plete Catholic control are 7 church, 1 technical, and League and the Priest Social Guild are organized,

2 industrial schools^ 64 elementarv schools attended and among the laity the Society for the IVopaga-

by 7113 pupils, while religious education in schools tion of the Faith, Society of the Blessed Virgin

has been modeled on a scheme which produces Mary, Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, St. Vm-

satisfactory results. cent de Paul Society, Aid Society for Catholic

Snumnond, Utna Maubicb, convert, b. in Eng- *^^lltC!f »^^?^'»!tJ^l?rttt.,o*t;o„.l

I^d 1866; d at Hampstead.'tondon 27 Febn«ay. woTk 'of S?l"ocl^, tK&"oSe«1^S^

rUZd'ferrtbbl^S' l^'fm hfw^ resented throughout the diocese^ ChristianXtT-

rewivwl into the Cburch~and for the rest of his |" S ^^f^°^. " schools have their novitiate at

Acycivcvi uibvi MIC vyuuAvu, c»uu A^M i*uc ^w V* **w g^ Marys, Manno: de la Salle Brothers m charse

life WM a most sealous^iveCathohc. He studied °j j KlsT Camelite Brothere with 2 housJ;

Ujw, in 1879 was caUed to the bar at the Inner Hospital Brothers of St^ John of God with 1 hous^

teilr ^Vfs^l^rcS^f IS f^SI £^^- I^tat- Brother in charge of 2

acted as secretary to the Irish Evicted Tenants' ^"""»*

fCwiS^i^Sfp^^Fli^ n^muSnf^Jn l^ h. ^^^^^^» ARCHDIOCESE OF (DUBUQUENSIS; cf. C.

the Worcester Election Commisnon. In 1913 he ^ v-179c), in the State of Iowa. Upon its promo-

^tin'?^n ^'l.Sf *h?rn^^ tion to an Archdiocese in 1893 Dubuoue waT given

position m which his powers of ^mpathy and ^ sujffragan sees of Davenport, Lincdn, Cheyenne,

practical kmdness won him umversal esteem and 1^^ oL "t t!« ion n.^t^n r^nntv \»rtm«ri«T«J

affection. With his friend. Father Philip Fletcher, t^ilJPJcJfhoU^nS^^^^^

Mr. Drummond founded in 1887 the Guild of Our U^il^*^ teke„ frZ the^ A^^^ rf

Lady of Ransom, a union of intercession by prayer Th,h„niie and aituBhcd to the Diocese of Daven-

and good works "for the Conversion of England r?rt ^ attacnea to the uiocese ot uaven

uid of individuals; for apostates and for those in P ^^ ^ ^j^ y^^ ^ ^ archbishop of

danger of apostasy : and for the forgotten dead." Dubuque, Most Revrjohn J. Keane. resigned?rom

^r*?^^^ was chamnan of the Central Council ^^e se^ on account of failing health 3 April. »11. ?«n »„H^^f SS^Ftf ^oL n?i^^1°n^„^fl S «"»«*«««» 22 June. 1918. He was suiceed^ by the

Iu^*^ri,^®i*o /T°*- - w^/™* Council of nt incumbent. Most. Rev. James John Keane. the Catholic Confederation. His favorite works {hen Bishop of Cheyenne, bom in Pine Ishind, Min- were tract distribution and lecturing on the Cath- ^esota, 26 August, 1857, studied at St. John's CoUege, oho rehgion; for many years he was the Guild's Collegeville,lMinn, and in the Grand Semin^

chief lecturer m Hyde Park in the summer montjui Montreal, Where he was ordained in 1882. For some SL[!SS!y*l!iS,°i^'ioS***^'}hTi',tei^f^?S X.ea« he was president of St. Thomas CoUege, St. RTi'*^o^?.', " i?® ' ^ ^ *°^ **^ ^^ Paul, and later pastor of the Church of the Im-

Order of St. Oregoiy. maculate Conception, Minneapolis. In 1902 he was

DaUln, Arcrdiocesb of (Dubunbnbib; cf. C. E., appointed to the see of Cheyenne, where he led the V-171d), includes nearly all Wicklow and portions life of an active missionary bishop, traveling much,

of the Counties Kildare and Wexford in Ireland, ministerin|; to the spiritual needs of his people and

and has three suffragan dioceses: Kildare and even visitmg various parts of the country, giving Leighlin, Ferns, and Ossory. The present year lectures to Catholics and non-Catholics, with the

(1921) saw the death of the Archbishop of Dublin, proceeds of which he endowed his struggling dio-