Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/289

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cese. In Dubuque he has systematized the adminis- by Cardinal Boggiani 8 September, taking posses- trative work of the archdiocese, multiplied its sion of his see 15 November following. Born in schools and churches, and established a diocesan Kiltimagh, Ireland, 15 December, 1877, ordained paper. A persistent advocate of temperance, he 10 October, 1901, later made master of novices, was for years president of the Catholic Total Ab- professor at the House of Studies and National stinence Union of America. His distinctive work, director of the Holy Name Society. He was serv- however, has been the upbuilding of higher educa- ing as Socius to the Master General of the Order tion, and several buildings have been added to the in Rome at the time of his appointment. Bishop diocesan coUeee and an adequate endowment se- McNicholas immediately began an active campaign cured for it tnrough his work. His leadership in for more priests, and at present (1922) 50 ecdesias- the Church is widely recognized, and he is well tical students are preparing for work in this diocese, known as an able speaker. In his public utterances The Cathedral parish was divided and plans for he has never ceased to plead for the larger Catholic a large school and new cathedral in the east end spirit that looks beyond local needs to the interests of the city are alread3^ partially realized. A united of the universal Church. effort of all the parishes and missions has been The (1921) statistics of the archdiocese show 176 successfully made to secure a substantial sum for parish churches, 56 mission churches and 52 chapels, education and the needs of parishes and institu- 257 diocesan and 14 regular clergy, 1 college for tions. Twenty-three new parishes have been or- men with 615 students, 2 high schools for women ganized since the division of the diocese in 1910. with 225 students, 2 high schools for boys with A house of the Third Order of St. Dominic has 400 pupils, 7 academies for ^irls with about 2000 been established and is occupied by the Sisters of pupils, 92 parochial schools with over 15,000 pupils. Corpus Christi Chapter. These women from the Among the charitable institutions are : 1 orphanage English Province undertake any welfare work de- with 250 inmates, 10 hospitals each accommodating sired by the bishop and teach catechism in missions from 30 to 150 patients, 1 industrial home with 100 and stations. A boarding house for working girls inmates and 1 Home of the Good Shepherd. About under their direction has also been established. 200 Sisters of various communities are engaged in The Benedictine Sisters have made extensive addi- conducting the hospitals and other charitable works, tions to St. Mary's Hospital and to the mother- and about 700 are engaged in the schools. The house in Duluth. The statistics of the diocese at Catholic population of the archdiocese is 111,5(X), present are as foUows: Priests, diocesan and reli- out of a total population of 700,000. During the gious, 72; churches with resident pastors 49; mis- World War more than 5000 Catholic men entered sions with churches 43; stations 37; college and the service from this territory and six of the clergy academy for yoimg women 1, with 130 pupils; high served as chaplains. school for boys 1, with 200 pupils; high school tor _^. ,, __ . . ,^ . girls 1, with 150 pupils; parish schools 11, with 3304 Duhem, Pibrrb Maumcb Mamb, was b. m Paris, pupils; orphanage 1, with 117 children; hospitals 2; 10 June, 1861; d. at Cabrespme, France, 14 Sep- fcome for the aged 1, with 74 inmates; ecclesiastical tember, 1916. He was a pupil of the College students 50; total number of children under Cath- Stanislas and the higher Normal School of Pans, olic care 3901 ; total Catholic population 64,215, of and was connected with the Universities of Lille, whom 3000 are Slavs, 1520 Indians, 5000 Italians, Rennes, Bordeaux, and Louvain. He was also Cor- 20OO Germans, 4000 Poles, 8000 French Canadians, responding Member of many scientific societies; and the remainder Americans, and the author of several voluminous works on

ghysics. He founded the Association of Catholic Dtinedln, Diocese op (Dunjedensis; cf. C. E.,

tudents at Bordeaux in 1913, for with him religion V-191a), in New Zealand, Oceania, comprises the

and science always went hand in hand. He was districts of Otago, Southland and Stewart Island,

not merely a physicist; his purpose was to build and is suffragan of Wellington. Rt. Rev. Joseph

a solid foundation for all science. His reputation Wh3rte, the present (1922) administrator of the see,

was world-wide and his confreres place him on the b. in 1868 in the Diocese of Dublin, studied at St.

same plane as M. Henri Poincare. He remodeled Kieran's College, was ordained in 1893, arrived in

the history of science. He was profoundly Catholic, New South Wales in 1894, where he became pro-

and said in his article, "Physioue de croyant": feasor at St. Patrick's College, appointed Bishop of

•^Assuredly I believe with my whole soul all the Dunedin 22 April, 1920, succeeding Rt. Rev. Michael

truths that God has revealed and the Church Verdon (b. 31 May, 1839; d. 22 November, 1918).

teaches. I have never concealed my faith, and The diocesan statistics for 1922 are: parishes 24;

Itrust from the bottom of my heart that He from churches 71; stations 45; secular priests 43, regular

Whom I have received it will prevent me from ever 28; Brothers 11; nuns 240: 1 seminary with 60

being ashamed of it. seminarians; boarding schools and high schools 8;

E^fSTZ- ^7JTroJSS:r^'^r«!%» i"^- ""^' primary schools 29: kgdalen asylum 1; mdustrial

and preservation school 1; orphanage 1; Nazareth Dnlnth, Diocese op (Duluthbnsis; cf. C. E., house 1; girls' hostels 2; all under the care of the V-188c), suffragan of the Archdiocese of St. Paul, religious communities established there, receiving comprises the counties of Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, practically no grants from the Government. The Cooke, Crow Wing, Itasca, Lake, Pine, Koochiching, diocese numbers a Catholic population of 26,000, and St. Louis, in the State of Minnesota, U. S. A., nearly all of Irish descent or Irish bom. covering an area of 22,354 square miles. In 1910 In February, 1921, the golden jubilee of the dio- part of the original diocese was taken to erect the cese was celebrated, together with the arrival of Diocese of Crookston, thus making possible a more the first nuns (Dominicans) ; Mgr. Cerretti, the intensive cultivation of the field in both jurisdic- apostolic delegate, visited the diocese in 1916, and tions. The golden Jubilee of the ordination of Mgr. Cattaneo, his successor, in November, 1921. Rt. Rev. James McGoldrick, first bishop of the Societies organized in the diocese are : Eucharistic diocese, was celebrated June, 1917, and the following League among the clergy, and Hibernian Society, year Bishop McGofdrick died, 2 January. His sue- Celtic Clubs, Children of Mary, and Sacred Heart cesBor, Rt. Rev. John T. McNicholas, O.P., was Associations among the laity. The diocesan news- appointed 18 July, 1918, and consecrated in Rome paper, New Zealand Tablet," established since