Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/349

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Oarrold, Richard Philip^ English Jesuit and Peninsula. This publication became very popular

writer, b. 2 February, 1874, at Hereford, England,; all through Italy and revealed the editor as an

d. 7 July, 1920. He was educated at Hereford accomplished theologian and canonist. He was

Cathedral School and Pope's Hall, Oxford, and made bishop of Conversano 13 May, 1888, and in

became a Catholic in 1896. He was the author of 1897 was promoted to Rome by Pope Leo XIII,

the following popular stories for bo3rs: "The Man's who made him titular Bishop of Lepanto and As-

Hands and Other Stories," "The Boys at St. Batts," seasor of the Holy Office. He was promoted to the

"A Fourth Form Boy," and "The Black Brother- cardinalate in 1900 and in 1908 was chosen as

hood," several of which have been translated into Prefect of the Congregation of the Council, a post

French and German. He served as a chaplain with which he occupied imtil his death. He was the

the British forces in the World War. forty-fifth cardinal who died during the pontificate

Ganon, Diocesb of (Garzonbnbib), in the Re- ®^ ^^^ ^* public of Colombia. This diocese, erected in 1900, Genoa, Archdiocesb op (Janttbnsis), in the prov-

comprises the provinces of Neiva and Sur, and is inoe of Liguria, Northern Italy. This archdiocese,

suffragan of Popayan. It is under the administra- which was the birth place of th^ late pope, Benedict

tion of its first bishop, Rt. Rev. Esteban Rojas, bom XV, was especially honored by him on 1 November,

in Hato, Colombia, 1859, made his studies at the 1920, when he delegated the archbishop. Cardinal

Latin-American College at Rome, was ordained in Boggiani, to crown the statue of Our Lady de

1883, appointed Bishop of Tolima (since suppressed) Vineis with a crown of ^old. The Madonna was

18 March, 1895, and transferred 20 May, 1900. No crowned in 1616 by Cardmal Spinola, who decreed

statistics are published. that every centenary of the crowning should be

Gatard, Auouotinb, Benedictine scholar, b. at celebrated. However in 1916 the war prevented

St. Brevi, near Nantes, France, 18 May 1852; 1^,1?^^!^^^^^^^ ^!!f} v^tfTrJ^^^iL^^^

TsulS and thi ^titu^'^cXliqt^of P^^^^^ llf^J^'Jla'^Vt^^^^^^ ^ On^fS^AnHI tt

fi^rso^^etefrsln^^^^^^^^^ Mc^X^/nVe^a^ ^Trr'^^as^^ot^eSlo' ^^

ing lor some years m the riniants JNantais ne was « on % .. _.•! i _ x:- j oo t\ - i ttxiA

jDrofessed at Solesmes in 1894, and the following »?^ and filled it until he retired 23Deceuber, 1914.

year he assisted in founding St. Michael's Abbey, ^he Italian government refused to give its

Famborough, England. Dom Gatard was a sealoui ^Sff^^^S *° *^" appointment until 17 December

exponent of religious music, in particular of the 1»14,. and m a result the diocese was foi^e^^

Solesmes method of plainsong, which he introduced '^"^^'^ S^^^u^f^ n^^ '°^'^^'^* ^^Ji S^^'^U'^?

at the Southwark Diocesan Seminary and West- years. Archbishop Caron was succeeded by Mc^t

minster Cathedral. He took part in Oie Gregorian ^^^- Lodovico Garotti 22 January, 1915, who died

Congress at Rome and Strassburg, and was director *^ree years later 23 December, 1918. His Eminence

of the Congress held at New York in 1920. Dom P^° TT"'S??'*^^"'^^ln^Sf^K I'SJS ^^l^'J^

Gatani is the author of: "Manual of Gregorian ^oted to fill the see 10 March, 1919. Bom in

Chant, «A Primer of Plainsong," "La mOsique ^oS^^Marengo, 1863 he entered the Domimam

pegorienne," and "Plain Chant," a technical, and 9'"^^ ^^ ^l^^' ««^^4 ^%» "^'^^^^^ '"^ fS^"""

hiSorical treatise, published after his. death. In?tantmop!e, became pnor of Rapuse. 1891 prof^^^

addition he was a contributor to the "Dictionnaire "f ^^^?^^^^^ 9^ ^^^*' administrator of the

de theologie catholique" and "Dictionnaire d'arch- Tm^J^®'?*^?^^ apostolic vimtor of the dioceses

6ologie et de liturgie."?^ n^I^K^^ }^' "^^ fJ5R^'^^'^ ^♦u^^P ""^ -^"^"^

  • * , .16 October, 1908. In 1910, upon the occasion of

Gavin, Michael, Jesuit, b. at Kilpeacon, Lim- the transfer of the archives and curia of Adria

erick, Ireland, on 5 January, 1845; d. at Rochamp- to Rovigo, he was the victim of a not in which

ton, England, on 28 June, 1919; son of Michael he was seriously wounded. On 9 January, 1912, he

and Eliza (Gallwey) Gavin. After preliminary was promoted to the titular metropolitan see of

studies at Astleknock College, Ireland, and Stony- Edessa and made apostolic delegate to Mexico,

hurst College, England, he entered the Society of 10 January following, and two years later he was

Jesus at the novitiate of Saint Andrea, Rome, on named apostolic administrator of Genoa, assessor

23 April, 1864. He studied philosophy at Stony- of the Congregation of the Consistory and secre-

hurst and theology at Montauban (France), and tary of the Sacred College, attending the Conclave

St. Bueno's in Wales, where later he held a chair which elected Benedict XV. He was created a

of theology from 1878 to 1881. After his tertianship cardinal-priest 4 December, 1916, and in August,

he was appointed to the Jesuit church at Farm St., 1921, he retired from Genoa and now lives in Rome.

London, where he spent the remaining thirty-five The see is now (1922) filled by Most Rev. Giosu6

years of his active life, highly esteemed as a Signori, bom in Commenduno, 1859, made an hon-

preacher and spiritual director, being in charge of orary chamberlain in 1901 and again in 1903, ap-

the men's Sodality of the Immaculate Conception pointed Bishop of Fossano, 15 April, 1910,

for a quarter of a century. Among his publications transferred to Alessandria, 23 December, 1918, and

are "The Sacrifice of the Mass," "The Memoirs of promoted 21 November, 1921. He is assisted by

Fr. Gallwey, S. J.," and a collection of sermons. an auxiliary, Rt. Rev. Giacomo Maria de Amicis,

Ctemarl, Casimiro, Cardinal, b. at Maratea, 20 *?^"'*i ^^«^°P °^* ^'JSPS;-. ^^Tu ^J-°^ ^^^ ^u^'

December, 1839; d. in Rome, 31 January, 1914. He ^^ ^^,^* ^^^^}SJ^^'^ Catholic; 200 parishes,

was ordained in 1863 and then employed in minis-?^ ^^"'*J' *^^ ,^,!S^ ^^'^^ P"®^' ^5? st^^^anans.

terial work in the diocese of Conversano. In 1875 ^P Brothers, 1100 Sisters, and 400 churches or

he founded the monthly review "II Monitore Eccle- ^"ap®"-

siastico," whose purpose was to make known the (Georgetown ITnlversity (cf. C. E., VT-458b),

various legislative enactments and judicial pro- Washington, District of Columbia, made an impor-

nouncements in the life of the Church and also to tant addition to its various departments, when on

give the solutions and moral and canonical cases 25 November, 1919, the School of Foreign Service

which were of especial interest in that part of the was included among the establidied departments