Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/378

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Redtschule (Latin, science, and modern languages) ; have been published widely in America, as serials

1 Progymnadum (6 year classical course). Among in secular weeklies^ and are representative of Hans-

the 50 girls' high schools one is Catholic, and is jacobus style and his charmingly original method

conducted by the Ursuline Sisters. A Catholic in the village story. The Dorjgefchichie was per-

lyceum has been opened at Holsdamm. Hamburg haps, first introduced by Jeremias Gotthelf and

belongs to the Vicariate Apostolic of the Northern Alexander Weill, and later made popular by the

Missions under the Bishop of Osnabruck (q.v.). great success of Berthold Auerbach's Schwarz-

waelder Dorfgeschichte (1843), and now has its

Hamiltoiit DiocESB of (Hamiltonbnbis; cf. C. E., most original representative in Heinrich Hansjacob, VII-123a), in Ontario, suffragan to the Archdiocese whose striking and entertaining character sketches of Toronto, is under the admmistration of its fourth of Das Volk, in which he excels, are always from bishop, Rt. Rev. Thomas Joseph Dowling, D. D. life, and in their real names and locations. These Bishop Dowling has filled the see since 1889, having sketches are so remarkable in the simple straight- been transferred from Peterborough, where he was forward, good humored manner of the people he consecrated in 1887. On account of his great num- describes, and are so reliable, that they have served ber of years in the episcopate he is Dean of the as sources of information to students of the Canadian bishops, and on the occasion of the gol- sociology and political economy of the romantic den jubilee of his priesthood in 1914 he was made Schwarzwald, Hansjacob follows no school of writ- an assistant at the Pontifical Throne. ing and recognizes no principles of narration. He

During the World War the scarcity of priests in will have none of the "gray theory" of books of

the diocese was so great that a number had to be rhetoric, but insists that he will follow only life

borrowed from London. Only one of the enlisted and custom as he finds them among the people,

priests, however, was sent overseas, but the Catho- His point of view is consistently idealistic, i>ut in

lies of the diocese went far beyond their percentage his treatment, which is so personal as to be almost

in enlistments, the number from the Cathedral universally biographical, he is an unerring realist,

parish alone being 676 before conscription went into The restraint and dignity of his language, and his

effect, and all the other parishes show similar chaste and unembellished sentences, are suggestive

records. of the classics. Hansjacob represents, as perhaps

On 9 May, 1918, the diocese lost its vicar general no other living writer, the very soul of the people

by the death of Rt. Rev. Mgr. John M. Maho- of the German highlands.

ney, D. C. L., and domestic prelate. He was one A. Oexgeb. Dm Badner Land in Da» Literaruche Echo, I. col.

of Ontario's most distinguished priests, and a well. ?Soi'irJ5,"^o«sf"4?^"^^

, j,u^'. _^ u^^i !».„ r« ^Zu «- « ^.,ui:>, (New York, 1918); Biacnorr, Hemrteh Hantiacob, der SchwarM-

known authority on school law as well as a public tpaelder Dorfdichter, Eme lUerarische Studie (Stuttgart):

spirited citizen, active in charitable and patriotic Hanojacob, Der Theodor, Binleitung von Heinrich BiBchoff,

yfQf]s. ^^^^ portrait of author (Leipsis, 1018).

The present statistics of the diocese (1921) show Vincent Henry Huck.

60 parishes, 93 churches, 43 missions with 10 sta- Harbor Grace. Diocesb op (Portus Grati.b; cf.

iL-°?liJiL^^S*^L?.^^*?l*5'^n^?i^^^^ P- Em yn-133c), suffragan of St. John's, New-

"" - ™" .... . . of the

Indian ftttcnded 10 teachers and attendance of 250 (110 boys and 140 from"^Efarbor"Gr^ce7* There ar^l^'se'cular priests ^i^!Si^ 2 academi^ with 18 teachers and attendance j^ ^he diocese, 40 churches, 94 stations, 5 convents of 300, 50 elementary schools with 700 teachers and (3 of the Sistere of the Presentation and 2 of the attendance of 8000. The various charitable mstitu- gisters of Mercy), 2 academies, and a total of 115 tions of the diocese are: 1 Infants Home at Ham- schools with 129 teachers. The Catholic population ilton, 1 orphanage at Hamilton and 1 at St. Agatha, jg 24,000, and the Protestant population is 74,000. 1 hospital at Hamilton and 1 at Guelph, 1 refuee The present bishop is Rt. Rev. John March, con- home at Dundas, 1 at St. Agatha, and 1 at Guelph. secrated 1906. All the public institutions admit the priests of the

diocese to minister in them and a government grant Hazrisbiirg, Diocbsb of (Harisburgensis; cf. C. is made to the Catholic hospitals, homes and or- E., VII-143a), ceded three of its original counties, phanages. Among the clergy the Priests' Eucha- Fulton, Center, and Clinton, to the Diocese of ristic League is organized, and among the laity the Altoona, which was formed in 1901. It now corn- Holy Name Society and the Catholic Women's prises 15 counties with an area of 7565 sq. miles. League. The '^Catholic Magazine*' is published and where it originally contained 25,000 Catholics monthly in the diocese. with 22 priests and 40 churches, it now contains a

Catholic population of 80,252, comprising English-

Hansjacob, Heinrich, writer of Black Forest speaking people, German, Croatian, Polish, Slovak,

village stories {Schwarzwaelder Dorfdichter) ^ b. at Magyar, Lithuanian, and Italian.

Haslach, Baden, 19 August, 1836; ordained priest After seventeen years in the See of Harrisburg,

at twenty-six; for fifteen years pastor at Hagnau, the Rt. Rev. John Walter Shanahan, third bishop

a small village on the Bodensee; transferred to of the diocese, died on 19 February, 1916. At the

Freiburg, 1884, where he has since remained as time of his death the number of parishes had in-

Stadtpfarrer in charge of Saint Martin's. From creased to 74 and 120 priests were administering

1871 to 1881, Hansjacob was a member of the to approximately 80,000 (Z)atholics. Bishop Shana-

Landtag of the Grand Duchy of Baden, and twice, han was succeeded by the Rt. Rev. Philip R.

in 1870 and in 1873, suffered imprisonment because McDevitt, consecrated 21 September, 1916. He was

of his staunch defense of liberty during the Baden bom in Philadelphia on 12 July, 1858, and was

Kvlturkamp. His writings comprise over thirty superintendent of the parish schools of that diocese

volumes, mostly narratives and memoirs, with from 1899 to 1916. On 30 January, 1917, occurred

travels and two historical novels. The most popu- the death of Rt. Rev. Mgr. John Jos. Koch, D.D.,

lar are "Ausmeiner Jugendzeit" (Heidelberg, 1880) ; vicar general of the diocese, pastor of St. Edwaitl's

"Wilde Kirschen" (1888); "Schneeballen" (3 vol.. Church, Shamokin, and for fifty-three years a pio-

1892-93), and "Waldleute" (Stuttgart, 1897). These neer missionary in Central Pennsylvania. Bom in