Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/440

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dence, Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, by several young women whom he called the of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, of St. Daughters of Charity and to whom he gave a rule Anne of the Holy Cross, of the Seven Dolors, of of life. At this time there was an outbreak of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sisters cholera in the city and the authorities, who feared Adorers of the Precious Blood, and Missionary Sis- that Father Cottolengo's hospice would become a ters of the Immaculate Conception. center of contagion, ordered it closed. Nothing

The diocese contains 1 seminary, 1 normal school daunted, its foimder in 1832 established himseS for girls, 3 commercial colleges, 3 commercial acade- on property farther from the city near the Church mies, 24 boarding schools for young women, 12 of Our Lady of Consolation, renovated the build- academiefiL 30 model schools, and 2^ elementary ings he found there, and as the sick and the out- schools. There are in these 314 institutions, 725 cast flocked to him in ever-increasing numbers, professora, 22 of whom are priests or seminarians, gradually extended them, dividing them into sec- 119 religious, 329 nuns, and 255 lay persons; 16,500 tions and created the miniature city, well-planned, pupils receive instruction in the various institutions, the House of Divine Providence, called by Pius X Education is in the hands of the religious com- the House of the Miracle. Human misery in every munities mentioned above, with the exception of form of degradation was relieved there by the the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, who lead members of the various institutes founded by a contemplative life, and the Missionary Sisters of Father Cottolengo to supply the many needs of the Immactdate Conception, who are engaged in the the work. The institutes, include the Sisters of St. diffusion of the works of Holy Childhood and the Vincent de Paul, of St. Thais, of Carmel, of Suffrage, Propagation of the Faith. of Mary of the Seven Dolors, of the Good Shep-

The charitable institutions of the diocese in- herd, the Brothers of St. Vincent de Paul, the dude: 2 hospitals 5 homes for the aged, 7 orphan- Monks of Gassin, the preparatory seminar' of St. ages for girls and 1 for boys, as well as 6 associa- Thomas, the Fathers of the Holy Trinity and tions of Ladies of Charity and 3 societies of St. others, in^ all thirty-four religious families. He Vincent de Paul. was their 'superior general and gave to each ap-

On 25 April, 1913, the first bishop of Joliette, propriate rules, assurine to God the service of Rt. Rev. Joseph Alfred Archambault, died, and perpetual praise, to which the marvelous success of was succeeded by the present bishop, Rt. Rev. nis work was due. He refused the proffered aid Joseph Gillaume Forbes, consecrated 9 October, of the king and endowment from other sources 1913. He was bom at Isle Perrol 10 August, 1865, in order to be completely dependent on Divine educated at Montreal College and the grand Providence, and his undertaking prospered so well aiminarie of Montreal, ordained priest 17 March, that in fourteen years numerous building of the 1888, missionary at Caughnawaga Iroquois Mission House of Providence were completed, mcluding, (188^1903), pastor of St. Anne de Bellevue (1903- besides the hospitals, workshops, schools, refuges, 1911), of St. Jean Baptiste (1911-13), and appointed cloistered monasteries, convents, hospices for old Bishop of Joliette 6 Augiist, 1913. men and for idiots, families of epileptics and crip-

ta«a« a^ T* xi. 1 • X i_ . -r. 1 pJes, of the blind, the deaf and dumb, orphanages

^iiurL^^^^"^^' ®*^V?^i°^^H^V** ^^^h" ^^^ seminaries. In 1917, eighty years after its ^Ue, Canada, 17 November, 1838 ; d 19 June, 1918. foundation, it contained 8000 people living from

Sf^ rf J? Fu^*^ ** ®**\^^*?'® College, Montreal, day to day without other revenue than the charity

and from there went to the Jesuit novitiate at of the faithful. Its legal existence was recogniaed by

iV^^^^'.i^^A- ^®t/"i^^?> ^ philosophical and public act in 1883, and it is dispensed by the Gov-

theological8tudie8atVals,Boston and Woodstock, emment from giving any financial account. The

was a professor at Montreal and Fordham, and cause of Father Cottolengo's canonization was in-

tJ^ ZriH^^ ?^^^^^^^^ *S %,mmi8try at Guelph troduced 19 July, 1877; he was declared Venerable

and Montreal was made President of the Enghsh lo February, 1901, and his beatification took place

-^*^ A ^u- • ^ r ox if ^S^y- ^f'^f^ ^® V" 27 April, 1917. By a special concession of the Holy ,apDointed Archivist of St. Marys, and from that Father, the Mass celebrated in his honor has not

^L^l V^^i? ^® u ^^u? Z^^^!"^^^ **^ *° ^; only a special Collect, Secret and Postcommunion,

^"t? •^™ ^V*u®' UT P"P{}8^«,4 the naonumental but its entire liturgy has been chosen to express

work known as the Jesuit Relations" m seventy- the admirable character of the founder of the

two volumes. He was corresponding member of House of Providence several learned societies of Canada and the United * Edith Donovan.

i^l^xhFbit'^a? \he ^ISui^^ S>S?tion^t°^ St o ^^^^^^' fee Saint Joseph, Missionaries of;

Louis in 1904. He verified many Vrf the sites of ^^Zl ^"^"^^^ ^""^ °*'-

the Huron country, and his latter works were pub- •"W8«». Ecclesiastical (cf. C. E., VIII-545).— If

lished by the Ontario Government. *^® relative competency of a judge is questioned,

he himself decides the question with appeal. If josepn. Saint, Congregations op. See Saint the question arises among two or more judges

Joseph, Congrerations op. themselves, the decision rests with the court im-

mediately higher: if the judges are under different

R« ♦hit ^V^T**- ■'^PP^iyM *'"^*^ ^ ^ otherwise by the Apwtolic Signature. Kinship with

r.nA«!^?*i,?. i?™?'!*%"'i?*^r*/,'*^ "«« ??d?.a either of the parties to a suit in the direct line

T^?w^ V? «>"eB«te Church of Cwpus Chnsti in or in the first or second (formerly the fourth)

pT.?! j.-oZr E^T^l"^ u^*^ ^^^ °^ ®^- Vincent de degree collateral renders a judge, the promoter of

Tf.^„^«I!? Jk ^o ^^} Jo««t!<»'»;. to do «» the faith, or the defender of thi fcond incompetent

h^l C! 7°'h **'** ^"\* ^^ '^P^ m Pans. He to act in their case. If the ordinary is actmg as

li^rj,„J^». ^'J? *^*"Sl "?™s ™ a^hoiMe near judge and is objected to as suspected he is to

^A «..i^ *k' 9°!^?", Christi where he sheltered refrain from adjudicating or should refer the que*-

and nursed the destitute. sick of the parish, assisted tion of his fitness to the next higher tribunal; if