Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/459

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of his "Church at the Turning Points of History" the hospital of Hanoi. The population of the

were sold. He was endowed with the gift of elo- diocese is 9,000,000, of whom 4716 are Catholics and

quence and was in constant demand as a lecturer. 3216 catechumens. There are 26 missionary priests,

He was the founder and editor of the Archives 4 native priests, 23 churches, 27 chapels^ 47 oratories,

beiges." Among his other important writing are 156 stations, a theological and preparatory seminary

La fVonti^re linguistique en Belgique,," "Histoire with 16 students, 31 schools for boys. 10 schools

Eo^tique des Merovingiens," "Clois," "Notger de for girls, 2 colleges, 11 orphanages, 5 hospitals, 17

i^e et la civilisation an X* si^le," and "I^ Cit6 Little Brothers of Maiy, 19 Chinese nuns,

de li^e au moyen &ge." Kwang-tung. See Canton.

Kwang^au-wan. See Indochina. Kwei-chou, » .cariatb Apostolic of (cf. C. E.,

Kwango. PRBFiwrura Apostouc op (cf. C. E., y^Sf^i?^^' S. ^^^V '^^® W^^^ li^^ *f ^^1?

VIII-711d), in Belgian Congo, Africa. The center ^^^' Rev Prancois-lAzare Begum M.E^b 1868,

of the mission is at Bei^eyck St. Ignace (Ki-Santu), ordamed 1891, vicar cc^djutor and titular Bishop of

where there is a large Gothic chiS-ch, the dwelling Pmara 1907, vicar apostolic in 1913. succeeding Rt.

of the missionaries, the convent of the Sisters of ^fj- ^«^.' Guichard deceased. There were thirty

Notre Dame de Namur, a normal school for ^^ misfflonaries mobihzed m 1914, all of whom

catechists, workshops, and a printing press. There ^turned to the miMion m the first months of the

are in the prefecture: 4 stations and 300 Jermes- ^^» ,i^^P* four, of whom three returned m 1919

ckapelles, 13 Jesuit missionaries and 8 lay *?^ ^^^ fourth died of exhaustion m the service

Brothers, 17 Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur, ?^ ^^^ wounded. Durinp recent years there has

3 churches, and 16 chapels. The Catholics number been a recrudescence of bngandaKe in Kwei-chou,

2778. The present prefect apostolic is Rt. Rev. * cholera epidemic, and a terrible famine which

Stanislas de Vos, S. J., elected 25 September, 1911. still continues. The population of the vicariate is

9.000.000, of whom 34.034 are Catholics and about

Kwang-si, Vicariate Apostouc op (cf. C. E., 36,000 catechumens. There are 50 parishes or dis- Vni-712a), in China, erected into a vicariate apos- tricts divided into 250 stations; 123 churches and tolic 6 April, 1914, and confided to the Foreign chapels, 40 missionary priests and 29 native priests, Missions of Paris. The present vicar apostolic is 2 preparatory schools with 50 pupils, 1 preparatory Rt. Rev. Maurice-Francois Ducceur, M.E., b. 1878, seminary with 19 students, 1 theological seminary ordained 1901, named titular Bishop of Barbalissus with 23 students, 44 elementary schools for boys and Prefect Apostolic of Rwang-si in 1910, conse- with 1062 pur^ls, 41 elementary schools for girls crated 1911, named vicar apostolic in 1914. The with 609 pupils, 3 orphanages, a hospital which has establishment of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres neither medicines, nurses, or remedies, but is merely has been closed for lack of personnel, the last a refuge for the sick poor, 84 of whom have re- Sisters having left Lung-chow, 5 Febniaiy, 1918, for ceived baptism in ariicvlo mortis.