Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/535

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There were 83 dinsion clei|;ymen in the service and of Esztergom. with residence at Ungvar, and com-

164 chaplains; from the archdiocese of Munich- prises a Catholic poptdation of 440,000 Russian-

Freising alone there were 33 chaplains in the field, Ruthenian speiLking Greek-Ruthenian Catholics and

80 in hospitals at home and 30 more in other kinds 20,000 Himgarian speaking Catholics. The see is

of service. Over 200 seminarians from the archdio- filled (1922) by Rt. Rev. Antonin Papp, b. 17

cese served and of these 101 were killed. November, 1867, ordained in 1893, chancellor, later

Cardinal Bettinger did much for the religious vicar general of Munkacs, proUionotary apostolic 3

needs of the Catholic soldiers in the line and in January, 1905, appoint)^ titular bishop of Liyrba and

1917, with the approval of King Ludwie III, he coadjutor, 29 April, 1912, consecrated 15 October,

dedicated Bavaria to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He proclaimed 2 December following to succeed Mgr.

died suddenly on 12 April, 1917, and was succeeded Julius Firczak, b. 22 August, 1836; d. 2 Jime. 1912;

by the present incumbent, Most Rev. Michael founder of the Actio Ruthenlcse, for the faithful of his »

Faulhaber. Archbishop Faulhaber was bom at diocese.

Klosterheidenfeld 1869, ordained 1892, professor of According to 1922 statistics the diocese numbers

theology in the University of Mimich, appointed 321 parishes, 683 filial parishes, 680 churches, 400

Bishop of Speyer 1911, and promoted to the Arch- secular and 12 regular priests, 5 monasteries for men,

diocese of Munich 24 July, 1917. He was nomi- 15 lay brothers, 1 lower seminary, 6 colleges for men,

nated cardinal 7 March, 1921. Rt. Rev. John 2 boarding schools for girls, 450 normal schools with

Neudecker, titular Bishop of Helenopolis, was ap- ^^ teachers and 35,000 students. The Government

pointed auxiliary to the archbishop in 1911 and pays all the teachers' salaries. The associations

and in 1921 Rt. Rev. Aloysius Harthl, titular Bishop organized among the clergy are the Eucharistic

of Germanica, was also made an auxiliary. Lea^e and the Society for the Conversion of Schis-

The various religious orders established in this matics; among the laity: Sodality of the Holy Rosary

diocese are: men, Benedictines with 4 abbeys and *^" *"** ^^^ *^® Adoration of the Sacred Heart of

2 colleges, 90 Fathers, 25 scholastics and 139 Broth- J®?^- Four periodicals are published.

ers; PVanciscans with 5 convents, 68 Fathers, 35 Important niembers of the clergpr recently deceased

scholastics and 51 lay brothers; Capuchins with 5 were Michael Balogh, formerly yicar m Maramaros-

convents, 57 Fathers, 11 novices and 44 lay broth- Sihob, who made peat efforts for the promotion of

ers: Carmelite Friars with 8 Fathers, 2 novices cdture in his vicanate and died m 1916. Dr. Alex-

and 4 lay brothers; Minorities with 3 Fathers and f^^^r Mikita, canon, profefflor of theology and

3 lay brothers; Redemptorists with 28 Fathers, 31 founder of a Catholic penodical,d. in 1910. Joannes scholastics and 20 lay brothers; Augustinians with Turjay, canon^ a g-^t benefactor, d. in 1914, Col- 3 Fathers and 6 lay brothers; Missionaries of the omanus-Georgius Zsktkovics, historian author of Sacred Heart with 3 Fathers and 6 lay brothers; several dissertations on the history of the diocese of Salvatorians with 3 Fathers and 6 lay brothers; Munkacs, d. m 1920. Andrea Dudits, pwtor and Jesuits with 32 Fathers and 18 lay brothers; Sale' fomermemberof the House of Deputies mBuda^^^^

sians with 3 Fathers and 1 lay brother; Marist ^^H^. ^^?.^' ^T^'^^^^u V^" l^^^i"^ ?^fe'T^^^

Brothers with 7 Brothers and 30 scholastics; Mis- artist, who r^tored the domestic chapel of the lower

sion Seminary of the Pallottines with 3 Fathers, T^'^'^Y?^^ ^V^^^^ T^'^'^Vfji^^

and the Brother of Mercy with 38 friars and 13 f^if«/?r^,<>i*^?.?.^.«I^^^^^^^ oblates; women^ Benedictines, Carmelites, Sisters of

Kim^^ftiJdi^an^^ Si^ra^^^^ During the World War five priests^died fightinij for

St C^^P^ti/ ofThToonH S^^^ t^eir country, and the clerics in the military hospitals

iLSrSii'siste^^^^^ dey-e gift'credit and praise for their work for the

deemer, of the Holy Cross, of St. Paul, and Sisters ^*^°^« ^^ orphans of the diocese, of St. Elizabeth. MUnster, Diocesb op (Monabtbriensis), in the

The archdiocese is divided into 36 deaneries, 3 Prussian Province of Westphalia, suffragan of

town commissariats, 442 parishes, 205 benefices and Cologne. From 1891 to 1911 the diocese passed

113 districts with their own clergy. By 1921 statis- through a period of great prosperity under the

tics there is a Catholic population of 1,195,150 and wise care of Bishop Hermann Dingelstadt (b. 1835;

a total number of 1666 priests; 438 pastors, 205 d. 1911). Attracted by the flourishing industries

invested beneficiaries, 749 other secular priests and throughout the diocese, the number of Catholics

274 regulars. There are 113 mission churches, 30 increased from 875,000 to 1,520,000. Bishop Dingel-

monasteries for men, 3 convento for men and 312 gtadt established 53 new parishes and erected and

for women, 4 abbeys for men and 1 for women, enlarged 130 churches. Prompted by great zeal

363 lay brothers and 4698 nuns. A lower seminary for the care of souls, he increased the devotion to

in Scheyem has 176 students and one in Freising the Blessed Sacrament by introducing perpetual

has 200 students and in addition to these there adoration. The sodalities, especially the Society

are the archiepiscopal seminary in Freising with of Christian Mothers, received a new impetus; a

138 students, the Georgianum with 100 students, of diocesan synod was held at which diocesan statutes

which only 18 belong to this diocese, 1 seminarian were enacted. His successor, Rt. Rev. Felix von

from this diocese at the German College at Rome, Hartmann (b. at Miinster 15 December, 1831), who

and 7 at the Canisianum at Innsbruck. as spiritual coimcillor for eleven years and vicar

A Catholic Union for parents has been established general for six merited for himself the respect and

by Cardinal Faulhaber and there are numerous esteem of all who knew him, was to hold the

other imions for the clergy, for teachers, students, office for only a short period of time. He was

young men and women, working men and women, elected Bishop of Munster 6 June, 1911, and

and servants, as well as the St. Vincent de Paul administered the diocese until 29 October. 1912,

Society and St. Elizabeth's Guild. when he was named Archbishop of Cologne by the

cathedral chapter of Cologne.

Munkacs, Diocese of (Munshasiensis Ruth- The present administrator, Rt. Rev. Johannes

enorum: cf. C. E^ X— 634b), in the Republic of Poggenburg, b. at Ostbevem, 12 May, 1862, elected

Czechoslovakia, of Greek-Ruthenian Rite is suffragan 7 May, 1913, consecrated 16 October, 1913, had been