Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/580

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Southern Italv, SuffraRan of Taranto. According to 1 hospital: the asylums receive financial aid from the

the statistics for 1920 the diocese contains 15 parishes, government. In 1920 the population of this diocese,

122 churches or chapels, 132 secular priests, 20 sem- which is entirely Catholic, was counted at 96,900. inarians, 51 regular priests, 30 Brothers, and 42

Sisters and 120,000 Catholics. Mgr. Antonio di Orleans, Diocese of (Aureuanensis; cf. C. E.,

Tonunasio has ruled the see since 1903. XI — 318c), in the department of Loire, France,

suffrasan of Paris. Tms see is filled by Rt. Rev.

Orlhuela, Diocese op (Oriolensis or Alombnsis: Stanislas-Arthur-Xavier Touchet, bom in Soliere

cf. C. E., XI — 315c), comprises most of the civil in 1848. served as vicar general to his uncle, the

Province of Alicante, in Spam, suffragan of Valencia. Archbisnop of Besangon, and as archdeacon of Lt. Rev. Raymond Plaza y Blanco, bom in the dio- Belfort for six years, and was appointed Bishop 18 cese of Cuenca in 1847 and appointed to this see 18 Mav, 1894. On 23 December, 1915, he was honored July, 1913, died 8 November, 1921, and no bishop with the priviledge of wearing the pallium, which he has yet been appointed to succeed him. ThiS' received the following day from Cardinid Amette* diocese also has jurisdiction over two small portions in Paris. On 16 July, 1919, Bishop Touchet cele, of the territory to the North, rightly belonging to brated the silver jubilee of his episcopacy. Ac- neighboring dioceses. Latest statistics (1920) credit cording to 1920 statistics the diocese coimts a Catholic it with 367,603 Catholics, 70 parishes, 314 priests, population of 364,061 of whom 72,096 are in Orleans 94 churches, 145 chapels and about 5 convents with proper, 41 parishes, 293 succursal parishes and 23 133 religious and 446 Sisters. vicariates formerly supported by the State. During />>-Bi^-^.. »* -n J. #xL T-i_ the World War 215 of the clergy of this diocese were O Biordaa, Michael, Rector of the Irish mobUiaed, and of this number, 20 seminarians and College. Rome; b. m Co. Limenck Irelwid, m lo priests gave up their Uves. 6 were decorated with 1857; d. at Roine on 27 August, 1919. He waj the Ugiand'hanneur, 5 witi the nUdaiUe mUUdre educated in the Insh CoUw, the I^paganda and ^nd 70 with the croix de guerre. On 13 September, the Gregonanum, Rome. After his ordmation to the 1921 a diocesan synod was held for the purpose of pn^thood ml88ahe spent four years m the ministry ^^jgi^ ^he statutes of the diocese. The priwding at Westmmster, Enriand, and from there went to a y^ar. by a buU dated 27 October, the Pope conferred professor's chan- at St. Munchm s College, Lunenck. (he igiity of dean of the chapter on Caion Comet, and later was attached to the parish of St. Michael The festivities in honor of St. Joan of Arc, 8 May, m the same city. In 1905 he was caUed to Rome 192I, were presided over by Cardinal di Bebnonte. as Rector of the Irish College and successor to M^.

Murphy. He was made a Prothonotary Apostohc, Onrleto, Diocese op (Urbevbtanbnsis; cf. C. E.,

consultor of the Sacred Congregation and postulator XI— 331c). m the province of Perugia, central Italy,

of the cause of the Insh martyrs. Meantime he had directly subject to the Holy See. tSs see is filled by

received an honorary degree as doctor of philosophy Rt. Rev. Salvatore Fratocchi, bom in Rome in 1855,

from Lou vain. He published several scholarlv appointed titular Bishop of Memphis and auxiliary

57 parishes, 89 secular and 20 regular clergy, 60

tributions to English, Amencan, Irish and Italian aemmarians, 6 Brothers, 98 Sisters, and 124 churches

Reviews. He was one of the best esteemed men and chapels, in Rome for his personal qualities as well as for his

historical, archaeological and theological learning. Osaka. Diocese of (Osakenbis). — Adherence

to old superstitions, agnosticism amongst the intel-

Oristano, Abcbdiocese of (Arborensib; cf . C. lectual classes, laxity ofmorsds, the desire of material

E., XI--316c), in Sardinia. Archbishop Tolu, who pro^^ress and finally national pride inflamed by the

had filled this see from 1899, died 30 January, 1914, vanous achievements of Japan since the Restoration

and was succeeded by Most Kev. Ernest Piovella, b. (1868) are formidable obstacles to the spread of the

at Milan, 1867, promoted to the see of Oristano 15 Faith in this diocese. The present bisnop is Mgr.

April. 1914, transferred to the see of Cagliari, 8 J. B. Kastanier, appointed 6 July, 1918, to succeed

Marcn, 1920. The see is now filled by Most Rev. Mgr. Chatron, deceased. Bom at Lacapelle, diocese

Giorgio Delrio, b. in Silanus, Italy, 1865, made a of St. Flour, 7 January, 1877, he was ordained 23

chancellor penitentiary, and pro-vicar general. September, 1899, and went to Osaka the following

appointed Bishop of Gerace 6 December, 1906, and month, where he labored for nineteen years before his

promoted 16 December, 1920. In 1912 Oristano cele- consecration as bishop. He was mobilized in France

orated the tercentenary of ite seminary, founded in at that time, but on nis appointment was allowed to

1612. In September, 1921, the first congress of the return to his diocese.

Third Order of St. Francis was held here, and the A decree of 13 August, 1912, took away from the same year, in October, the seventh centenary of the diocese certain territory which now forms part of the Dominican Order was celebrated. During the World Prefecture Apostolic of Ny^ta. Accordmg to the War two of the cler|;y of this diocese, Rev. Angelo latest statistics (1922) the diocese counts: 19 mission- Murgia, and Rev. Giovanni Coghe served as military ary and 3 native priests, 9 Marianite Brothers, 26 chaplains, the latter being killed in action. All the Sisters, 32 catechists, 21 missions, 38 stations, 7 clergy, from the archbishop down were distinguished churehes, 20 oratories, 1 commeroial school for boys by their zeal for the spiritual welfare of the soldiers, with 859 pupils ^ 2 secondary schools for girls with 656 Tne diocese lost a zealous worker by the death of Mgr. alumnae, 2 sewing schools with 72 pupDs, 2 kinder- Francesco Cherchi, in December, 1913. mrtens with 262 children, 1 school for European or

By 1921 statistics this diocese counte 74 parishes, Eurasian girls with 90 students, 3 orphana^ with 200 churches, 2 monasteries for women, 2 convents for 80 inmates, and 4532 Catholics. The mission pub- men, 150 secular and 14 regular clergy. 6 Brothers, 70 lishes a monthly review, Hokyo Hatei no Tomo (The sisters, 1 seminary , 50 seminarians, 1 physical training Friend of Catholic Families), school with 8 teachers and 100 studente and 8 elemen- During the World War five missionaries were tery schools with 12 teachers and 300 pupils. The mobilized, all of whom returned to their work when charitable institutions include 1 home, 5 asylums, and peace was proclaimed. Two of them won the "Croix