Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/581

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de Guerre," and one the "Medaille d'Honneur des nearLengerich. The following orders of women have

Epid^mies." mother-houses in the diocese: Benedictines of the

Perpetual Adoration, OsnabrUck; Franciscans, Thu-

Osimo (and CiNGOLi), Diocese OP (RuxiMANENSis; ine; Ursulines, HaselOnne, Haste and Osnabrtick;

cf. C. E., XI — 338d), in the province of Ascoli, Missionanr Sisters of Mary, Meppen. Among the

central Itaty, directly dependent on the Holy See. higher educational institutions are the following:

Rt. Rev. Giovanni-Bat tista Scotti, appointed to this Gvmnasium Carolinum at Osnabrack, founded by

see 18 May, 1894, died 5 December, 1916, and was Charlemagne; a gymnasium at Meppen, realgym-

succeeded by Rt. Rev. Pacifico Fiorani, bom in rui9ium (6 to 9 years' course, Latin, sciences and

Collestetlano, in the diocese of Fabriano, in 1855, modern languages), at Papenbure* lyceum and school

served as a professor, then rector of the seminary, for women conducted by the Ursulines at Haste;

nmde a theological canon of the cathedral, named an lyceum of the Sisters of our Lady at Meppen; lyceum

honorary chamberlain extra urbenif 20 May, 1893, of the Ursulines at Haseltinne and Papenbui^. The

and again in 1903, appointed rector of the seminary following associations exist among the priests: Asso-

of Ms^iano-SabinOy and appointed titular Bishop of ciation for Catholic catechists. Pactum Marianum:

CarystUB 15 April, 1907, and suffragan bishop of Unio cleri pro missionibus; Unio apostolica, Priests

Sabma, made auxiliiuy to the Bishop of Ascoli- Temperance Society. Much good is done by the

Piceno in 1908, and transferred to the see of Civi- many religious, charitable and social organizations

tavecchia 10 March, 1910, which he filled until again which have been formed among the laity. Fortv-

transferred to Qsimo, 12 May, 1917. Latest statis- eight of them exist in various places throughout the

tics available (1920) credit the diocese with 52,300 diocese. Only one Catholic paper is published in the

Catholics of whom 10,165 are in Cingoli; 34 parishes, diocese.

150 secidar and 29 regular clergy, 20 senunarians, The following institutions exist in the diocese: 1

12 Brothers, 87 Sisters and 89 churehes and chapels. home for destitute children, 6 orphanages. 1 home for

convalescent children, 3 homes for children, 3 day

Osma, DiocBSB of (Oxombnsis; cf. C. E., XI— nurseries, 27 hospitals, 1 reformatory, 27 hospitals.

339c), in Northern Spain, suffragan of Biu^gos. The There are Sisters stationed at various places who go

see is at El Burgo de Osma, but Soria, the capital of about visiting the sick, the province of that name, was the see at one time.

This diocese has had a glorious history but now is one Ossory, Diocese op (Ossoriensis; cf. C. E.,

of the most humble in Spain. The inhabitants are XI— 342d), in the province of Leinster, Ireland,

nearly all farmers and poor and as the district is iso- suffragan of Dublin, with the episcopal residence at

iated from the great centers of Spain, religion has not Kilkenny. For almost thirty-eight years this see

grogressed of late years. (The present bishop is Mgr. has been filled by Rt; Rev. Abraham Brownrigg, bom

lateo Mugica y Urrestarazu, bom in diocese of in Kildavin in 1836, appointed bishop 28 October.

Vitoria 21 September, 1870, ordained in 1893, elected 1884, and named an assistant at the pontifical

22 February, 1918, to succeed Mgr. Lago y Gonzales, throne 15 Januarj', 1892. The religious orders estab-

transferred to Tuy. The diocese has (1920) 187.500 Hshed in this diocese include men: Dominicans,

inhabitants, all Catholics, 398 parishes, 803 churches, Augustinians, Capuchins, Carmelites, Brothers of

1 monastery for women, 6 convents for men and 4 for the Christian Schools, Insh Christian Brothers and

women, 370 secular and 60 regular priests, 100 Sis- Brothers of Charity; women: Presentation Nuns,

tera, 1 seminary, 109 seminarians, 1 institute (general Sisters of Charity, Sisters of Loreto, of Mercy, of the

and technical) with 94 students, 1 college for boys Holy Faith, of St. John of God and Sisters of the

with 200 students, 2 colleges for girls with 200 stu- Sacred Heart of Mary. According to the latest

dents. 1 normal school for boys (88 students) and 1 census, collected in 1911, the Catholic population of

for gu-la (60 students), 1 industrial school with 14 the diocese is 79,572. Latest statistics (1922) credit it

pupfls, 410 elementaiy schools with 3862 pupils, 2 with 41 parishes, 127 priests. 9 higher schools, 96

hospitals in charge of Sisters of Charity, 3 asylums, churehes, 1 college, 4 houses of regulars, 17 convents,

2 refuges, 2 day nurseriM, 1 weekly paper and various and 6 establishments of the Christian Brothers,

parish publications. The usual associations are ^^^^ rk,^^«« ^™ /rkom,^*,c.«. «* r^ n

irganiz^ for clergy and laity. Lately agricultural ^t Q^K^'^'^f' w S^^^^^'\ ^^' ^ „E.,

co^es have been organized ii the dioc^T ^^T^f^^^U "" ^^^^^^J^"^^, ^^ "^'^^.J^ ^Xf-^^^*"

  • m 1150, and separated from it 5 M&Vy 1914. This see

Oanabrttck, Diocese op (Osnabrugensis, cf. ifl always fiUed by the dean of the Sacred a)H^ C. E.^ XI— 341a), in Germany. The present incum- present His Eminence Vmcenzp Cardinal VannuteUi. bent la the Rt. Rev. William Beming, b. at Lingen, "^^oia also Bishop of Palestrinju The statistics of 26 Mareh, 1877. ordained 10 March, 1900, elected 14 1920 credit the diocese with 3(X)0 Catholics, 3 par- July, 1914, published 8 Sept., consecrated 29 Septem- whes, 10 secular and 10 regular clergy and 20 churches ber following. On 15 September, 1914, he was or chapels. On 2 IJune 1919, the cardinal laid the appointed Apostolic Vicar of the Northern Missions fi™* stone for the new church of Regina Pacis. (See of Germany and Prefect Apostolic of Schleswig- alao PaUstnna.)

Holstein. The Ca-ritoa-verband (Msociation of char- Ostuni. Archdiocese of. See Brindisi. ities) was founded 23 May, 1916, and a diocesan

svnod was held from 6-8 October, 1920. In 1921 Otranto, Archdiocese op (Htdruntinensis,

the diocese contained 110 parishes, 12 deaneries, 31 cf. C. £., XI — 351d), in the province of Lecce,

independent chapels or stations, 265 secular priests. Southern Italy. Most Rev. Giuseppe Ridolphi,

30 regulars, 987 sisters. The diocesan seminary is transferred to this see 10 August, 1912, was again

at OsnabrQck with 8 seminarians who are being pre- transferred to the titular see of Irenopolis, 12 August,

pared for ordination. The remaining theological 1915. After a vacancy of two years nis successor was

students, 70 in number, are studying at the University appointed. Most Rev. Carmelo Patan^, bom in

of Manster in Westphalia. The following orders of Giarre in 1869, named a prelate of the Holy See 8

men have foundations: Capuchins, Clemenswerth March, 1917, and appointed archbishop 11 January,

near S5gel (4 priests)^ Missionaries of the Sacred 1918. The boundaries of this ancient diocese were

Heart, Johannesburg m Borgermoor (5); Marists, somewhat changed by a decree of the consistory of 25

Meppen (11); Franciscans, Ohrbeck-Holzhausen near November, 1915. According to 1920 statistics the

OsnabracK (3); Fathers of Sacred Heart at Handrup diocese counts a Catholic population of 100,200, and