Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/596

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b. 1866, elected 1917, succeeding Bishop Tei, deceased. FUladelphla, Archdiocese of (Philadel-

The Catholic population of the diocese is 49,000. phiensis; cf. C. E., XI — 793b), in the State of

There are: 41 parishes, 100 secular priests, 31 regular Pennsylvania, comprises a total population of

priests, 18 seminarians, 11 Brothers, 43 Sisters, 100 3,176,549 according to the United States census of

churches and chapels. 1920, of which number 1,823,779 belong to the city

of Philadelphia. On May 27, 1911, the official news

Pescia, Diocese op (Pisciensis; cf. C. E., XI — was received from Rome that the auxiliary bishop,

740a), suffragan of Pisa, Central Italy. The present Most Rev. Edmond F. Prendereast, D.D., had been

bishop is Rt. Rev. Angelo Simonetti, b. 1861, elected elevated to the rank of Archbisnop of Philadelphia,

1907, consecrated 1908, succeeding Bishop Serafini, receiving the sacred pallium on 31 January, 1912.

resigned. The Catholic population is 70,504. There Rt. Rev. John J. McCort, D.D., V.G. (now Bishop

are: 38 parishes, 125 seciilar priests, 34 regular priests, of Altoona), was consecrated on 17 September, 1912,

19 seminarians, 9 Brothers, 135 Sisters, 66 churches aa Titular Bishop of Azotus and auxiliary bishop

and chapels. of the diocese.

During the seven years in which Archbishop Pren

, Diocese of. See Marsi. dergast presided over the destinies of the Phila-

•D^^,.^4.. T>. /r» ^^ e r^ Ti* dclphia archdiocese, the foundation of many impor-

^^^^^^^'^P^^^OF (PEBQvmBiz^&is; cLC.E^ ^^ institutions of education and chaniy Were

Xyi— 36d), in Brazil, suffragan of Ohnda, erected gecurely laid. Among these should be included the

5 December, 1910 under the name of Floresta, ^. jdigericoitlia Hospital, the Archbishop Ryan

transferred in 1918, comprises 27 parishes lymg Slemorial Institute for Deaf and Dumb, the new

beyond the Archdioc^ of Ohnda, the Diocese of gt. Vincent's Home, St. Edmond's Home for the

Garanhuns and the Diocese of Nazareth. Mg-. Crippled Children, and the CathoUc Boys' High

Jose Antonio de Oliveira Lopes, b. at Recife, 21 g^hool of West Philadelphia. In 1915 the work of

November, 1868, ordained 16 April, 1892; made renovating the interior of the Cathedral was com-

honorary chamberlain, 1899, prelate of the Holy pieted; and here, on 17 November of the same year,

See 1903, and Prothonotary Apostohc in 1919 and took place the dedication of the original structure,

.appointed to the see on 26 June, 1915, is the second now one of the most imposing in the United States,

bishop. There are in the diocese (1921) 40 churches, together with the celebration of the golden jubilee of

1 convent of men, 2 of women, 45 secular priests, the metropolitan.

5 regular priests, 22 Brothers, 15 Sisters, 25 semi- On August 28, 1917, the diocese lost <me of its

narians in the seminary of Olinda, 2 colleges for boys moet distmguished members through the death of the

with 10 teachers and 100 students, secondary school Most Rev. Thomaa F. Kennedy, D.D., Rector of

for girls with 9 teachers and 69 students, 4 elemen- the North American College in Rome,

tary schools with 4 teachers and 200 pupils. One The charity and generosity of the Philadelphia

school receives aid from the Governinent. There Catholics was manifested towards the afflicted peoples

is one Catholic newspaper. in diverse ways during; the years of the European

•D«A^«i«^»^««<*t. T^.^^-. « ^- ro ^ conflict. Biefore Amenca entered the war, besides

Peterborough, DiOCBSB of (PbTERBOROUGHEN- .^^:^, «:j ^„«„ .^ .u^ Inf^m^tinn^l PiU r!m«.

special patriotism and

, . on-T .u. 'lo'TA ««j «^*«-u:- 1 .:- 1 loyal support of the "Government was sent by Arch-

borou^h 29 July 1874, an^^^ biihop Kiendergast to the clergy and laity of the

St Michael s College, Toronto, and his philosophical diocese. Generous response waspven to this appeal

and theological courses m the upper semmary, of thTmPtrniioliteji T^^

Montreal was ordain^^^^^^ Hespent ^V^TutTon^Th^^^

the next two y^ m Rome, i^eivmg hw to promote and invest krge sums in the various

mtheoloKym June, 1899. On his return he exercised j^y^^ l^,^,^^ j^ the foSrth Loan for example,

h^'^SJSl^iZn ^^^^ lL^'l5n'^tof^ ^«1"«^« of the Knights of Columbus, approximately; he was apiwinted bishop on 20 June, 1913. The dio^ twelve million doUara was subscribed.

'^.""^"^t^'Ji^L?^^^^^ . Among .the numerous .institutions established by

\ creature comfort the most remark- o7 nnh TU^ «i*^ ^f P«fo.K«^„«^ 'i^^i^^'^tilw- "* able was the Benedict Service Club, managed by the ^J'iSSu ^^l^nLfV^^^^^^h nft^vWrHK" Diocesan Alliance of CathoUc Wom^. Hfre, dlirine

l^'^I^^'Wi^Th^'^^^^ S^^^t^or^hi^S*^^^

^S'i^'oth^e'^^^'o?^^^^^ S^n^hlliiSSaa^^^^

Q?-l^nf^f ^^;ir ^^® ""^ ^^"^ Fifty-nme Philadelpliia priests volunteered their ser-

Sisters of St. Joseph. ^^^ ^ chaplains m the army and navy, of whom

Petrograd, Abchdigcbsb OF. SeeMomLEFF. thirty-eight were selected for service.

On 26 February, 1918, Archbishop Prendergast

Petropolis, Diocese of (Petropolitanensis; cf . died, lamented by priests and people as a shepherd.

C. E., XI — 782c), suffragan of Rio de Janeiro, clear of vision, finn of purpose, gentle of manner^ and

Brazil, The see was erected at Nictheroy. 1893, full of a deep faith that was chilof-Uke in its simphcity.

transferred to Petropolis 1895, with change of name, Two montns later, the announcement was made of

and retransferred to Nictheroy, 1908. The present the selection of the Bishop of Buffalo, the Rt. Rev.

bishop is Rt. Rev. Agostino Francesco Bennassi, Dennis J. Dougherty. D.D., as Archbishop of

b. 1868, elected 1908, succeeding Bishop Braga, Philadelphia. On 10 July , 1918, the new metropolitan

tranf^erred. There are: 123 parishes, 89 secular was solemnly enthroned as the fourth archbishop and

priests, 35 regular priests, 100 filial churches and sixth bishop of the See. A native son of the diocese,

rhapels, 3 colleges, and 1 technical school. having been born near Ashland, Schuylkill County,