Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/597

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PHiLBiN 581 phujppinx:

16 August, 1865, Archbishop Dougherty, after two nities of men: Augustinian Fathers, Christian Bro-

years at St. Mary's Colle^, Montreal, spent three there, Congregation of the Holy Ghost, Jesuit

years as a student in the diocesan Seminary at Over- Fathers, Redemptorist Fathers, Society of Mary,

brook, where he was selected to complete his training Dominicans, Salesians, Mar>sts, Missionary Fathers

at the American College in Rome. On 31 May, 1890, of the Sacred Heart, Holy Trinity Fathers, Basilians

he was ordained to the priesthood by His Eminence and Vincentians.

Caixiinal SatoUi. Later, he was transferred to the The number of women religious is 3650, distributed

diocese of Jaro, P. I. After thirteen years of self- among twenty-nine communities. There are in the

sacrifice and Apostolic labor in the Philippines, during diocese: the Sisters of the Assumption, Bemardine

which time he reconstructed two dioceses, the youns Sisters, O. S. F. (Polish), Discalced Carmelites,

American Bishop was recalled to his native land and Felician Sisters, Religious of the Sacred Heart, Little

made head of the diocese of Buffalo, in 1916. Sisters of the Poor, Missionary Sisters of the Third

The new archbishop had hardly taken up his pas- Order of St. FranciF, Sisters of uie Blessed Sacrament, toral labors when, in the autumn of 1918, the dreadful Sisters of Charity. Sisters of Christian Charity, Sis- scourge of influenza, then sweeping the country, fell ters of the Holy Child Jesus, Salesian Sisters of the upon the city with appalling severity. Archbishop Holy Eucharist, Sisters of the Holy Family, Sisters Dougherty sent a letter to the pastors of the diocese of St. Dominic, Sisters of the Most Blessed Trinity, permitting them to utilize the parish halls and Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Mi&sion Workers of the parochial schools as hospitals, and allowing the Sacred Heart, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred uncloistered Sisters to act as nurses in the hospitals Heart, Sisters of St. Joseph, Sisters of Mercy, Sisteis and private homes. Two thousand Sisters responded of Notre Dame. Sisters Servants of the Immaculate to the call: and two hundred and fifty seminarians Heart, Sisters or the Third Order of St. Francis, Poor likewise lett their studies and worked imtil late at Clares, Sisters Servants of the Holy Ghost of Per- niffht in the cemeteries burying the deAd. A special netual Adoration, Sisters of Bon Secours, Sisters of tribute of thanks was formally extended to the Arch- St. Casimir, and Sifters of St. Dorothv. bishop by the Mayor and the City Council of Phila- The Catholic population of Philadelphia diocese delphia for this noble assistance in the hour of need, was estimated in 1921 at 713,412, whose spiritual

On 11 February, 1921, press dispatches from Rome needs are supplied by 807 priests, regular and secular,

brought the news that the Metropolitan of Philadel- ministering in 479 churches, chapels and stations, phia was to be elevated to the Sacred College of Car- dinals at the Secret Consistory of 7 March. The Phllbtn, Eugene Ambrose, jurist, b. at New York

ceremonies of investiture with the Sacred Purple took on 24 July, 1857; d. there on 14 March, 1920; son of

place in Rome during the week of 7 to 10 March, Stephen and Eliza (McGoldrick) Philbin. He was

when the new American Prince of the Church also educated at the College of St. Francis Xavier. New

took possession of his titular church of SS. Nereus York; Seton Hall, New Jersey; and ^praduatea from

and Achilleus. A reception unparalleled in the his- Columbia Universit}r Law School in 1885, being

tory of the city of Philadelphia greeted him on his admitted to the bar in the following year. In 1913

return home, and at a public reception in the Academy he was appointed a justice of the Supreme Court in

of Music, the Governor of the State, and Mayor of New York, an office he held till his death. Judge

the City, joined in the universal testimony of esteem PhUbin was deeply interested in the public welfare

and affection for Philadelphia's first Cardinal. and was appointed commissioner of the New York

Onl9September, 1921, Rt. Rev. Michael J. Crane, State Board of Charities (1900), a regent of the D.D., V.G., rector of the Church of St. Francis de University of the SUte of New York (1904), and trus- Sales, was consecrated by Cardinal Dougherty as tee of the Catholic University of Amerkca, a trustee Titular Bishop of Curium and Auxiliary Bishop of of St. Patrick's Cathedral. He was one of the pro- Philadelphia. The ceremony took place in the moters and a director of the Catholic Enctclopedi a, Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, and was attended to which he contributed the article on Libel. In by a vast concourse of the laity and members of the recognition of his service to the Church he was created olergy, among whom were three archbishops and a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory thirteen bishop^. the Great in 1908.

Philadelphia is also the residence of the Ruthenian ^^^,^ ^ , , ^ . , ^ ^ ^^, .^ ^ Greek Catholic Bishop for the United States. The PhlUpplne Islands; (cf. C. E., XII— 10a), a group

Rt. Rev. Soter Stephen Ortynski, the first Ruthenian of 7083 islands, with a total area of 114,400 square

Bishop, consecrated in 1907, died 24 March, 1916, miles and a total population, according to the Philip-

since which time the see has been vacant. Within pine Census of 1918, of 10,350,730. composed chiefly

the limits of the diocese of Philadelphia, the Ruthen- of the Malay race, 91.5 per cent of whom are Chris-

ians Greeks possess twenty-nine churches, chapels tians, and only 886,999 or 8.5 per cent are Moros

and stations, two orphanages, and four schools, and pagans. The capital, Manila, has a population

"The Missionary" a religious magazine, is issued of 283,613, of whom 257,356 are Filipinos, 17,856

every month in the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) lan^age. are Chinese, 1611 Japanese, 3124 Americans, 1955

Statistics. — There is probably no diocese m the Spaniards, 635 English, 236 Germans, 160 French,

world better provided with institutions of religion, 95 Swiss. The largest islands with their respective

education and charity than Philadelphia. There are areas are: Mindanao, 36,906 square miles; Samar

188 parochial schools, t^ching 95,008 children. 5124 square miles; Ne^^ros 4093 square miles, Palawan

There are four high schools with 83 teachers and an 4500 square miles, Panay 4448 square miles, Mindoro

attendance of 2399. Fifteen academies are devoted 3794 square miles; Leyte 2799 square miles, Cebd

to the instruction of 2877 pupils; and three industrial 1695 square miles; Bohol 1534 square miles, and

schools have a staff of 64 instructors, with 439 Masbate 1255 square miles, students. Education. — In 1920 there were 925,678 pupils

The diocesan seminary in the yearly collection of with 316 American teachers and 20,691 Filipino

1921, received the sum of $195,584.86, perhaps the teachers. The public owned 4063 and rented 1163

largest amount ever contributed in one year for a school buildings. The total expenditures for 1920

similar purpose by any diocese in the Catholic world, for administration and instruction were about

The number of seminarians studying for the diocese $6,869,654. The Filipino University had, in 1920,

is 299, and there is never a lack of vocations. an enrollment of 4130, and a teaching force of 379

There are in the diocese thirteen religious commu- professors and assistants. The cost of operation was