Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/598

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$755,926.57. The amount spent for eacfi pupil per Italy, suffragan of S3rracu8e. Bishop Sturzo is still the

year is $9.50. The Vice-Governor, who is appointed incumbent of the see, which has a Catholic popula-

Dv the President of the United States, is also Secretary tion of 240,000. There are 31 parishes, 152 churches,

of Public Instruction. He and two other members 205 secular priests, 35 regular priests, 50 seminarians,

form the provincial board, which constitutes the 1 college for men with 8 professors and 70 students,

legislative branch of the provincial Government. 7 secondaiy schools with 60 teachers and an atten-

AU three officials are elected by the people. dance of 500 boys and 900 girls, 1 normal school with

History (1907-22). — In the period between 20 teachers ana 500 pupils, 1 training school with

1907 and 1913 one-half of the legislative power was 8 teachers and 80 pupils, 160 elementary schools

tunied over to a body of Filipinos, known as the with 160 teachers ana 10,000 pupils. Charitable

Philippine Assembly. The polic}^ of utilizing the institutions include 5 almshouses, 7 day nurseries,

Filipmos in the Government made it possible to have 7 hospitals and 6 orphanages for girls. Fourteen

a proportion of 72 per cent Filipinos as against 28 societies are organized among the laity. During

per cent in 1913. In 1916 the Jones Act was passed the war the clergy took the lead in all reuef work, permitting the people to elect a House and Senate.

in 1921, the percentage of Americans in the Filipino Plgnatelll, Giuseppe Maria. Venerable (cf. Service was only 4 per cent. The haste with which C. E., XI — 82d). — The cause ot his beatification, the Filipinos were put iji office, regardless of their introduced under Gregory XVI, was resumed 25 efficiency, had had a deteriorating effect on the February, 1917. service . In 1920 President Wilson called for the grant- ing of independence to the Filipinos. In March. Plaw del Elo, Diocese op (Pinbtbnbib ad 1921, President Harding sent General Leonard Wood Flumen; cf. C. E., XII— 101b), suffragan of San- to the Philippines to make a study of the situation and tiago de Cuba, Cuba. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. to report on the existing conditions. Their final Manuel Rtiiz y Rodriguez, b. 1874, ordained 1897, judgment was that **it would be a betrayal of the elected 18 April, 1907, consecrated 11 June following. Phmppine people, a misfortune to the American The population of the diocese is 173,064. There are people, a distinct step backward in the path of pro- 19 secular priests, 8 Sisters, 4 convents, and 25 gress, and a discreditable neglect of duty were we to churches, withdraw from the islands." * ^^ r*

Economics.— The total area planted to the crops ^^^^^\ Diocese op (PiNEROLraNSis; cf. C. E.,

in 1919-20 was 7,513,305 acres, the largest cHop being ^II--102a) , m the province of Turm, Piedmont ,

rice (3,453,347 acres). The value of the imports in Northern Italy, is a suffragan of Turin. The present

1919 was $107,774,000; of exports $113,118,000. mcunabent, Rt. Rev. Giovanni BatUsta Rosa, b. at

The railway mileage in 1920 was 778, owned by the CavaUema^ore, 1838, cMie to this see 18 May.

government. 1894. Durmg the World War the bishop provided

Government.— The Governor-General, as the *>read for all poor families of soldiers and twenty-two

chief executive, represents the sovereign power of the of the prieste served m the army, all wmnmg praise

United States, and is appointed by the President of and vanous decorations for theur services. Durmg

the United States with the advice and consent of the recent years the diocese lost a prominent member

Senate. Under him are secretaries of six executive from th^ ranks of it*» clergy .by the death of Rt. Rev.

departments. With the exception of the Vice- Canon Pietro Caffaro, a weU known writer. By 1921

Governor, all the secretaries arc5 Filipinos. The statistics the diocese comprises^ ^i^?l?5?L^' *_ Philippine Lc^Iature - - «« _. .^ -a.x.. .

91 representatives. A

executive order subsequent ^ v**^ ^««^v**^«w« v* »<l.« ^ — - - , , l i\ r • i

present Oiianic Act, commonlv known as the Jones secondary schools for boys and 1 for girls.

Law, forms the connecting linkbetween the executive , There are a number of schools, a ©onnafiium.

of both houses, and the secretaries. The provincial more throughout the diocese, 17 asyluiM, 2 hospit^

and municipal Governments are supervised by the a?d 2 clinics. One society is fonned among the

Department of the Interior through the executive clergy and the "Popular Union (Um^ Popolare)

h ureau and the bureau of non-Christian types. The and other societies ampngthelaity . There are about

chief executive of each of the 24 provinces is a pro- 60*^^ Catholics and 20,000 Waldensians m the

vincial governor. diocese.

Pl«««a, D100E8B OF (Placentinensis; cf. vm '"«S?f~^i,^n'^^H^,°Si^Jt£^2

C. E., XII--69d), in EmUia, dntral Italy, dep^dent XIII--588a).-The conjugation « d.v'.% "^ J^

directW on thej Holy See. The present bihop is Rt. BT'°*^^ m ^T' ^Y^l^L ?fi'. H.^^'

Rev. EraiUo Menzani, b. 1872, elected igMfconse- Bohemia, Moravia and Silema; Poland .Hungaiy.

crated 1921, succeediig Bishop Pellizzari; deceased. Austria; (^talonia; -^-Bon the CasUles. aad

The Catholic population of tfie diocese is 326,000. Valencia. There are also 3 vice-provuices. Cuba,

There are: 351 parishes, 529 secular priests, 75 regular Argentina-Chi e ; »'»d Roumama. The con^^-

priests, 160 seminarians, 1200 churches and chapels. p.^^^i^^^'^S.^^iS. ^'cScK^? 't

Duquerque. o. i»oo, eieciea i»i*. ine population ^^'^ *• *"v k*--'-"- *'— t-™—* © — --y — -^

of the diocese is 374,000. There are: 32 parishes, Thomas Vmas elected 1912. Among noted, mem-

67 secular priests, 30 regular priests, and several bers of the order are: Paulino Chelucci, latm ora-

Sisters o r- » ^^^, Remigio Maschat. celebrated canonist; Gelasio

Dobner, distinguished historiographer; Eduardo

Piazza Armerlna, Diocese of (Platiensis; Corsini, polygrapher; Giovanni Beccaria, physicist,

cf. C. E., XII— 72c), in the province of Caltanisetta, friend of Franklin; Ubaldo Giraldi, writer on canon