Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/599

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law; Mauro Ricci, writer; Eduardo Zlanas, con- scattered settlements and mining towns, preaching

troversialist. The cause of peatification of Pietro and administering the sacraments. During Bishop

Casani was introduced in March, 1922. Canevin's administration 33 English, 19 German,

19 Polish, 13 Italian, 16 Slavish, 1 Lithuanian, 3

Pious Uniona. See Associations, Pious. Croatian, 2 Slovak, 3 Hungarian. 1 Kreiner, 1 Syrian

Pisa. Archdiocese op fPisANENsis- cf C E and 30 mixed churches were built. The building of

VTT 111^^? '^ n * tif^ 'Tn?i*J:^.lt:* schools was urged and encouraged, and a parish

Xll-UOb), in Tuscany Centralltaly, Thepr^nt ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^j^^ ^^^ ^ dio^esii board in con-

administrator is Cardinal Archbishop Pietro Mam, b. ^ ^ which leeii

^^ ""' J " J. ** , -f^.i^w^^^^o^ "* t AA?' an>w^lAwviT« are forty-six, and their number is mcreasmg steadily,

created caxdmal priest 15 AprU^^^^^^ Higher "education was encouraged and in 1914 St.

popuktion of the archdiocese w l^OjOW, There we: y^^ Seminary^, which is u£der the care of the

11^ Prt"^' ^^A T^'^'f ^•^^\i^V^%S^^ ' Benedictines of ^t. Vincent Archabbey, was env

750 churches and chapels, 79 Brothers, 200 Sisters. j^^^^^^ by the Holy See to grant the ^clesiastica!

Pistoia and Prate, Diocese of (Pibtoriensis dep^ of doctorate, licentiate, and baccalaureate, fiT Pratensis; cf. C. E., XXII— 117b) in the prov- m both philosophy and theoloapr; Duquesne College ince of Florence, Italy, suffragan of Florence. The waf successful in 8«;unng the charter which elevated- bishop is Rt. Rev. Gabriele Vettore, b. at Fibbiano, »* to the rank of Umversity. (See Duquesne Uni- 1869, elected to the see of Tivoli, 15 April, 1910. veksity.) ^ . , ., . ^, . ,. t^ * • consecrated 9 May, transferred at the consistory of The I^]ocwan Confratermty of Christian Doctrine, 16 Dec, 1915, succeeding Bishop Sarti (b. 1849, orgamzed 1908, has grown to be a lay apostolate; elected 1909 d 1915) * band of young men and women journey every Sun- Within the city of Pistoia there are 12 parishes, day. to nuning towns and rurd districts and dve 35 churches, 2 convents for men, 3 monasteries for their tinae where Catholic children are in need of women, 6 convents for women, a seminanr with 70 catechetical instruction; the confraternity is now pre- students, a civil hospital in charge of Sisters, an panng 17,179 children for the worthy reception of almshouse, likewise under the direction of Sisters, the sacraments. Fourteen branches throughout the 2 orphanages (1 for boys and 1 for girls), 2 refuges whole dioc^e have 700 catechists who conduct 193 for fallen women, a hospice for women with elemen- classes, visit the scattered famihes, bring to baptism Ury, secondary and normal schools, one for men under the unbaptised, reclaim for theu- own schools chUdren the direction of priests, a public governmental ly- who attend non-Cathohc Sunday-schools, mstruct the ceum-gymnasium, a public industnal school, one of Catholic mmates of two tuberculosis samtonums, arta and crafts, a technical school, and an orphan- the Institute for the Bbnd, and the Home for C^^ age. Outside the city there are 155 parishes, 2 con- Children, and organize Catholic centere which develop vents for men, 15 convents of women with schools, ^^^ time into replar missions and parishes; fifteen such asylums, ete., and 1 orphanage under the care of parishes have been formed smce the founding of the Sisters. There are 250 secular priests, 30 regulars, C02j?*temity. ^ ^ , ,. ^r^ ... , and 130 Sisters. A mutual benevolent association The Conference of Cathohc Chanties, ^r°*^ is organized among the clergy and a diocesan weekly activities were broadened dunng the Cathohc Chan- and numerous parish bulletins are published. In ties Campaign of October, 1919, has as ite puipose Prate there are 48 parishes, 70 churehes, 4 convents the co-ordinatmg of the work of aU CathoUo chan- of men and 3 of women, 82 secular and 35 regular table activities of the diocese, whether mdividual,

  • priests, 1 seminary with 20 seminarians, 1 college orgamzational or mstitutional, to avoid duphcatog,

lor men with 25 professors and 80 students, 3 for ^ increase the efficiency of these agencies, and to women with 20 teachers and 200 students, 1 normal P^an and promote new diocesan chanties. This pio- school with 10 teachers. Charitable institutions gram haa been executed with marked success; three include 2 homes, 1 asylum, 1 hospital, 1 day nursery, temporary homes have been estabhshed which give The population of the united dioceses was 200,100 day and night shelter to childien m emergency cases; in 1920 . ' three day nurseries have been provided; the thoroughly

organized Catholic Children's Bureau is a clearing

Pitigliano, Diocese of. See Savon a and house for all matters relating to the care of neglected,

PiTiQLiANO. dependent and delinquent children; over 1728 cases

were attended during the period of twelve months.

Pittsburg, Diocese op (PrrrsBURQENSis; cf . The department of family welfare handles all family

C. E., All — 121a), suffragan of Philadelphia in the problems of insufficient support and supplies famihes

United States, comprises 7056 square miles in the with food, clothing, fuel, rent, medical aid. More

State of Pennsylvania. The development of the than 7900 cases were attended. An immigrant and

diocese in recent years is largely due to the wisdom emplo3rment bureau has been opened: a home for

and leadership of Kt. Rev. J. F. Regis Canevin who homeless children has been establishea; a school of

filled this see from 1904-1920. Pennsylvania, rank- sociologv, under the auspices of Duquesne University;

ing first among the States of the Union in the value the Catholic Child and Youth Saving Union has been

of its mineral products and the development of the organized, with units established in each parish to

iron, steel, coal and roke industries, and being one co-operate with pastors and parish organizations to

of the largest sources of labor supply in the country, keep as many children as possible out of the courts

has drawn great masses of foreign-speaking Catholics, and institutions by handling their difficulties pri-

its mception (1905) under the admirable direction of National Travelers Aid Society; in addition to these

Very Rev. Edward P. Griffin, LL. D., has reclaimed charitable organizations many new institutions were

so many souls in the thinly settled regions of the founded dunng Bishop Canevin's incumbency: 4

diocese, joined in this pioneer work. Its zealous asylums, a second home of the Good Shepherd, 1 in^

priests went out among the immigrants of the wide dustrial training school, 1 institute industrial training;