Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/620

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charge of the episcopal college of St. Charles, Porren- Norbertine Abbey of Leffe, Dinant, Belgium. In

truy near Basle (Switzerland); the Abbey of Averbode 1921 they recovered their house of Frigolet (priests,

was to start a new house of the order at Antwerp; the 31; lay brothers, 2). The Abbey of Leffe became a

Abbey of Tepl had bought the former Norbertine simple priory (priests 3). The Priory of Storrington,

Abbey of Speinshart. in Bavaria; the canons of Aver- En^and, has 6 priests and 1 lay brother. The mission

bode had started a nuge Eucharistic crusade for the in Madagascar is served by 3 Norbertine Fathers. Belgian youth. Circary of Atistria, — In Czechoslovakia: Neureisch

St. Norbertine's Third Order, foimded by the Saint Abbey (Novd Rise), 15 priests; Seelau Abbey

himself for his friend Count Theobald of Blois and (Zeliv), 21 priests, Strahov Abbey (Prague), 66

Champagne, a grandson of William the Conqueror, priests and 2 clerics; Tepl Abbey, 95 priests and 3

wasthenrstinstitutionof this kind 2 being established clerics; the college of PUscn is conducted by the

one hundred years before the Franciscan and Domini- abbey (professors, 9; students, 185). In Austria:

can Third Orders (1122). It flourished especially in Gems Abbey, 25 priests and 3 clerics; Schl&gl

Flanders, Brittany, and Bavaria. Count Baldwin IX Abbey, 41 priests and 6 clerics; Wilten Abbey

of Flanders, afterwards Emperor of Constantinople, (Innsbrtlck) , 44 priests, 4 deride, and 4 lay brothers,

was one of its illustrious members. The year 1922 - Circary of Hungary. — In Czechoslovakia: Jaszo

being the eighth centenary of the foundation, a na- Abbey (priests, 85; clerics, 13), which supplies the

tional congress of the members of the Third Order of professors and conducts the gymnasia of Kassa,

St. Norbert was held in the Abbey of Tongerloo, pre- Rozsnyo, and Nagy-Vdrad (now in Riunania). In

, «. « ^. '""*' ' *' ^ "' ' '" ' * 5),

gym- , Oand

and of the Belgian Archconfratemity of the Holy Mass Szombathely (professors, 14; stutients, 450). These

of Reparation (238,000 members), and as president two abbeys have a college for their religious, who

of the Permanent Committee of the International study at the University of Budapest^ some clerics

Eucharistic Congresses has given vigorous impulse follow the course of lectures at the University of Fri-

to those splendid world-gatherings in honor of the bourg.

Blessed Sacrament, which are making the twentieth Convents of Norbertine Nuns {Second Order). —

century "the century of the Holy Eucharist." The Oosterhout Priory, Holland, 52 nuns. Neerpelt Priory .

processof beatification of Hugh of Fosses (1093-1164). Belgium, 25 nuns. Bonlieu Abbey, nuns expelled

tirst disciple of St. Norbert and first abbot general of from France, reassembled at Grimbereen, Belgium,

the Norbertine Order, will be introduced in Rome in 35 nuns. Le MesnU-^t-Denis Priory ^ Seine et Oise,

May, 1922. by Bishop Heylen. On 27 January. 1922, France, 34 nuns. Abbey of St. Sophia, Toro, Spain,

occurred the death of the abbot general, Norbert 14 nuns. Abbey of St. Maria near Zamora, Villoria

Schachinger, Abbott of Schlagl. He was succeeded deOrbigo, Spain, 42 nuns. Zwierzyniec, near Cracow,

by the present abbot ^neral, Gummarus Crets, Poland, 4S nuns. Imbramowice Abbey, Poland, 12

Abbot of Averbode (Belgium). nuns; Priory of Ber^s Sion, near Utznach, in the Dio-

Statistics. — The following statistics show the cese of St. Gall. Switzerland, 39 nuns,

present state of the order in each circary or province. Convents of Norbertine Nuns {Third Order), — St.

Particulars are also given having reference to some Joseph's at HeUigenberg, near Olmutz, 10 nuns, and

convents of nuns who, though no longer under the Stresovice Andelka, near Prague, 3 nuns,

jurisdiction of the order, are or have been related to it. Congregation of Norbertine Sisters, mother-house at

The figures have been taken from printed catalo^es Duffel, Belgium, with branch houses in Mechlin,

published in December. 1921, or from letters since Gheel, Hoostraeten, Neerwaver.

received. When the aesired information has not r n\.'t

arrived in time, a catalogue of a former year has been Prendergaat, Edmonb F., Archbishop of Phila-

consulted. delphia, b. at Clonmel, Ireland, on 3 Mfp"* 1843;

Circary of Brabant (Belgium and Holland) .—Aver- d. at Philadelphia on 26 Februan', 1918. He came

bode Abbey: priests, 89; clerics and novices, 26; lay to the United States in 1859 and made his ecclesi-

brothers, 37; of these, 28 priests and 22 lay brothers astical studies at Overbrook Seminar>% bein^ ordained

have been sent to Brazil; and 4 priests and 2 lay on 17 November, 1865. He held peveral important

brothers to Veile in Denmark. Grimbergen Abbey: pastorates in the Archdiocese of PhUadelphia and

priests, 32; clerics, 7; lay brothers, 6: of these, 4 from 1895-1897 he served as vicar-general. He was

priests are in Canada. Park-Louvain Abbey: priests, auxiliary to Archbishop Ryan on 27 November , 1895,

38; clericsj 5; of these, 8 priests in Brazil. Postel and he was consecrated titular Bishop of Scillio by

Abbey: priests, 27; clerics, 4; of these, 1 priest in his immediate superior on 24 February, 1897. He

Belgian Congo and 1 in England. Tongerloo Abbey: was appointed seventh archbishop of Philadelphia on

priests, 80; clerics, 31; lay brothers, 31; of these 12 27 May, 1911.

priests are in England, 6 priests are in Switzeriand, Si5!.,r78fJ!f.9S%iuL^^^ ^iTh'^enl^^tJ'^'t

and 12 priests and 10 lay brothers are m Belgian Congo PHeAood of the Moh /eewre^id Ed^d F. Prend^rgoH, D.D.

in the Prefecture Apostolic of Welle (q. v.). Berne- and the Dedication of the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul,

Heeswijk Abbey: priests, 48; clerics, 11; lay broth- fl^'^i^Y^ ^S^^'^i!^^f^J^\Vl^^S,°,t\r.^^^^^

ers, 13; a flourisfcng college with 100 students is tv%Y'23 "" "^

attached to the abbey. St. Norbert's Priory, West

De Pere. Wisconsin, U. S. A.: priests, 34; clerics, 7; Presbyterianlam (cf. C. E., XII— 392c) .—In

lay brothers, 4; and a college conducted by the fath- 1906 the Presbyterian Church in the Unit«d States

ers. of America effeci/ed a union with the Cumberland

Circary of France, — The Abbey of Mondaye and Presbyterian Church. However, approximately one- other houses, confiscated in 1903^ foimded a new house half of the ministers, organizations, and members of at Bois-Seigneur Isaac, near Nivelles, Belgium. In the latter refused to recognize the union and continued 1921 the old Abbey of Mondaye was reestablished the organization. Much litigation ensued, most of (priests 22; clerics, 2; lay brothers, 2). The Abbey the cases being decided in favor of the "reunited of Averbode took charge of the Priory of Bois-Seigneur church;" in Tennessee and Missouri the decisions Isaac (priests 8; clerics, 7; lay brothers, 2). favored the Cumberland body. The union has

Circary of Provence. — The ABbey of Frigolet and adopted a "Book of Common Worship" for voluntary

other houses confiscated in 1903, bought the former use. In 1907 the Council of the Reformed Churches