Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/683

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instniciors and 150 students, 1 academy with 60 published 10 March, 1919. He succeeded the Rt.

boys and 80 Kurls, 1 elementaxy school with 40 pupils. Kev. Antonio Maria Duran, who died 18 July, 1917.

a commercial school for boys with. 120 students ana According to the statistics of 1920 the diocese con-

for drls with 90, 3 associations among the laity, who tained 400,500 Catholics, 43 parishes, 20 filial

number 4000 and are mostly French. During the churches, 53 chapels and 26 priests, war 350 laymen and 1 priest were mobilized, 99 of ^ ^ ^ .^ ^ ,. , ^

whom were victims. Sa*»* Thomas of Mylapur, Diocese of (Sancti

THOMiB DE Meliapor; cf. C. E., XIII— i382d),

Baint Tejresa of Jesus, Society of, founded by suffragan of Goa, India. The Catholic population Enrique de Osso, on the feast of the Sacred Heart of the diocese is 80,000, including Indians, Anglo- of Jesus 23 June, 1876, at Taragona, Spain, and Indians, and Europeans. The All-India Eucharistic approved by Pope Pius X, 18 December, 1908. Fr. Congress was hela in 1912. In 1921 the Marian de Osso's desire was to stem the torrent of impiety Congress was held at Madras and the Episcopal which threatened to engulf vast numbers of young Conference at Mylapore. During the World War souls. The object of the institute is the Christian several units from the diocese served in different de- education of young people, to extend the knowledge partments. Rev. A. A. Teixeira was chaplain to and love of God by means of the apostleship of the British forces in Mesopotamia and Rev. Faustino prayer, teaching and sacrifice. The mother-house Barreto was chaplain to the native Indian forces. la in Barcelona, Spain, where the mother general The present bishop is Rt. Rev. Teotonio Manuel and her council reside. The four provinces with a Ribeiro Vieira de Castro, b. 1859, elected 1899. total of 51 houses in Spain, Africa, Mexico, South There are in the diocese: 51 parishes, 60 churches, 5 America, Cuba and the United States. The acad- vicariates forane, 178 stations and chapels, 1 monas- emies have courses of study from the kindergarten tery for men^ 3 convents with 37 European Sisters, to the grammar and academic grades, and in some 9 convents with 93 Indian Sisters, 76 secular priests, places normal courses are conducted. There are 7 regular priests (Salesians), 5 lay brothers, 2 semi- three novitiates: one in Tortosa, Spain; one in naries with 28 seminarians, 6 high schools with 60 Montevideo, Uruguay, South America; and one teachers and an attendance of 1239 boys and 150 in San Antonio, Texas. The members of the So- girls, 81 elementary schools with 324 teachers and ciety make the three simple vows of poverty, an attendance of 4865 boys and girls, 2 industrial chastity and obedience, and must be imbued with schools with 15 teachers and 226 pupils, 2 homes for the spirit of their holy patron, the seraphic doctress, men and women, 3 orphanages for boys with 350 St. Teresa of Jesus. There are teaching and lay inmates, 6 orphanages for gu-ls with 230 inmates, religious. The society is governed by its own con- 4 dispensaries, 1 day nursery. Most of the institu- stitutions and rules, which follow the rule of St. tions are aided by^the British Government. The Ignatius. * Mylapore Diocese Educational Society is established

The province of St. Teresa of Jesus, with pro- amon^ the clergy, and the Catholic South Indian

vincial house and novitiate at Jesus de Tortosa, Association amonc the Isuty. A Catholic periodical

Spain, has academies and schools in Spain at Barce- Jf published, caUed "The Catholic Register of

lona (3), Valencia, Taragona, •Saragossa, Tortosa, Mylapore.

Villanueva, Vinebre, San Celoni. Almunia, Maella ^ , , ^ ^ ,^, ^^^,v

and Enguers; in Africa, at Oran, Algeria. The , fWnt Viatw, Cijewcb of (cf. C. E., XV— 39M^

province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has acad- In 1912 the Holy See erected into provmces, with the

emies and schools in Spain at Madrid (2), Ciudad canonical advantages and obhgations sudi erection

Rodrigo, Valladolid^ Pamplona, Oviedo, Bilbao, brmge, the four obediences of the institute, viz.

Calahorra, Huelva, Duenas and Mora de Toledo. Vourles, Rodez, Montreal, and Chicago. In the

The province of St. Francis de Sales, with provin- sajn© y^^J J^^ f^J^^Ji^^ general, Fr. P. D. Laioie,

cial house at Mixcoac, Mexico, and novitiate at celebrated the suctieth anniversary of his sa^e

San Antonio, Texas, has academies and schools in ordination. In 1914 the general chapter of the order

Mexico at Mttcoac, Mexico City, Puebla, Morelia, was to be held at Jette-St.^Pierre, and the delegates

Zacatacas, Guadalajara and Merida; in Cuba at were en route, some having already reached th;b

Havana, Camaguey, Santa Clara, Ciego de Avila mother-house, when the war broke out. This

and Guantanamo; in the United States at San forced, the supenor generd to postpone the ch^^

Antonio, Tex., Uvalde, Tex. (parochial school). New indefinitely During the German occupation of

Orleans, La. parochial school). The province of 2^«"f,f,S^^ '^TT'^Z^ni^? J^^^^^

St. Joseph with provincial house acd novitiate at ^*?,^"* off. The, personnel of the juvenate of West-

?i' «*«,:Si^ TT^!l„«, " Q*,.*u A *,•: " i!-- ™3_ malle succeeded m crossmg the frontier and took

^ut:uoorvu^t«, ^i^ciiti"», o*mtiuKuu« v.uie,Y";^»'=^ Osterhout; they numbered 70 and remained at

SrLn^ ^A^^uZtH'^llL^^^^^^^ Osterhout' for fifty months. Four yeare of physicS

n f ^'o 4?"?«,o"' ^^'^^^y* ^°^^^ Uruguay, and ^^ ^^^^ suffering were patiently borne by the

Dolores, Uruguay. superior and his asswtante. One of these, Brother

Balnt Thomas, Diocese op (Sancti Thoum Buchon, died, durmg the war, from privation.

IN insula; cf. C. E., XIII— 381c), in the Gulf of Another, Fr. Coutu, after tedious parleys witii the

Guinea, suffragan of Lisbon. The last bishop died German authorities and humilatmg formalities,

in 1847. The see then remained vacant. Since 1865 succeeded in gettmg out of Belgium on the mission

it has been ruled as a vicariate. In 1920 the Catholics of makmg the canonical visit of the provmcee. He

numbered about 21,000. went to America (1916) to visit the American and

Canadian provinces and in 1917 returned to France.

Baint Thomas of Oiilaaa,DiocESE of (de Guatana: where he died the following year from disease causea

cf. C. E., XIII — ^382c), in Venezuela, suffragan ol by the conditions of life while in Belgium. Fr.

Caracas. The present bishop is the Rt. Rev. F. M.Robergfe, from the Canadian province, was ap-

Xiste Sosa, b. at Tinaco, 20 Oct., 1876, elected titidar pointed assistant fl^neral to succeea Fr. (Joutu, and

bishop of Claudiopolis 14 June, 1915. consecrated 28 joined his post in December, 1918, a few weeks after

Oct., published 9 Dec. following, ana made adminis- the armistice was signed. The superior general, Very

trator apostolic of Guiana, transferred 5 Dec, 1918, Rev. P. D. Lajoie, died at Jette-St. -Pierre, 25 Feb.,