Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/692

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was restored in 1586. San Severino is situated Sandliant, Diocese of (Sandhurstensxs;

about a kilometer from the ancient Picene city of cf. C. E.. XIII— 436c), in Victoria, Australia, suf-

Septempeda. where the Romslns later established a fragan oi Melbourne, The present administrator

colony. It nas two cathedrals, the older being in an is the Rt. Rev. John McCarthy, b. at Fermoyle,

ancient castle. In 1827 the Augustinian church be- diocese of Kilfenora, Ireland, 1 Nov., 1858, elected

came the new cathedral, and to it the Madonna of 14 Feb., 1917, consecrated 7 June following. He

Pinturicchio was transferred recently from the castle, succeeded the Kt. Rev. Stephen Reville, O. S. A.,

while Pomaranico's paintings are in the Church of the who died 19 Sept., 1916. The diocese contains

Madonna della Misericordia. The crypt of the 26 parishes, 109 churches, 38 stations, 1 monastery

Church of San Lorenzo in Doliolo, a Cistercian for men, 8 Marist Brothers, 44 secular priests, 8

abbey church, is believed to be the ancient temple regulars, 202 Sisters, 1 orphange with 150 orphans,

of Feronia. It is in this church that the relics of 58 penitents. Educational institutions incluae the

the martyrs SS. Hippolytus and Justin are preserved, following: 1 college for men with 2 teachers and 36

The sanctuary of San Pacifico attracts large crowds students; 13 colleges for women with 59 teachers and

of pil^^rims from the adjoining dioceses. Near Monte 988 students; 26 (uementary schools with 104 teachers

Sanvicino St. Dominic Loricato passed his extraor- and 3612 pupils.

dinarily penitential life and when his monastery fell « ^ . ^ .« , ^

into ruin his body was transferred to the parish Sandomlr, Diocese of (Sandomiriensis; cf. C.

church of Santa Anna in Frontale. This little E., XIII— 436d), m Poland, suffragan of Warsaw,

diocese of San Severino has a population of about The present mcumbent is the Rt. Rev. Mananua

20,000; the Capuchins have 1, the Friars Minor 1, Joseph Ryx, b. at Warsaw, Poland, 10 Dec, 1853.

and the Cistercian monks 2 houses; 1 monastery oi ordained m 1879, elected 7 April, 1910, consecrated

Cistercian nuns; 1 convent of Poor Clares; the Vm- 20 June, published 27 Nov.. 1911. In 1920 the dio-

centian Sisters of Charity have an orphanage and a cese Jontained 892,278 Catholics, 21 deaneries, 215

hospital; the Sisters of the Child Jesus have a flourish- parishes, 50 filial churches, 333 secular pneste, 1

ing college, and the Daughters of Providence an regular, 45 Sisters, 96 seminarians, 1 college at

orphanage. There are 29 parishes, 100 church Opatow.

fhini, was bom in Gualdo in the Archdiocese of 'errara on 13 December, 1859, appointed titular SanktPolten, Diocese of (Sancti Hippoltti; cf. Bishop of Carpasia on 13 January, 1909, and auxiliary c. E., XIII— 447b). in Lower Austria, suffragan of ?^^®^^' *°^ transferred to, San Sevenno on 4 Vienna. There are now (1921) in the diocese. July, 1913, suceedmg Mgr. Bicchi, who died on 550300 Germans, of whom 644,000 are Catholics 18 January^ 1913. ,,„•«*•» r i> j- * and 6800 belong to other denominations. It con- ^S^ }^^ PS^^^u^^^"^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^rS^?* tains 40 parishes, 503 churches, 9 monasteries, 7 XV, dated 20 Februanr 1920 the dioc^ of Treja abbeys and t convent for men, 104 conventa with was perpetually umted to that of San Sevenno in 1140 sisters; 510 secular and 449 regular priests such a way that the Bishop of thektt«rd^^^ and 20 lay brothers. There is one diocesan semi- be Apostdic Adminwtrator of Treia. The bishop ^^^ jgQ students, two preparatory seminaries w to reside a notable part of each yearm either j^^ ^oys and one diocesan theological institution, diocese. Treja had been made a diocese on 8 ^ith very few exceptions, the educational institu- u '^^^^'SL^^^S' ^""S^^^l^lt ^^^^^^ tions are under the care of the government. In &fn!if?Qt^'^lfpn^iHL high schools {MittehchuUn) lad elementary

SSSn^w'J^'Wi^^^^ Sw^tt^thf^nr^^^^^^

under^he jurisdiction of the Bisho^p of San Se^eriJ ^--/^.g a? SaSrp" It^.'^h^^^^^^^

n^tnWo'^ML^S^ "^rf^ fQlTS?i7^ih.W diocesan high schools {Hohere Schulen) with '29

CJ^8 Darish^S^kuTi^^^^^ and 3^^" ^«/^»^^" ^^^^450 students (girls), 1 normal school

ri^ knd iri^w nrS^^^^^ (diocesan), for girls, with 15 teachers and 250 stu-

F^r^Mhior^a SJnv^^^^^ ^^^^' 20 elementaiy schools (diocesan), 120 teach-

thif Sistera of Charitv had a refuse and i S ^^^ ^^ students, 7 industrial schools of which 1 Is

^,^KAna<K> in <lAAi*{r^rl ♦y^ Hi'roMinir fho niiKiin\#%a. commcrclal and 6 arc housekeeping schools with 40

orphanage, m addition to directmg the public hos- ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ students (girls) and 2 mission

P^^- schools.

8aa Severe, Diocese of (Sancti Severini; cf. , P® foUowingiMtitutions exist in the diwese:

C. E., XIII-453b), in southern Italy, suffragan of i ^^^^ \°^ ^^X ^^^W institute for the deaf and

Benevento. By a cdnsistorial decree of 23 February, d"'?^ ^ 1 other institutions are under the care

1916, two parishes of the archdiocese of Benevent<J 9^ ^^^ state and about 750 sisters give their serv-

were assigned to the diocese of San Severo. The *<^^ /» caring for the inmates^ Four aKociaticMW

present bShop is the Rt. Rev. Gaetano Pizzi, b. at f^'^ f°«>°? }^^ clergy and 28 among the laity.

Miranda^ Itafy, 15 February, 1854, elected bishop of gP/^ ^ Catholic penodicals are published at Sankt

Lacedoma, 21 July, 1907, consecrated 15 September, Molten, all others are issued m Vienna and m other

transferred 5 November, 1912, enthroned 1 February, nearby places. . ^^ . ^ , .

1913, suceeding the Rt. Rev. Emmanuele Merra, . During the war both clergy and laity were active

who died 20 July, 1911. In 1920 the diocese con- ^. coring for the wounded m hospitals, for the

tained: 45.920 Catholics, 7 parishes, 25 churches and pnsoners and refugees. Entertainment w pro-

chapels, 94 secular priests, 6 seminarians. ^ided for the soldiers, homes were esUblished and

spiritual and bodily comforts were given to them.

Sanctuary, Right of (cf. C. E., XIII — 430). — Mention should be made of the following dis-

Churches still enjoy the right of asylum to this tinguished prelates and laymen who have died

extent, that culprits taking refuge there are not to since 1912: Rev. John Kirschbaumer, Provost at

be removed, except in case of necessity, without the Krems, a well known author; Very Rev. Anthony

assent of the ordinary or at least of the rector of the Erdinger, Very Rev. Karl Erdinger, both prelates

^hurch. at Sankt Polten and writers of renown, the lattor