Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/693

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also a botanist; Count Julius Falkenha}^! and Santa Clara, Univebsitt of, — founded by the

Count Ferdinand Kuef stein who were well known Rev. John Nobili. S.J^ 19 March, 1851, upon the

public-spirited men of their day. invitation of Rt. Rev. Joseph Sadoc Alemany, O.P.,

At present (1922) the diocese is administered by Bishop of San Francisco. On 28 April, 1855, the

the Rt. Rev. John Baptist Roessler, b. at Nieder^ institution was chartered as a university, but it was

Schrems, 23 June, 1850, ordained 19 July, 1874, known as Santa Clara College until 29 April, 1912,

appointed to the see of Sankt Polten 10 April, when its title was officially changed to "University of

1894, consecrated 10 June following. Santa Clara." In 1907 the courses in law. medicme,

and engineering were begun and by 1911 the pre-

Sant' Angelo de' Lombard! et Bissaccia, Dig- n^edicaland law schools were well established, and in

CBSB OF (Sancti Anqeli Lombardorum et Bis- }^^^ *f® school of engineering. At present (1921)

ACCiBNBis: cf . C. E., XIII— 469b), in Southern Italy, ^^^. university consists of the colleges of philosophy

suffragan of Conza. The present bishop is the Rt. *?<* letters, general science, institute of law, college

Rev. Giulio Tommasi, b. at Scanzano, Italy, 13 ®^ engmeenng, school of pedapgy and pre-medical

August, 1855, elected 19 April, 1897, made assistant fpurse. A preparatory school is conducted under

to Uie pontifical throne 12 August, 1915. According ^^ Bupenasion of the umversity authonties. Rev.

to the statistics of 1920 Sant* Angelo contains 27,000 Timothv Leo Murphy, S.J. , is pr^ident of the

CathoUcs, 6 parishes, 30 churches and chapels, 75 un^yersrty and the faculty nunabere 48. The total

secular priests. Bisaccia contains 15.570 Catholics, 3 registration for all departments m 1921 was 369. parishes, 15 churches and chapels, 43 secular priests, Santa Orua de la Sierra, Diocese of (Sanotjb

2 regulars. Crucis de Sierra; cf . C. E., XIII— 456c) , in Bolivia,

suffragan of La Plata (Charcas). According to

Sant' Angelo In Vado and Urbania,DiocESB the statistics of 1920 the diocese contained 54 parishes

OF (Sancti Angeli in Vado et Urbaniensis: cf . 70 churches and chapels and 105 priests The present

C.E., XIII — 459c), in Italy, suffragan of Uroino. bishop is the Rt. Rev. Joseph Santistevan vmo has

The present bishop is the Kt. Rev. Luigi-Giacomo administered the see since 1901.

u^'^'^S Capuchm, b. at Taggia Italy, 17 Novem- g^nta Pe, Archdiocese of (Sancti Fidei

ber, 1869, elected 18 August, 1908, consecrated 4 .„ a^^^.^a- nfn v ^iTjZ-^AikA\;r.T^l^^^

October following, published 29 April, 1909. He A^^^KkW^ln R W

succeeded the Rt. Rev. Antonio Valbonesi who re- Aj^S*^b»^op John B . Pitaval resimed February, 1918,

signed. According to.the statistics of 1920 Sant'?l^?Si2PP"^L*^i^*:!^^^^^^^^

and 20 seminarians. ^^^^ 1 j ^^^ following. The' archdiocese con-

a..»«.« A«-4.« ji^* n^« Tx /a A taius 50 parishes, 315 missions with churches. 50

Santa AgaU ««V,^v??t°^^,Sk^'- ^II i"** churches ^th resident priests, 316 mission ch^W

TBA Ciotborum; cf. Chi., AlU^-454D),inDoutnem 104 mission stations M secular oriests 47reiniliini

Italy, has M paririies; 93 churches; 2 convents of g seminarians, 160 religious including the fiStheri

nuns with 12 membere, and 6 communities of Sisters; ^f y^e Christiii Schools at Santa F6 Ld Las VegaT

3 religious housM of men; 89 secular and 13 regular q^^^ „f LoKtU>, of Charity, of the Most Ble^ pnMt8| 9 Brothers; 1 seminary 66 semmanans; Sacrament, of St. Francis liid of the Sorro^ 1 girls' college. 2 teachers, 15 students; many el^ Mother, feducational institutions existinTkT the mentary schools with a very larp attendance; 6 archdiocese are: 3 coUeges for men with 28 teachers infant asylums: 1 hospital. AlF the . elementary and 398 students; 6 higf schools with 29 teachersand schools m the dioc^e are state or city institutions. 4i3gtudent8 (62 boys, 361 girls); 4 academies wSh The clennr has a Mutual Benefit Association and a 40 ^^1,^^ ^^ 773' ^^ studento; 1 normal school ?*^ '^^^'Tk-i-'*"*'*!® laity there are several rural ^4^, 26 students; 26 elementary schools witt. 98 banks J 2 Catholic circles, and vanous pious unions ^^hers and 4993 pupils. The foUowing charitable mcludmg the Daughters of Mary. The population of j^titutions have b^n founded in the IrchSo^^ lo®n^'"*?t."' TVr'y Ca.thohc and numbers about 5 hospitals at Santa F6, Albuquerque, GaUup^R^i 32,000. One of. the most mterestmg evente in the ^as Vegas and RosweU; St. Anthony's OrphaSimat diocesan history m recent years was tfo C9ronation of Albuquirque and St. Vincent's OrpTianaST^to the Madonna on Mount Tabumo. During the war p^ ^ich^receivee an annual appropriatiS fromthe both clerp and laity devoted themselves to the care Qo'vemment. A periodical cal^ tfie^SouthwStem of the reTugees and the orphans. In AugiMt, 1921, a Catholic," the ofcial organ of the arehKsTof T>enodical for the Franciscan Tertianes of Southern a._*- pi :_ -«_„i„,i„ n,n-nt.o/i r*....;..- *k« I-T^ Itftlv was started at Airola in the diocese *? Kt' " ^^SO^V pnnted. During the War two Italy was siariea at Airoia m the oiocese. pnesto became chaplams and many of the laity en-

a.... n... M T^.,^^ a -a _ _t tercd the service. The Catholics number 141.673.

Santa Oasa dl Loreto. See Recanati and Lorbtd. <,f whom 121,000 are Americans and Spaniaids and

■r,. ^-^ 20,573 are Indians.

Santa Oatharina, Diocesb of (Florianopolis; '

cf. C. E., XIII — 456b), in Brazil, suffragan of Porto Santa Pe, Diocese op (Sanctjb Fidei; cf. C E

Alegre (Sao Pedro do Rio Grande). The present XIII— 457b), in the Argentine Republic, suflfragan of

administrator is the Rt. Rev. Joachim Dominiques de Buenos Aires. Accordmg to the statistics of 1920 the

Oliveira. He was b. at Villanova de Gaya. Portugal, diocese contains: 1,050,000 inhabitants, 73 parishes

4 December, 1878, ordained 21 December, 1901, 52 succursal parishes, 153 churches and chapels in elected 2 April, 1914, published 28 May following, the State of Santa F6. The governments of Chaco consecrated 31 May, succeeding the Rt. Rev. Borges and Formosa have 4 mission centres. The first and Quintao, who was elected but never accepted the present bishop is the Rt. Rev. Jean Boneo, who has honor. According to the statistics of 1920 the diocese administered the diocese since 1898.

contained 486,960 inhabitants, of whom about

200,000 are Protestants, most of them German emi- Santa Lucia del Mela, Prelaturb Nulxius or

grants. No further statistics are available. (cf. C. E., XIII — 457d), within the territorv of the