Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/694

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Archdiocese of Messina, under the direct jurisdiction Santa Maria dl Polsl. See Polsi, Santa Mabia di of the Holy See. The prelature is administered by

the Archbishop of Messma (q. v.) and comprises 7 Santa Bfarta, Diocese of (SANCTiB Mastbm;

parishes, 76 priests and 13,354 inhabitants. cf. C. E., XIII— 458). in Colombia, 8u£fragan of

Cartagena, is governed by Mgr. Joaquin Garcia,

Santa Maria, Diocese of (SANCTiB Marijb; cf . Eudist, who was bom at Bucaramanga, in the Diocene

C. E., XIII — 458a), in Brazil, suffragan of Porto of Nueva Pamplona on 4 April, 1883, and was

Alegre. The first and present administrator is the appointed to this see on 15 September, 1917, in sue-

Rt. Rev. Miguel de Lima Valverde, b. at Bahia, cession to Mgr. Toro. who had oeen transferred to the

Brazil, 29 Sept., 1872, ordained 30 March, 1895. See of Antoiqufa. The diocese contains about 86,000

deputy and president of the chamber of Deputies of inhabitants.

Bsoiiaj elected 6 Feb., 1911, consecrated 15 Oct. The first bishop of this diocese, Mgr. Tomas Ortiz,

following. According to the statistics of 1920, the O.P., was appointed in 1531, but owing to ill-health

diocese contained: 28 parishes, 15 secular priests, he was unable to receive episcopal consecration after

38 regulars, 25 Brothers and about 50 Sisters, 1 his arrival in Spain from America, where he had pre-

college and more than 40 secondary schools. The viouslv passed some time as protector of the Indians,

inhabitants numbered 435,000 of whom 400,000 were Don Alonso Tobes was appointed his successor, but

CathoUcs, 20,000 Protestants and 15,000 Jews. shortl}r after his consecration he died in Spain when

« ^ «. _. ^ «« a. A 1.T preparing for the journey to his diocese. Finally

Santa Blarla de Monserrato, Abbey Nullius Bishop Juan FemAndez de Angelo succeeded in reach-

°f J^^'^^^l^.^^^ « ViRGiNis DB MoNSEjmATo; ing his sec in 1536. Pope PaulIV reduced the diocese

of. C. E., XIII--458a), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the rank of an abbey, but ten years later (1572)

The arch-abbot, Dom Gerardo van Caloen resigned Gregory XIII made it a diocese once more, with Fray

the charge of the Biazihan Benedictine Congiegation juan M^ndez as bishop. The diocese now contains

in July, 1915. Before he resigned a coadjutor 26 rather extensive par&hes with 35 churches; among

cum jure auccesaionis, Dom Chrystomo van Saegher, the latter the most notable are the Cathedral, in

had been chosen. Both have now retired, the first Roman style, very solidly built on artistic lines, and

to the monastery of St. Andrew in Lophem (Bruges), the mother church of Santa Ana in Ocafia, a work of

Belgium, the second to Regina Coeli Abbe^ m beauty.

Louvain. The present arch-abbot of the Brazilian The religious communities are: the Capuchins and

congregation is Dom Jo86 da Santa Escolastica Eudists at Santa Marta: the Jesuits at Ocafia; the

Fana, elected 28 October, 1920, and blessed by Presentation Sisters of Tours at Santa Marta, Cien-

Cardinal Gasparri 24 June following. He hves at aga, Ocafia and Convenci^n: and Visitandines at

the monastery of Sfto Bento in the suburb Alto B6a Ocafia. Devoted to the care ot the sick and the educa-

Vista da Tijuca, in the mountains which surround tion of girls, the Presentation Sisters have excellent

Rio de Janeiro. Today the abbey nullius is gov- colleges m each of the towns just mentioned, with a

emed by Dom Pedro Eggerath, formerly rector of total of over 2000 pupils, and they direct 3 hospitals

the gymnasio of Sio Bento in Sfio Paulo, who was in Santa Marta, CSenaga and Ocafia. There are 35

elected 14 October, 1915, blessed 13 February, 1916, secular and 11 regular priests, and a seminary with

elevated to abbey nulhus by apostohc bull m August, 33 seminarians, which is under the care of the Eudists.

1921. The new abbot has continued the works com- The work of the Jesuits who were introduced by the

menced by his predecMsors, but from the beginning presiding bishop, Mgr. Toro, is twofold: some of the

has enlarged the social activity of the abbey. The Fathers are engaged in missionary work in the part of

works of the abbey are: the diocese bounded by the east bank of the Rio

1. Mi89um ofRioBranco,--ln August, 1912, two Magdalena, others ^re teaching in the College at new Fathers and a lay brother reinforced the staff Ocafia, where they have 200 students. Besides the working there, making four prints and 3 lay brothers educational institutions mentioned above there ar«  in the teiritory between the Rio Branco and Rio in Santa Marta the Liceo Celedon, which is chartered Negro. A group of Benedictine nuns will soon follow to confer the baccalaureate degree, and normalschoola them. The Brazilians (f aimers and laborers) in the for men and women each with about 12 professors and territory number about 20,000 and the Indians about 300 students. In Ocafia there are advanced and ele- 5000, nearly all of whom are baptized. mentary technical schools: and in the entire diocese

2. Care of Souls.— Be^des the abbatial church in more than 320 primary schools. There is a diocesan Alto B5a Vista, the monks have charge of the paro- "Boletin eclesidstico" published every fortnight; and chial church of Sant' Amaro in the neighboiing a weekly paper published in the parish of El Sagrario city of Campos, State of Rio de Janeiro, and in other and San Miguel de Santa Marta. The sodalities and places in the Diocese of Nictheroy. The Benedictines societies among the laity are very active and produc- also have charge of care of souls in the navy hos- tive of consoling results; chief among them are: pital on the Island of Cobras, as well as the ganison The Brothers of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the and prison on the same island and the hospitd of Sodality of the Sacred Heart, the Adorers of the Sfto Sebastifto for tubercular patients. They look Blessed Sacrament, the Nazarenes, the Knights of out for the immigiants coming from Europe who Columbus, the Dau^ters of Our Lady ofMount are stationed in the Island of Flores, in the bay of Carmel, the Rosarjr Sodality, the Third Order of St. Guanabora. „ , ^ , , Francis. The Societies of the Propagation of the

3. Educalion (Secondary).— 1 gymnasio attended Paith and of the Holy ChOdhood were established by 300 students. (Primary) 1 "populai" school for gome years ago and are rapidly increasing their mem- 200 boyS; 1 night school for adults, 1 shelter for bership.

naval sailors. These schools are taught by the Iq 1905 the diocese was divided to provide for a

monks assisted by lay teachers paid and direct^ Vicariate ApostoUc of Goagira, whose first Vicar Mgr.

^Ll^^l^^^lu.lll^L^l^;:!"!^^^^ Anastasis Vicente Soler y Royo with his ««dous

have reaped so much

country. Most of the

with Solemn vowsj 2 clerics with simple" vows, 1 Goagiros and the Arhuacos now are civilized; while choir novice, 5 lay brothers and 2 Lay novices; the Motilones also are abandoning their proud pagan- total 28. ism and savagery for Catholicity.