Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/695

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Santa Bosa de Oapan, Diocese op (Sanct^ dences in Obidos, Monte Alegre, St. Joseph's Colony, RosiB DE Capan), in the Repubhc of Honduras, and amongst the Indians. These Sisters have a no- suffragan of Tegucigalpa. This diocese was erected vitiate in Muenster( Westphalia), for novices who come 2 Feb., 1916, by the division of the diocese of CJomay- from Germany. The Franciscan Fathers come from agua, of which it takes in the western part and in- the Province of St. Anthony in Brazil and are all eludes the civil provinces of Santa Barbara, Capan, Germans. They have a Seraphic College in Bardel Gracias, Ocutepeque, and Intibuca. The present (Westphalia) for German postulants, the college being and first bishop is the Rt. Rev. Claude Volio, b. at directly dependent on St. Anthony's Province in Cartago, in Costa Rica, 28 Oct., 1874, elected 8 Brazil.

Feb., 1916, published 4 Dec, following. No statis- The city of Santarem, situated where the Tapajoz

tics are available. enters the Amazon, is a healthy city of about 5000

a— .♦- T»-.— A^ rk-^ T%, /a ^ inhabitants. It has the Cathedral Church of the

Santa Bosa de Osos, Dioce»b of (Sanct^ Immaculate Conception, St. Sebastian's Chiu-ch in

RoB/E DB Osois) m Colombia, South America, the east and St. Raymundus' Church in the west of

ffiiffragan of Medellin. This dioc^e was erected 6 the city, and the 2 convents of the Franciscan Fath-

February, 1917, ^ and the Rt. Rev. Maximilian ers and the Conceptionist Sisters in the south of the

Crespo was appointed ite bishop. He was born at city. The population of the whole prelature is Cath-

Buga,Col9mbia, 18 October 1861, elected bishop olic with very few exceptions. There are about 20

of Antioquia, 18 October, 1910, published 27 Noyem- Protestants in Santarem and perhaps a dozen in some

^'V^^^H' transferred 7 Februajy, 1917, published other cities. Obidos has about 3000 inhabitants and

22 March ^oUoynng. No statistics for this diocese Alemquer, Macapd and Monte Alegre less than 3000.

have been pubhshed up to this time (1922). The people are descendants of Indians and some

Santa Severlna, Archdiocese of (Sanct^ European immiCTants, mostly of mixed origin and

Severin>b: cf. C. E., XIII-459d), in Calabria, !!™®, ^^^^ed, the pure European and quite white

Southern ftaly. The present Archbisllop is the Most Pf^r^^'^^J^'^ ^f ?/ Jn Macaj^ is a ConCTegation

Rev. Carmefo Pujia, b. at Filadelfia, Italy, 25 oj the Daughters of the Heart, of Mary- 14 Sisters m

Oct., 1852, elected bishop of AnglonaA'ursi 13 ^""^^J,? w ^*^J ic^- Ti. *^- ^"^'^"i S^'^i^

July 1897, published 14 March, 1898, promoted amongstthe Waup^s and5m the Diocesepf Piauhv.

October, 1905, published 11 December, following. ^, P^^'^^ among the Manduruciw Indians of the

He was made Assistant to the pontifickl throne 9 Filature was founBed m 1910 and has. 2 schop^^^^

February, 1912, and named administrator of Cotrone ^S^^"^^"*^^' ,4"'ected by the Franciscan Fathers

1 April, 1921. He succeeded the Rt. Rev. Nicolas ?^^.*^® Conceptionist Sisters. There are about 600

PiccmUi who was transferred. According to the Indians civUized and instructed. The Mandurucus

statistics of 1920 the diocese contained: 42,000 l^ve a roecial idiom, in some way like the LupH^^

Catholics, 23 parishes, 5 vicarages, 63 churches and ^^^> ^"^^ ^l^ coMiderable difference. Fr. Hugo

chapels, 67 secular priests, 16regmlare, 17 seminarians. ^®^' ^**^ stayed 10 years amongst these Indians,

  • ^ ' *- f o > composed a very interesting grammar and dictionary

Saatander, Diocese op (Sancti Anderii, Sai4- of the language and wrote also a catechism. The

TANDERiENSis: cf. C. E., XIII— 468c)^ in Spain. F^nt prelate of Santarem is Rt. Rev. Amandus

suffragan of Burgos. The present administrator is Bahlmann. O.F.M., titular bishop of Argos. bom in

the Rt. Rev. Juan Plaza y Garcia, b. at Hortezuela de Essen (Oldenburg), 8 May, 1862, entered the Fran-

Ocen, Spain, ordained 4 June, 1887, elected titular ciscan Order in 1879, consecrated 19 July, 1908. bishop of Hippos 27 August, 1913, consecrated 27

December, following, transferred 16 December, 1920. Santiago de Oompostela, Archdiocese op. See He succeeded the Rt. Rev. Vincent Sanchez y Castro, Compostela. who died 19 September, 1920. According to the sta- tistics of 1920 the diocese contained 239,000 Catholics, Santiago del Estero, Diocese of (Sancti 478 parishes, 500 secular prieste, 20 convents for men Jacobi de Estero; cf. C. E., XIII— 462c), in the with 151 priests, 61 convente with 573 sisters. Argentine Republic, suffragan of Buenos Aires. The

S resent and first bishop is the Rt. Rev. Juan Martin aniz. He was b. at Cordoba, Argentina, 23 October,

XIII— 459d). in North Brazil, suffr^an of Belem do 1840, elected 7 February. 1910, consecrated 8 May.

Pari, erected 21 September, 1903. The first prelate In 1920 the diocese contamed 220,000 inhabitants, 13

was Rt. Rev. Frederico Benitio Costa. The area of parishes and 46 chapels, the prelature is 231,660 square miles. It is bounded

on the north by Guiana, on the east by the Atlantic Santo Domingo, Archdiocese op (Sancti

Ocean and the Xingu River, on the south by the state Dominici; cf . C. E., XIII — 463c), in the Island of

of Matto Gross and on the west bjr the State of Ama- San Domingo, Greater Antilles. The present ad-

zonas. There are about 200,000 civilized inhabitants ministrator is the Most Rev. Adolph Nouel y Boba-

and about 50,000 Indians. More than half of the dilla (see Dominican Republic), b. at San Domingo,

prelature is yet unexplored. The civilized people live 12 December, 1862, ordained 19 December, 1885,

along the Amazon River and near the mouths of the elected titular archbishop of Methymna, 8 October,

rivers that flow into it. There are 20 parishes erected. 1904 and coadjutor to the Archbishop of San Domingo,

Santarem, Obidos, Alemquer, Monte Alegre, Macapa consecrated at Rome 16 October, published 14

and Itaituba have residing pastors. The other par- November following. He succeeded Most Rev.

ishes are frequently visitea bv the missionaries: Ferdinand Antoine Merion, deceased on 20 August,

Faro, Juruty, Almeirim, Boim, Alter do Chfio, Avei- 1906. He was elected President of the Republic of

ros, and Altamira by the Franciscan Fathers; Masa- San Domingo 2 December, 1912, resigned 2S March

K&o and Amapd by the Missionaries of the Holy Fam- following, having fulfilled his mission of peace by

3y. In the prelature there are 12 Franciscan Fathers that time. On 3 f^ovember, 1913, he was named

and 2 Franciscan lay brothera, 5 Missionaries of the Apostolic Delegate to Cuba and Porto Rico which

Holy Family (from Grave in Holland), and 1 secular position he held until 1915. He was made assistant

priest, an Italian. In Santarem is the monastery of to the pontifical throne 30 April, 1916. According to

the Franciscan Fathers, and the principal convent of the statistics of 1920 the archdiocese contains 60

the Sisters of the Immaculate (Ik)nception Order who secular and 4 regular priests, 55 churches, 20 Sisters

number 50 Sisters, 30 in Santarem and 20 with resi- of Charity, 246 schools.