Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/702

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consists of two priests appointed by the bishop for Besides this, many black French subjects were in- six years, after consulting the chapter. The vicar corporated in the SinSgalaia tiraiUeurSt thousands of general, the rector of the seminary, the ceconomus, the whom died. All of the missionaries within the a^ ordinary confessors, and members of the bishop's limits were mobilized, and many of them served in household may not be members of the board. The campaigpis in France and Kamerun as chaplains or bishop must see that the seminarians each day recite infirmarians. Two missionaries won the liffion in common their morning and evening prayers, make d^honneur, one the midaiUe mt^ttoire, nearly all others a meditation and assist at Mass, that tneygo to con- the croix de auerre. One black missionary, Abb6 fession at least once a week and receive Holy Com- Sonko-Sau6, chaplain with the SinSgalaia HraiUeunf munion frequently, that on Sundays and feasts^ they was killed in Champagne in the attack of April, 1917. be present at Mass and Vespers, taking part m the There are in this territory 27,942 Catholics, 4 par- ceremonies, especially in the cathedral, if the bishop ishes, 14 churches, 10 missions, 24 stations, 3 con- judges that discipline and studies would not suffer vents of Sisters. 4 secular and 26 regular (Holy Ghost) thereby, Uiat they make the spiritual exercise an- priests, 6 lay brothers. 1 semini^, 5 seminarians, nually for some days, and assist at a religious instruc- 1400 pupils in schools, 4 hospitals. The Sodality of the tion at least once a week. No one is to be admitted Children of Mary and other parish associations are io a seminary without written attestation of his organized among the laity ana one monthly bulletin legitimacy, and his reception of baptism and con- is published. There are established under the Gov- firmation; nor may one who has been dismissed from emor of Senegal many practical works among the another seminary or from a religious institute, until natives such as. a lyc6e at St. Louis, normal school at the bishop has been informed by his old superiors Gor4e, an inaustrial school at Uor^, a medical why he was dismissed, and has fotmd him to oe not schodl, a maternity hospital and a criche at Dakkar. unworthy of being raised to the priestly dignity.

The seminary is not imder the jurisdiction of the Sens, Archdiocese of (Senonensis; cf. C. E.,

parish priest; for those who live therein the rector XIII — ^720b), comprises the department of Yonne,

of the seminary is parish priest except in regard to France, and has as suffragans Troyes, Nevers and

matrimony. He may not, however, hear the con- Moulin. The present archbishop, who also has the

fessions of the students, except in a particular case title of Bishop of Auxerre, is Mgr. Jean-Victor-

when for a grave urgent reason a student freelv asks Emile Chesnelong. b. at Orthez^ Diocese of Bayonne,

him to do so. It is to be noted that the Code pre- 6 April, 1856, oroained in Pans 1879, pastor of St.

scribes that there must be separate profession in Michel and in 1902 of Ste-Madeleine; elected bishop

seminaries for Scripture, dogmatic theology, moral of Valence 21 February, 1906, consecrated in Rome

theology and church history. by Pius X, 25 February and enthroned 29 March;

promoted 12 January, 1912. succeeding Mgr. Etienne

Senegal, Vicariate Apostolic of. See Sene- Ardin, deceased. During the war 129 prieste and 26

GAMBIA seminarians were mobilized from the archdiocese, 7

priests and 12 seminarians were killed; 1 Ugion Senegambia, Vicariate Apostouc of (cf. C. E., d'honneur, 6 midaiUes mUUairea a,nd ^8 croix de guerre XIII — 715b), to which is joined the Prefecture were awarded them. In the archdiocese there are about Apostolic of Senegal, both in French West Africa, 305,000 Catholics, 491 parishes, more than 500 although a portion of the vicariate is British territory churches, 318 secular priests; 1 upper seminary with 30 called Grambia. The two territories are entrusted to seminarians, 1 lower seminary with forty-three, an the Fathers of the Holy Ghost with residence for the £coleduSacr6Coeur with 17seminariana; 2 colleges, the vicariate at Dakar and for the prefecture at St. Louis. Ecole St. Jacques with 150 students (43 seminarians) , The vicar and prefect is Mgr. Louis Le Hunsec , bom the Ecole St . Edme , 120 students, in both colleges there at Ploemer, diocese of Vannes, France, 6 January, being 28 prof essors;schools (primary andhigherprimary 1878, novice in 1897, student at French Seminary m 8 for boys, 48 for girls, total 134 classes, 2567 pupils, Rome in 1898, ordained 1901, professed in 1902, sent withl75instructors;6oiphanages directed by religious, to the mission 1903, elected Bishop of Europus 22 The important hospitals are dependent on the civil April, 1920, named vicar and prefect 23 April, conse- administration but except in the one at Auxerre, the crated in Paris 30 May following. His predecessor was nurses are furnished by the Sisters. The Sisters of Mgr. Hyacinthe Jalabert, b.atChamb^ry, 12Novem- Ste. Colombo (Sisters of the Holy Childhood of berr, 1859, ordained 1882, missionary in Guiana, left fo Jesus and Mary) form a congregation for hospital Seneg£j in 1896, elected 13 February, 1909, conse- work, founded m 1842. They occupy the grounds crat^ in Paris 1 May following, titular bishop of and some of the buildings of the old monastery o\ Telepta, vicar and prefect, died with seventeen mis- Ste. Colombe. The Catholic press includes "La sionaries 11 January, 1920, on his way back to Dakar Semaine Religieuse," official organ of the archbishop, when the steamship "Africa" was shipwrecked. The and "La Libert^ de TYonne," a Catholic weekly French Government named Bishop Jalabert a directed by an ecclesiastic named by the bishop. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for his devotion Tlie congregations of women include Sisters of the in tihe epidemic of yellow fever which desolated Sene- Holy Childhood, Carmelites, Daughters of Charity, gal in 1901. In the vicariate and prefecture there are Sisters of the Good Shepherd of Angers, Presentation 1,300,000 inhabitants, of whom about 800,0(X) are Sisters of Tours. Bon Secours Sistera of Troyes, Fran- Mussulmans. There are two races of natives, the ciscansSistersot Providence of Alen9on,Augustinians, Divals and Serers, who have remained pagans but are Ursulines. On account of the situation of the reh^ous being converted little by little to the Cathoic religion, in France, it is impossible to give accurate statistics In Jmy, 1919, M. William Pouty, Governor General concerning them, of French West Africa, died, in March, 1919, the

celebration of the centenary of the arrival of the Sis- Seonl, (cf. C. E., ' XVI— 84d), Vicariate ters of St. Joseph in the colony, and in October, 1921 , Apostolic op, in Corea. It comprises northern and the visit of M. Sarrant, minister of the colonies, and central Corea with the exception of two north- in December, 1921, the visit of General Mangin, were eastern provinces, Ham-Kyeng, which were given important events. The blacks who live in the to the Benedictine Congregation of St. Ollilien on towns of St. Louis, Rufique, Gk)rde and Dakkar are 1 May, 1921. Following this division there remained cUoyena ^lecteura and in 1915 they were mobilized, to the Vicariate of Seoul seven of the thirteen prov- Threehundredof these soldiers were killed in the war. inces which form Corea. Its area covers 43,769