Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/755

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nals and 15 periodicals are published here. The pop- statistics credit the diocese with 80,540 Catholics,

Illation of this diocese numMrs approximately 423,3/5 25 parishes, 170 secular priests, 30 seminarians, and

Italians and 165,681 Germans. 91 churches and chapels.

Trteiton, Diocese of (Trbntonenbibj cf. C.E., TTicblnopoly, Diocese of (Trichinopolita-

XV — 37a), comprises 5756 square miles m the State nensis; cf., C. E., XV— 40d), in India, suffragan of

of New Jersey, and is suffra^in of New York. The Bombay. In order to facilitate administration this

second bishop of this see, Rt. Rev. James Augustin diocese is divided into four districts, each under a

MacFaid. appointed 20 July, 1894, died 16 June, vicar foraine having residence at Trichinopoly, Ma-

1917. Mis successor was appoint^Mi in the person ot dura, Palamcottah and Tuticorin respectively. The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Walsn, bom in the oiocese of distnct of Tuticorin has lately been formed out of the Philadelphia in 1873, made his atudies in Buffalo, the district of Palamcottah and entrusted to the Indian seminaiy of Alleghany and in Rome, was ordained in secular priests under a vicar foraine chosen from Buffalo m 1900 and served as pastor of the cathedral, amongst them. These districts are subdivided into secretary to the bishop and cnancellor of the cathe- sections numbering seventy-eight in all. Rt. Rev. dral of Buffalo, and was appointed bishop 10 May, John Mary Barthe, S. J., appointed to the see in 1890.

1918. This territory is the seat of several militairy was given a ooadfjutor in the person of Rt. Rev. camps which played an important part in mobilisation Auguste Faisandier, in 1909, and upon his resignation and training during the World Wan Camp Dix in 1913, Bishop Faisandier succeeded him on 19 at Wrightstown, Camp Kendrick at Lakehurst, Cape December. Bgm inCoubon, France, in 1853, Bishop May -Naval Station, Camp Alfred Vail at LitUe Faisandier entered the Jesuit Order in 1874, went as Silver, Camp Edge, at Sea Girt, Fort Mott at Salem, a missionaiy to Madura in 1889, served as a professor Camp Raritan at Metuchen and Fort Hancock at in St. Joseph CoUege, master of novices and rector of Sandy Hook. Trenton is also the seat of the state the scholasticate of Shembaganur, and was named prison, state reformatory, state homes for bovs and superior regular and vicar general in 1905, in which for girls, state hospital, state village of epileptics, opacity he served until his appointment. During the state sanitorium for tuberculosis, New Jersey school World War one of the pndbts from this diocese, for deaf and the New Jerse^r home for feeble minded Rev. A. Constanto, who was serving as a chaplain in women. aU of which institutions are served by priests the French Army, was killed near Verdun. The from the diocese. At present (1922) the reiisious diocese suffered another loss through the death of orders established here mclude Fmnciscan Fathers, Rev. Francis Billard, who died in Bangalore, 1 Aug- Augustinians, Priests of the Con^gation of the ust, 1913; his remains were immediately traiisferred Mission, Fathers of the Pious Society of Missions, to Trichinopoly^ where they were buried in a little Order of the Most Holy Trinity, Domimcans, Brothers chapel erected m St. Mary's Tope, a settlement for of the Sacred Heart and Christian Brothers; women: the Brahmins whom this holy priest had converted to Sisters of Chari^, Mission Helpers of the Sacred Christianity. The total Catholic population of this Heart, Sisters of St. Francis, of St. Joseph, of Mercy, diocese, according to the 1921 census, numbers Dominican Nuns and Sisters of the Holy Cfaila 279,324, of whom 942 are Europeans and Eurasians. Jesus. Latest statistics credit the diocese with 198 Latest ertatistics credit the diocese with 78 parishes or secular and 33 regular cler^, 148 churches with stations, 632 churches and chapels, 1 convent of resident priests, 68 missions wmi churches, 84 stations, Brothers of the Sacred Heart, 6 convents of women, 20 chapels, 1 coUe^ with 102 students, 1 preparatory 29 secular and 155 regular cleif;y (Jesuits)^ 34 lay school for boys with 77 students, 1 college for girls brothers of whom 30 are Indians, 560 Sisters, 1 with 85 students. 4 academies for girls with 273 seminary, 24 seminarians, 1 college for bo3n9 with pupils, 62 parocnial schools with 27,056 pupils, 110 teachers and 2476 students, 5 high schools with 10 high schools with 927 pupils, and 2 orphan asy- 125 teachers and 2200 boy students and 400 girl lums. A total of 30,884 younj^ people are under students, 3 training schools with 17 teachers and Catholic care. The charitable institutions include 208 pupils, 418 elementary schools with 886 teachers 2 hospitals, 4 day nurseries and 2 homes for the aged, and 21,341 pupils and 9 industrial schools with 20

teachers and 492 pupils. The various charitable

Treviso, Diocese of (Tarvisinenbis; cf. C. E., institutions include asylums for Indian widows at

XV — 38b), in the province of Venice, Northern Italy , Trichinopoly and Adeikalaburam, 11 dispensaries, 4

suffragan of Venice. This see is filled by Rt. Rev. homes and St. Mary's Tope, for Brahmm converts.

Andrea Giacinto Longhin, bom in Campodarsego, All the schools receive an annual grant from the

Italy, in 1863. He entered the Congregation of government. St. Joseph's College has organized an

Capuchins in 1879 and became provincial of the Order alumni association, as well as a very active press

in Venice, in 1902, and was appointed bishop 16 AprU, which publishes the "Messenger of the Sacred Heart

1904. In October, 1919, he was named an officer of in Tamil, "The Momins Star" a Marian marine,

the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, by the 'The Majrazine" the college periodical, and Indian

Italian King. The church of the Great Mother in Catholic Truth Society pamphlets in t)oth English

this diocese was made a minor basilica 12 June, 1917. and vernacular. According to 1920 statistics the Catholic population

numbers 453,822; there are 219 parishes, 400 secular Trlchnr. Vicariate Apostouc of (Trichubbnsis;

and 30 regular clergy, 270 seminarians, 22 Brothers, cf. C. E., XV— 41b), in India^ one of the four vicar-

300 religious women and 400 churches and chapels. iatee of the Syro-Malabar Rite. According to the

census of 1920 the Catholics of the Syrian Rite in

Trlcaxlco, Diocese of (Tricaricensib; cf . C. E., the vicariate numbered 106,423, having 100 churches

XV — 40a). in the province of Potenza, Southern and 4 chapels served by 96 native secular priests.

Italy, simragan of Acerenza. Rt. Rev. A^pito- There are also three monasteries of Carmelite Regular

Augusto-Giovanni Fiorentini, app. to this see Tertiariesat Elthuruth, Ambalakad, and Pavaratti,

27 June, 1909, was transferred to Catasaro 25 Sep- , with about 22 professed and 11 lay brothers besides

tember, 1919. He has been succeeded by Rt. Rev. ' a number of novices; also six convents for Carmelite

Achille Grimaldi, bom in the diocese of Anglona; nuns with 136 professed nuns, two convents of St.

he was named an honorary chamberlain extra wrbem Clare with 22 professed nuns, and one of the Holy

9 May, 1907, rector of the seminary of Capua in 1919 Family with 13 professed nuns, besides novices, pos-

and appointed bishop in January, 1921. The 1920 tulants, and lay sisters. There are in the vicariate