Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/758

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various charitable and pious associations are well or- effected by entrustiag much of the work to firms

ganized. During the World War, out of a total of in Ireland. The C. T. 8. also undertook the pro-

100 priests mobflized. 13 gave up their lives, 3 were duction of special literature for the Catholic Evi-

decorated with the Hkgion d'honneur,** 4 with the dence Guild. It was decided that the time had

  • ^Tnedaille vnlitaire" and numbers with the "croix come for the Society to secure a working centre

de gverre, in a prominent position in London, and pending

/ m_ r r* -D ^^^ ^®P ^^® busincss Committee occupied a tempo-

Tnijillo, Diocese of (de Truxillo; cf. U. IL., rary office near Westminster Cathedral, and organ-

XV— 70a.) in Peru, suffragan of Lmm. The wesent ^^eJ ^ new propaganda to increase the membership,

incumbent of this see is RJ- Rev. Carlos Garcia This included sermons in the churches, public meet-

Ingoyen, bom in Luna, m 1857. After starting his j^gg^ and a well organized circularising campaign,

studies at the semiimry of Santo Tonbio, he left and ^he membership rose rapidly, and in February,

became secretary of foreign affairs, but returned m 1922 extensive offices were secured in a fine build-

1880 and was later ordained. In 1898 he became j ^i^^ ^^ ^j^g cathedral. M the work of the

secretary in particular to the Archbwhop of Lima Society was concentrated in these new head-

and a canon; he served as director of the Revista quarters which included offices for the staff, a rcfcr-

SS^^li^^' o ^9^ esiastical censor, collaborator of ^^ce libraiy and an enquiry and information bureau.

-El, Bien Social, and founder and director of El ^ ^.^^^j department, an extensive basement for the

^•«^,^ ?^^°- ^^^^^ 1 1^^^^ i2? . K imn^ storage and wholesale department of the Society's Seem 1909, he was appointed bisW 21 Mar^^^^ publications. A large haU was arranged for meet- He has been honored with the croa P^^^ Ings and conferences and the Catholic Evidence Pon/j^ce, and WM named an assisten^^^^^ Guild undertook to use it for lectures to non- cal throne 27 June ]^^'}^^r^^^^.l^^^ Catholic audiences on Sundav afternoons and eve- the histoncal institute of P^^^^ „i ^U ^^^ ^^^^ The new centre was in- chocese total 89,(X)^there^^ au^rated on April 25, 1922* by Cardinal Bourne.

Thrdtoc"es^etmpri^,at^^^^^ -^^Y ^V^' ^^ been aLalous and helpful

on v-u^! IRA i;i^o Q »^^j«o«o«fl of^ niiiirnVioa promoter of the new movement. It is hoped that

20 parishes, 150 pnests, 6 seminanans, JoU cnurcnes i,,Ke;^i-««r ^v^f^^o «ti1i K/» ^..<*«>«i;»Ari i^ /^fkaf

««f chapels'. 6 coSgregaUons of men and 6 of women. ^jJ^S'^.h "i'^ut "oL^BriX^he's,^!^" Truth Societies, Cathouc— Enoland.— The rec- has also taken over the work of the BexhiU Library ord of the Catholic Truth Society during the last (q. v.), established by Mr. Reed Lewis, ten years covers the difficult period of the Great ^ Archdiocese of (Tuamensb: cf. C. E., War, and the remarkable XV~79d), in Ireland, ife present' Mchbishop sion of Its work after the peace f^^f y^^^^^^^ of this se^. Most Rev. Thomas P. Giknartin. wm a trymg tune. The rise m the ^^.^^ P^Pfr and ^^^^ ^ j^, jgjg ^ ^^^^^ ^^ Reverend printing not only restncted the .Society s output J^j^^ ^^ who died k March of that year after but also made It necessary to increase the ^le gg^enteen yeara in the see. Arehbishop Gihnartin price of Its publications, thus limiting their circula- ^^ ^^ ^^^ Castlebar, County Mayo in 1862, tion. Many publications went out of print ajid it ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^, education at St. Jarlath's College, was only by ^eful management that its ajctivity ,j^^ y^^ completed his studies at St. Patricias was mamtained even on a restricted basis Never- College, Maynooth, and was ordained in 1885. He theless much valuable work was done. Its LitUe ^^^^ ^ a professor at St. Jarlath's, and in 1891 was Prayer Book" had been adopted by the War Office appointed Dean of St. Patrick's Coli^, which posi- as the prayer book for Catholic soldiers. Before ^^^^ j^^ g^^ ^^j, j^ election as Bishop of Clonfcrt long the War Office orders for the book became so jg December, 1909. He was promoted to the arch- large that to supply them would have entailed diocese from this see. During the World War this heavy loss. It was arranged that the Prayer Book diocese sent two chaplains to the front to serve with chould be printed by the War Office as an official ^^^ British forces. Rev. Michael Divens and Rev. publication, the Government paying a royalty to Michael Comey, and a third, Rev. Goeflfrey Prender- the Society. Flemish and French translations of g^st, served as a chaplain with the British forces in the book were also pt-epared for the Belgian refugees Palestine from July, 1916, to December, 1917. The who were crowding into England, and later a little i^ity were represented in the ranks in large numbeis. manual of instruction was produced in both these j^ 1914 h^q Benedictine Nuns, who were forced to languages. The final result was the formation of leave their abbey at Ypres upon the arrival of the a Belgian Society for the production of dieap Germans, came to Tuam and are now permanentlv Catholic literature, which was established at Brus- established in Kylemore Abbey, County Galway. sols after the armistice. * The abbey, built several years ago as a private The conditions for publishing work remamed residence, is of exceptional beauty, and the nuns difficult for long after the war, but nevertheless have opened a school nere for the higher education of the Catholic Truth Society was able to carry girls. The archdiocese has a purely Irish population through a remarkable work of reorganization and of about 180,000. It is divided into 5o parishes expansion. Many useful publications were out of having 126 churches, and compris'v 11 monasteries p/int. These were gradually reprinted,and put into for men of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, circulation. The work both of literary control and l abbey for women, 17 convents for women, 165 busiress administration had so far been carried secular priests and 5 r^^ars, 28 lay brothers. 200 on by a single general committee. In 1920 a small nuns, 2 colleges for men with 18 teachers ana 155 business committee was formed to deal with admin- student.s, 4 secondary schools for sirla with 29 istration and propaganda. At the annual general teachers and 215 students, 8 high schools with 34 meeting in April, 1921, a new scheme of organi- teachers, 790 boys and 170 nrb, 428 element4iry zation was adopted; the election of the general schools with 33,100 pupils and 4 industrial schools committee brought in a new element of strenp:th; with 300 pupils. The charitable institutions include, and the practical work was divided between a liter- 1 home, 1 asylum at Castlebar, 8 hoq>ita]a and 8 ary and a business committee. Closer relations refuges; a number of the hospitals and refuges have were established with the Catholic Truth Society now, however, been taken over by English soldiers. ( f Ireland and large economies in printing were The elementary and intermediate schools, and the