Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/98

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Marien Blaha, born in Hradok Loptorski, Slovakia, ministered. An abortive foetus, no matter when in 1869, served as director of the St. Adalbert bom, is to be baptized absolutely if it is certainly Society, and a delegate from Czechoslovakia to the alive, or conditionally if life is doubtful. A de- Peace Conference in 1919, named an honorary formed foetus must always be baptized at least chamberlain the same year and appointed bishop conditionally; if in doubt whether there is one 16 December, 1920, to succeed Rt. Kev. Wolfgang human being or more, one is to be baptized ab- Radnai, appointed 11 July, 1914, retired and pro- solutely, the others conditionally, moted to the titular see of Axum 16 December, Ceremordes, — A different ceremony is used in 1920. The diocese comprises a Catholic population baptizing according as the recipient is an infant of 223,779; 71,629 Lutherans, 193 Calvinists, 6500 or an adult; but the local ordinary may for a grave Jews; the 1920 statistics credit it with 111 parishes, reason allow the ceremonies of infant baptism to 43 second-class parishes and vicariates, and 171 be used in baptizing adults. A child is to be bap- secular priests. tized according to its parents' Rite, but if the

parents are of different Rites the ceremony must

Baptism (cf . C. E., II-269a) ,— Minister, A per- be according to the father's Rite, unless there is a

son must be baptized solemnly in his own parish special law in certain cases: American, Syrian, and

and by his own parish priest or by another priest Coptic Uniats follow the general law; among

with his or the ordinary's permission, if this can Ruthenian Uniats, bojrs are baptized in the father's,

be done easily and without delay; otherwise the girls in the mother's Rite, unless their father is a

baptism may be administered by any pastor in Ruthenian cleric; among Italo-Greeks living in the

whose parish the person happens to be. Conse- West if the father is Greek and the mother Latin,

ouently a child wliose parents belong to parish A either Rite may be used. If only one of the parents

should be baptized there, even if it were bom and is a Catholic, the ceremony should be according to

remained some time in parish B. Deacons are his or her Rite. If this canon is violated, the per-

extraordinary ministers of solemn baptism; they son nevertheless belongs to the Rite in which he

may not exercise their power without leave of the should have been baptized.

local ordinary or the parish priest, which should be If a person is in danger of death he may receive granted if there are good reasons, and this permis- private baptism. If this is administered by one who sion may be presumed in case of necessity. Parish is neither a priest nor a deacon, he is to use only priests are ordered to see that the faithful, espe- the rites which are reouired for the validity of the cially midwives, physicians and surgeons, know how sacrament. On the other hand, if the minister is a to baptize in case of necessity. When private bap- priest or deacon and there is time, he must add the tism is conferred, there should be one or two wit- ceremonies which should follow the actual baptism, nesses if possible, so that the fact of baptism can If the subject is not in danger of death, the ordinary be established if occasion Jor thus should arise. An cannot permit private baptism, except when an important change has been made by the Code which adult heretic is to be baptized conditionally; with declare that the minister of baptism now contracts this exception, too, all ceremonies that have been a spiritual relationship only with the person bap- omitted for any reason in conferring baptism must tized; formerly he became related to the parents be supplied in church as soon as possible. When also. The question of baptizing adults, bv which baptism is repeated conditionally— excepting the in speaking of baptism is meant those who have case of an adult heretic, as mentioned above— oere- attamed the use of reason, should be referred to monies previously omitted must be supplied; but the local ordinary, that if he so desires the sacra- if they were not omitted in the first instance the ment may be administered by him or his delegate minister is free to use or omit them in the condi- in a more solemn manner. It is recommended that tional baptism. If the parents do not wish to give priests who baptize adults and the adults them- the child a really Christian name the priest must selves should, if they are enjo3dng |;ood health, add a saint's name and record both in the bap- be fasting; moreover, the newly baptized adult is tismal register.

under an obligation to assist immediately after Sponsors, — ^There should always be a sponsor at

baptism at Mass and to receive Holy Communion, private baptism if it can be easily arranged; if none

unless grave and urgent reasons prevent him. was present then, there should be one later when

Subject, — ^As a rule Catholics may baptize only the ceremonies are supplied. In the latter case the infants, one of whose parents is a Catholic, unless person acting as sponsor does not contract a spir- in case of necessity. However, infants of infidels, itual relation^p. In repeating baptism condi- and ordinarily those of two heretical or schismatical tionally, the sponsor who acted at the first baptism, parents, or of two Catholic parents who have apos- if possible, be emplojred a^ain; this, it may be tatized or fallen into heresy or schism, can be noted, is the only case in which a sponsor is needed lawfully baptized if arrangements are made for at conditional baptism. When baptism is repeated their Catholic education, and if the parents or conditionally, neither the sponsor who acted at the guardians, or at least one of them, consent, or if first baptism nor he who acts at the second con- the child has no father, mother, grandparent or tracts spiritual relationship, unless the same person guardian living, or if these have lost their rights was employed in both cases. The conditions re- over him or are absolutely unable to exercise them, quisite for acting validly or licitly as sponsor have Adults are not to be baptized except with their been made stricter by the Code. For validity a knowledge and consent and after proper instruction; sponsor: (a) must be baptized, have attained the but if they are in danger of deatn and there is not use of reason, and intend to assume the obligation; time to instruct them in the principal mysteries, (b) must not belong to any heretical or schismatical they may be baptized provided they give signs of sect, nor be excommunicated by a condemnatory or assent and promise senously to observe the com- declaratory sentence, nor be legally infamous or mandments. If they are unable to request baptism, debarred from acts, nor be a deposed or degraded but either formerly or in their present condition cleric; (c) must be neither the parent nor the probably manifested the intention of receiving it, spouse of the person to be baptized; (d) must be they should be baptized conditionally; should they nominated to act by the person to be baptized or recover and a douot concerning the validity of the his parents or guardians, or, lacking these, by the baptism remain, conditional baptism is to be ad- minister; (c) must personally or by proxy hold or