Page:Chinese Life in the Tibetan Foothills.djvu/61

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white snake doth loll. When it is about to die, just strike it a bang. (The lamp.)

生喫得 熟喫得 放在地下又走得
It can be eaten raw, or eaten cooked; when put on the ground it can walk. (Water.)

黃牛給黑牛一頭睡 黃牛的舌頭餂黑牛的背
The yellow cow slept by the side of the black cow,
The yellow cow’s tongue licked the black cow’s back. (The kettle by the stove.)

The flea: (A louse’s remonstance.)—
尖嘴黑殼 這戳那戳 戳出禍來你跑脫
With a peaked jaw and black coat, here a rive and there a bite; when the trouble has been stirred up you make a jump and clear out.

The louse. (The flea's retaliation.)—
六脚白米 自家走不得 要怪張怪李
You six-footed white rice, who cannot even walk by yourself. You are always blaming Chang or Li.

The Orange Blossom.

柑子樹兒開白花 團團圓圓姊妹家
天晴下雨請來耍 唸個佛句當燒茶
The blossoms of the orange tree, whose petals white sweet sisters be,
In rain or in sunshine how welcome you’ll be
Just sing a chant and I’ll bring you your tea.

Heaven, Earth and Water.

天生綉綉 地生縵縵 水生骨頭
Heaven produces the variegated, Earth begets the unadorned, Water begets bones.

Natural Wisdom.

一個雀 雀飛上坡 一個雀 雀飛下坡 三歲孩兒會唱歌 不是爹娘告訴我 是我自己聰明多
One little birdie flies up the hill, another little birdie flies down the hill; a three-year old child is able to sing, not what the parents teach it, but what natural wisdom prompts.