Page:Chinese Life in the Tibetan Foothills.djvu/62

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The Twelve Months.—

正月十五湯圓子 二月驚蟄抱蠶子 三月清明墳標子
四月芒種栽秧子 五月端陽喫糭子 六月六來扇扇子
七月半 燒箔子 八月中秋喫餅子 九月重陽醪糟子
十月初一穿襖子 冬月間烤烘籠子 臘月三十貼對子

On the 15th of the first moon we eat sweet dumplings.
In the second moon the insects stir and we feed silk worms.
In the third moon comes clear brightness and we put up grave-flags.
In the fourth moon is the busy season and we plant rice.
In the fifth moon comes the dragon festival and we eat rice dumplings.
In the sixth moon comes the great heat and we use our fans.
In the seventh moon there is a festival and we burn paper money.
In the eighth moon is the mid-autumn festival and we eat moon cakes.
In the ninth moon there comes a festival and we eat fermented rice.
In the tenth moon the cold comes and we put on our wadding.
In the eleventh moon it gets colder and we light our fire-baskets.
In the twelfth moon comes the time to put up New Year scrolls.

The digits.—

大指拇 二指弟 中三娘 王夥契 身小巴兒子出不得氣

The thumb is the elder brother, the forefinger is the younger, the middle finger is the aunt, the fourth the chief partner, but the youngest piggie is almost smothered to death. The Bamboo grove.—

京竹椏  苦竹椏  對門對戶對親家  親家兒子會跑馬
親家女會剪花  大姊剪的靈芝草  二姊剪的牡丹花
三姊剪不來  丟下剪刀紡棉花  紡了三丈三大哥
二哥縫件夏布衫  三哥說我心不平  把我嫁在高山苦竹林
要柴燒柴又高  要水喫水又深  打涇花鞋不當緊
The green bamboo and the bitter bamboo
Were intermarried relations living in opposite doors.
The sons on one side were brave cavaliers