Page:Chinese without a teacher - being a collection of easy and useful sentences.djvu/26

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This door is cracked 這個門裂咯 Chayka mun leeayla.
Is this water filtered? 這個水過淋沒有 Chayka shooey kwo leen mayo?
Who is this gentleman? 這一位是誰 Chay yee way, shirt shooey?
Is it raining? 下雨不下雨 Seeah-yü poo seeah-yü?
It is sure to blow to-day 今天必要颳風 Chint‘e-enn pee yow kwah fung.
The river will soon freeze 快要封河 K‘wi yow fung haw.
Have you a skin coat? 你有皮袄沒有 Nee yo p‘ee-ow mayo?
It's very cold in the north 北邊兒狠冷 Paype-er hun lung.
Tell the coolie to paste up the windows 叫苦力糊上窓戶 Cheeow k‘oolee-hooshahng ch‘wonghoo.
Next week I want to get the matting up 下禮拜要蓬戶 Seeah lee-pi yow tah p‘ungdza.
The mosquitoes are very bad this year 今年蚊子利害 Chin-ne-enn, wun-dza hun lee-hi.
I have no umbrella 我沒有雨傘 Waw mayo yü-sahn.