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Dictionary of English Literature

M'Carthy, Justin (1830).—Novelist and historian. Novels: Miss Misanthrope, Dear Lady Disdain, Maid of Athens, Red Diamonds, Mononia, etc.; historical works, History of our Own Times, Four Georges and William IV., Modern England, Reign of Queen Anne, Lives of Sir R. Peel, Pope, etc., Reminiscences, etc.

M'Carthy, Justin Huntly (1860).—Novelist and dramatist. Novels: Dolly, Marjorie, Flower of France, Needles and Pins, etc.; Ireland since the Union; plays: The Candidate, My Friend the Prince, If I were King, etc.

Mackail, John William, LL.D., etc. (1859).—Scholar, etc. Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology (1890), Latin Literature (1895), Life of William Morris (1899), The Springs of Helicon (1909), and translated Homer's Odyssey in verse.

Mahaffy, John Pentland, LL.D., D.C.L., etc. (1839).—Scholar and writer on philosophy. Twelve Lectures on Primitive Civilisation (1868), Prolegomena to Ancient History (1871), Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers (1871), History of Greek Literature (1880), Greek Life and Thought from Alexander to the Roman Conquest (1887), Empire of the Ptolemies (1896), The Silver Age of the Greek World (1906), etc.

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, D.C.L., LL.D. (1840).—American writer on naval history. Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890), Influence of Sea Power upon French Revolution and Empire (1892), The Interest of the United States in Sea Power (1897), Lessons of the War with Spain (1899), The Harvest Within (1909), etc.

"Malet, Lucas" (see Harrison, Mrs. Mary St. Leger)

Mallock, William Hurrell (1849).—Novelist and writer on politics, evolution, etc. The New Republic (1877), The New Paul and Virginia (1878), Studies of Contemporary Superstitions, Social Equality, Property and Progress, Classes and Masses (1896), Aristocracy and Evolution (1898), Religion as a Credible Doctrine (1902), Reconstruction of Belief (1905); novels, A Romance of the Nineteenth Century, The Old Order Changes, A Human Document, The Individualist, The Veil of the Temple, An Immortal Soul.

Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley, F.R.G.S.—Novelist, etc. A Romance of Wastdale (1895), The Philanderers (1897), Miranda of the Balcony (1899), The Watchers (1899), The Truants (1904), The Broken Road (1907), etc.

"Mathers, Helen" (Mrs. Henry Reeves) (1853).—Novelist. Comin' through the Rye, Cherry Ripe, My Lady Greensleeves, Venus Victrix, Griff of Griffiths Court, The Ferryman, etc.

Matthews, James Brander, Litt.D., D.C.L., etc. (1852).—American critic, etc. French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century, Introduction to the Study of American Literature, Aspects of Fiction, His Father's Son, etc.