Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/378

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

do not inconsiderately avoid them.

i lîm cèng cōi, ŭ lwt-lêh;
he has great experience, having been near many diseased people.
hun-hù i mó̤ lîm sî gō sṳ̄;
charge him not to let the business fail of accomplishment through delay at the moment for action.
lîm-kip, sĭeⁿ bô̤ kòi;
so near it that I thought there was no help for it.
  • lîm540754
  • A forest, a wood, a grove, a clump of trees; a group or company.
chīu lîm;
groves, copses.
suaⁿ lîm;
wooded glens.
tek lîm;
a bamboo copse.
gṳ̄ lîm;
the imperial guard.
the Imperial Academy.
tôk bâk put sêng lîm;
a single tree does not make a forest.
the literary body.
chim lîm;
the depths of the forest.
  • 滿lîm5758511
  • Full to the brim; replete.
i cē íe cū íe kàu lîm-lîm;
when he does dip it up, he dips it full to the very brim.
chō̤ kàu nĕ lîm-lîm, mn̄g lṳ́ cò̤-nî khîeh?
If you fill it to the very brim, then bow will you manage to carry it?
m̄ tîeh màiⁿ chō̤ kàu khah lîm?
How is it that you know no better than to fill it too full?
  • lîm108611813
  • The eaves.
the eaves of a roof.
khīa tŏ̤ lîm-cíⁿ ĕ;
standing under the eaves.
the stone underneath the eaves, bordering the open court.
lîm-cíⁿ kha;
close to the eaves.
  • lîm5401048
  • A disease of the bladder or ureter.
sua lîm;
gravel in the bladder.
cîeh lîm;
stone in the bladder.
hueh lîm;
bloody urine.
ko̤ lîm;
stringy or ropy urine.
pêh lîm;
white deposits in the urine.
jīe lîm;
ngŏ lîm;
five sorts of urinary ailments.
  • lîm5401738
  • A continuous rain of three days.
chiu thiⁿ-sî kâi kú hŏ, kìeⁿ-co̤ chiu-lîm;
the long rains of autumn are called the rainy season.
kam lîm;
a timely rain.
  • 淋漓lîm-lî516
  • The pattering of rain or hail.
tōa hŏ lîm-lî;
the rain pours steadily down.
sía kàu lîm-lîm-lî-lî;
writing steadily and rapidly, the letters dropping from his pen like falling rain.
  • lĭm565648
  • To pick up or out; to take up.
lĭm khûn-thâu phah nâng;
lifted his fist and
struck some one.
lĭm ki to̤ cū tok khṳ̀;
took his knife and chopped it off.
cŏ̤-ngŵn lĭm tieh chíu;
the senior-wrangler of the empire is held in a close grasp.
chíu tèng lĭm ki chieⁿ;
took a spear in his hand.
  • lĭm67328
  • To hold in the hand; to maintain hold.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ lĭm chíu;
there is no place where one can get a hold on it.
lĭm pit tîeh cò̤-nî lĭm cìaⁿ hó̤?
In holding the pen what is the correct manner of holding it?
lĭm hó̤-hó̤, màiⁿ ka-lâuh;
hold it carefully and don't drop it.
lĭm kín-kín;
grasp it firmly.
nŏ̤ ciah chíu lĭm m̄ bûa;
cannot reach around it with both hands.
nŏ̤ nâng sie lĭm chíu;
the two grasped each other's hands.


  • 蜾贏lin-liang490
  • The solitary wasp or sphex, which imprisons caterpillars in its cell to feed its young.
lin-liang ie;
wasp waisted.
lin-liang-phang kâⁿ bé-lêng-khîa khṳ̀ khǹg tŏ̤ khang tói, lío cang thô kô miⁿ, ciu-jît ē-ē pue tŏ̤ hṳ́ kâi khang kháu, hng-hng-kìe, chin-chĭeⁿ līam ciu cêk īeⁿ, chit jīt ău cū pìⁿ cò̤ lin-liang-phang kíaⁿ;
the solitary wasp carries spiders in its mouth and hides them away in its cell, then it takes clay and seals them up tight, and all day it flies repeatedly to the mouth of the cell and buzzes, as if it were reciting incantations, and

then after seven days they are transformed into young wasps.

  • lín5351598
  • A wheel; to wheel.
chia lín;
the wheel of a carriage.
lín chia;
wheeled vehicles; to wheel a wheeled vehicle.
i kâi chia lín sĭ sieⁿ thih;
his wagon wheels are tired with iron.
lín tîeh tōa, kîaⁿ méⁿ;
the wheels must be large and then it will go faster.
lín m̄ tin-tăng;
the wheels will not move.
lín cē kûe cū bŏi kîaⁿ;
when the wheel is blocked it does not move.
lín khah siap;
there is too much friction at the hub.
cí bûe tōa phàu àiⁿ lín khṳ̀ tī kò̤?
Where is this large cannon being wheeled to?
lín tò̤-tńg;
wheel backward.
lín khui;
wheel it off.
chia-lín tó̤ tie, lín tîeh kang-khó;
the wheels jolt, and it is hard wheeling it.
  • lîn54116312
  • Near, contiguous, connected with; neighboring; a neighborhood ; a group of five families.
lîn-kṳ̆n kâi nâng lóng-cóng lâi;
those living near all came.
choiⁿ kim bói chù, bw̄n kim bói lîn;
a thousand ducats paid for the house, and ten thousand paid in consideration of the neighborhood.
lîn kok;
conterminous states.