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H. B. Wo. Horace Bolingbroke Woodward, F.R.S., F.G.S.
Formerly Assistant Director, Geological Survey of England and Wales. Wollaston Medallist, Geological Society. Author of The History of the Geological Society of London; &c.
Lyell, Sir Charles.
H. Cl. Sir Hugh Charles Clifford, K.C.M.G.
Colonial Secretary, Ceylon. Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute. Formerly Resident, Pahang. Colonial Secretary, Trinidad and Tobago, 1903–1907. Author of Studies in Brown Humanity; Further India; &c. Joint-author of A Dictionary of the Malay Language.
Malay Peninsula
Malay States
: Federated.
H. C. H. Rev. Horace Carter Hovey, A.M., D.D.
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Geological Society of America, National Geographic Society and Société de Spéléologie (France). Author of Celebrated American Caverns; Handbook of Mammoth Cave of Kentucky; &c.
Luray Cavern;
Mammoth Cave
H. De. Rev. Hippolyte Delehaye, S.J.
Bollandist. Joint-editor of the Acta Sanctorum.
Lucia, St;
Marcellinus, St
Margaret, St
; Martyrology.
H. E. S.* Horace Elisha Scudder (d. 1902).
Formerly Editor of the Atlantic Monthly. Author of Life of James Russell Lowell; History of the United States; &c.
Lowell, James Russell.
H. Fr. Henri Frantz.
Art Critic, Gazette des Beaux-Arts (Paris).
H. Le. Herbert Martin James Loewe, M.A.
Queen’s College, Cambridge. Curator of Oriental Literature, University Library, Cambridge. Formerly Chief English Master at the Schools of the Alliance at Cairo and Abyassiyyeh, Egypt. Author of Kitab el Ansab of Samani; &c.
H. Lb. Horace Lamb, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.
Professor of Mathematics, University of Manchester. Formerly Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. Member of Council of Royal Society, 1894–1896. Royal Medallist, 1902. President of London Mathematical Society, 1902–1904. Author of Hydrodynamics; &c.
Mechanics: Theoretical.
H. L. H. Harriet L. Hennessy, M.D. (Brux.), L.R.C.S.I., L.R.C.P.I.
Malaria (in part).
H. M. S. Henry Morse Stephens, M.A., Litt.D.
Balliol College, Oxford. Professor of History in the University of California. Author of History of the French Revolution; &c.
Maintenon, Madame de; Mazarin.
H. S.* Sir Herbert Stephen, Bart., M.A., LL.M.
Trinity College, Cambridge. Barrister-at-Law. Clerk of Assize for the Northern Circuit.
Lytton, 1st Earl of.
H. St. Henry Sturt, M.A.
Author of Idola Theatri; The Idea of a Free Church; Personal Idealism; &c.
Lotze (in part).
H. W. C. D. Henry William Carless Davis, M.A.
Fellow and Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford. Fellow of All Souls’ College, Oxford, 1895–1902. Author of England under the Normans and Angevins; Charlemagne.
Mandeville, Geoffrey de;
Marsh, Adam
Matilda, Queen
Matthew of Paris
H. W. R.* Rev. Henry Wheeler Robinson, M.A.
Professor of Church History in Rawdon College, Leeds. Senior Kennicott Scholar, Oxford, 1901. Author of Hebrew Psychology in Relation to Pauline Anthropology (in Mansfield College Essays); &c.
Malachi (in part).
H. Y. Sir Henry Yule, K.C.S.I., C.B.
See the biographical article: Yule, Sir Henry.

Mandeville, Sir John
 (in part); Marignolli (in part).
I. A. Israel Abrahams, M.A.
Reader in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature in the University of Cambridge. Formerly President, Jewish Historical Society of England. Author of A Short History of Jewish Literature; Jewish Life in the Middle Ages; Judaism; &c.
Luzzatto, Moses Hayim
; Luzzatto, Samuel David;
; Marano.
J. A. C. Sir Joseph Archer Crowe, K.C.M.G.
See the biographical article: Crowe, Sir J. A.
J. A. S. John Addington Symonds.
See the biographical article: Symonds, J. A.
J. A. V.* John Augustus Voelcker, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C, F.L.S.
Consulting Chemist to the Royal Agricultural Society of England, &c. Author of The Woburn Experiments; &c.
J. Bt. James Bartlett.
Lecturer on Construction, Architecture, Sanitation, Quantities, &c., at King’s College, London. Member of Society of Architects. Member of Institute of Junior Engineers.
J. C. R. C. Sir John Charles Ready Colomb, K.C.M.G.
See the biographical article: Colomb, P. H.
J. D. B. James David Bourchier, M.A., F.R.G.S.
King’s College. Cambridge. Correspondent of The Times in South-Eastern Europe. Commander of the Orders of Prince Danilo of Montenegro and of the Saviour of Greece, and Officer of the Order of St Alexander of Bulgaria.