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J. Bra. Joseph Braun, S.J.
Author of Die Liturgische Gewandung; &c.
J. Bt. James Bartlett.
Lecturer on Construction, Architecture, Sanitation, Quantities, &c., at King’s College, London. Member of Society of Architects. Member of Institute of Junior Engineers.
Staircase: Construction; Steel construction; Stone.
J. C. Br. John Casper Branner, Ph.D., LL.D., F.G.S.
Vice-President and Professor of Geology in Leland Stanford University, California. Director of the Branner-Agassiz Expedition to Brazil, 1899. State Geologist of Arkansas, 1887-1893. Author of numerous works on the geology of Brazil, Arkansas and California.
South America.
J. D. B. James David Bourchier, M.A., F.R.G.S.
King’s College, Cambridge. Correspondent of The Times in South-Eastern Europe. Commander of the Orders of Prince Danilo of Montenegro and of the Saviour of Greece, and Officer of the Order of St Alexander of Bulgaria.
Silistria; Sofia; Stambolov, Stefan.
J. F.-K. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, Litt.D., F.R.Hist.S.
Gilmour Professor of Spanish Language and Literature, Liverpoo University. Norman McColl Lecturer, Cambridge University, Fellow of the British Academy. Member of the Royal Spanish Academy. Knight Commander of the Order of Alphonso XII. Author of A History of Spanish Literature; &c.
Spain: Language (in part).
J. G. C. A. John George Clark Anderson, M.A.
Censor and Tutor of Christ Church, Oxford. Formerly Fellow of Lincoln College. Craven Fellow, Oxford, 1896. Conington Prizeman, 1893.
J. G. M. John Gray McKendrick, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S. (Edin.).
Emeritus Professor of Physiology in the University of Glasgow. Professor of Physiology, 1876-1906. Author of Life in Motion; Life of Helmholtz; &c.
Sleep; Smell.
J. H. A. H. John Henry Arthur Hart, M.A.
Fellow, Theological Lecturer and Librarian, St John’s College, Cambridge.
Sibylline Oracles.
J. H. P. John Henry Poynting, D.Sc., F.R.S.
Professor of Physics and Dean of the Faculty of Science in the University of Birmingham. Formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Joint-author of Text-Book of Physics.
J. H. R. John Horace Round, M.A. LL.D.
Balliol College, Oxford., Author of Feudal England; Studies in Peerage and Family History; Peerage and Pedigree; &c.
Stafford: Family; Stanley: Family (in part).
J. Hl. R. John Holland Rose, M.A., Litt.D.
Christ’s College, Cambridge. Lecturer on Modern History to the Cambridge University Local Lectures Syndicate. Author of Life of Napoleon I.; Napoleonic Studies; The Development of the European Nations; The Life of Pitt; &c.
Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph; Stein, Baron.
J. H. van’t H. Jacobus Hendricus van't Hoff, LL.D., D.Sc.
See the biographical article VAN'T HOFF, JACOBUS HENDRICUS.
J. K. I. John Kells Ingram, LL.D.
See the biographical article: Ingram, John Kells.
Slavery (in part); Smith, Adam (in part).
J. L. M. John Linton Myres, M.A., F.S.A.,
Wykeham Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Magdalen College. Formerly Gladstone Professor of Greek and Lecturer in Ancient Geography in the University of Liverpool, and Lecturer on Classical Archaeology in the University of Oxford.
Soli (Cyprus).
J. L. N. J. Lane-Notter, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.Med.
Colonel (retired), Royal Army Medical Corps. Formerly Professor of Military Hygiene, Army Medical School at Netley. Author of The Theory and Practice of Hygiene; &c.
Soil: Soil and Disease.
J. M. Sir John Macdonell, C.B., M.A., LL.D.
Master of the Supreme Court, London. Formerly Counsel to the Board of Trade and the London Chamber of Commerce. Quain Professor of Comparative Law, and Dean of the Faculty of Law, University College, London. Editor of State Trials; Civil Judicial Statistics; &c. Author of Survey of Political Economy; The Land Question; &c.
Sovereignty; Spheres of Influence.
J. M. M. John Malcolm Mitchell.
Sometime Scholar of Queen’s College, Oxford. Lecturer in Classics, East London College (University of London). Joint-editor of Grote’s History of Greece.
Solon; Sphinx (in part); Strategus.
J. O. N. Rev. James Okey Nash, M.A.
Hertford College, Oxford. Headmaster of St John’s College, Johannesburg. Formerly Missionary of the S.P.G. in Johannesburg.
J. Pe. John Percival, M.A.
St. John’s College, Cambridge. Professor of Agricultural Botany at University College, Reading. Author of Text-Book of Agricultural Botany; &c.
J. P. E. Jean Paul Hippolyte Emmanuel Adhémar Esmein.
Professor of Law in the University of Paris. Officer of the Legion of Honour. Member of the Institute of France. Author of Cours élémentaire d’histoire du droit français; &c.
States-General: France.
J. S. F. John Smith Flett, D.Sc., F.G.S.
Petrographer to the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Formerly Lecturer on Petrology in Edinburgh University. Neill Medallist of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Bigsby Medallist of the Geological Society of London.
Sill; Slate: Geology; Spherulites.