Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 18.djvu/567

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PERIODICALS 541 Historical journalism was first represented by Elccta Juris Publici (1709), philology by Neuc Accrra Philologica (1715-23), pliilosophy by the Acta Philosophorum (1715-27), medicine by Der patriotische Mcdikus (1725), music by Der miisikalischc Patriot (1725), and edu cation by Die Matrone (1728). Reference has already been made to the Miscellanea curiosa mcdico-physica (1670-1704) ; the Monatliche Erzdhlungcn (1689) was also devoted to natural science. Down to the early part of the 18th century Halle and Leipsic were the headquarters of literary journalism in Germany. Other centres began to feel the need of similar organs of opinion. Hamburg had its Nicdcrsdchsische ncue Zeitungen, styled from 1731 Nicder- sdchsischc Nachrichtcn, which came to an end in 1736, and Mecklen burg owned in 1710 its Neucr Vorrath, besides others brought out at Rostock. Prussia owes the foundation of its literary periodicals to G. P. Schulze and M. Lilienthal, the former of whom began with Gelchrtcs Prcussen (1722), continued under different titles down to 1729 ; the latter helped with the Erldutcrtes Prcussen (1724), and was the sole editor of the Acta Borussica (1730-32). Pomerania and Silesia also had their special periodicals in the first quarter of the 18th century. Franconia commenced with Nova Littcraria, and Hesse with the Kurze Historic,, both in 1725. In south Germany appeared the Wiirttcmbergische Ncbcnstundcn (1718), and the Par nassus Boicus, first published at Munich in 1722. The Frankfurter gelchrte Zeitungen was founded in 1736 by S. T. Hocker, and existed down to 1790. Austria owned Das mcrkwiirdige Wicn. In 1715 the Ncue Zeitungen von gelchrtcn Sachen&s founded by J. G. Krause at Leipsic and carried on by various editors down to 1797. It was the first attempt to apply the form of the weekly political journal to learned subjects, and was imitated in the Ver- mischte Bibliothck (1718-20), and the Bibliothcca Novissima (1718- 21), both founded by J. G. Francke in Halle. Shortly after the foundation of the university of Gottingen appeared Zeitungen von gclehrtcn Sachscn (1739), still famous as the Gottingische gelchrte Anzeigen, which during its long and influential career has been conducted by professors of that university, and among others by Haller, Heyne, and Eichhorn. Influenced by a close study of English writers, the two Swiss Bodmer and Breitinger established Die Discursc der Malcr (1721), and, by paying more attention to the matter of works reviewed than to their manner, commenced a critical method new to Germany. The system was attacked by Gottsched, who, educated in the French school, erred in the opposite direction. The war between the two parties gave fresh life to the literature of the country, but German criticism of the higher sort can only be said really to begin with Lessing. The Berlin publisher Nicolai founded the Bibliothck der schonoi Wisscnschaftcn, and afterwards handed it over to C. F. Weisse in order to give his whole energy to the Briefc, die ncueste Literatur betrcffcnd (1759-65), carried on by the help of Lessing, Mendelssohn, and Abbt. To Nicolai is also due the Allgcmeiiic deutsche Bibliothck (1765-1806), which embraced a much wider field and soon became extremely influential. Herder founded the Kritische Wdldcr in 1766. Der deutsche Merkur (1773-89, revived 1790-1810) of Wieland was the solitary representative of the French school of criticism. A new era in German periodical literature began when Bertuch brought out at Jena in 1785 the Allgcmcine Literaturzeitung, to which the leading writers of the country were contributors. On being transferred to Halle in 1804 it was re placed by the Jcnaische allgcmeine Literaturzeitung, founded by Eichsta dt. Both reviews enjoyed a prosperous career down to the year 1848. At the commencement of the present century we find the Erlangcr Literaturzeitung (1799-1810), which had replaced a Gclehrtc Zcitung (1746) ; the Lcipzigcr Literaturzeitung (1800-34) ; ihelfeidclbergische Jahrbiicher der Literatur (1808) ; and the Wiener Literaturzeitung (1813-16), followed by the Wiener Jahrbiicher der Literatur (j.818- 48), both of which received Government support and were like the Quarterly Review in their Conservative politics and high literary tone. Hermes, founded at Leipsic in 1819 by W. T. Krug, was dis tinguished for its erudition, and came out down to 1831. One of the most remarkable periodicals of this class was the Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche Kritik (1827-46), first published by Cotta. The Hallischc Jahrbiicher (1838-42) was founded by Huge and Echter- meyer, and supported by the Government. The Eepcrtorium der gcsammten dcutschen Literatur, established by Gersdorf in 1834, and known after 1843 as the Leipzigcr Rcpertorium der dcutschen und ausldndischen Literatur, existed to 1860. Buchner founded the Literarischc Zcitung at Berlin in 1834. It was continued by Brandes down to 1849. The political troubles of 1848 and 1849 were most disastrous to the welfare of the literary and miscellaneous periodicals. Gersdorfs Repertorium, the Gelchrte Anzeigen of Gottin gen and of Munich, and the Heidelberg Jahrbiicher were the sole survivors. The Allgcmcine Monatschrift fur Literatur (1850), con ducted after 1851 by Droysen, Nitzsch, and others, continued only down to 1854 ; the Literarisches Centralblatt (1850) had a longer existence. The Blatter fur literarische Untcrhaltung sprang out of the Literarisches Wochcnblatt (1818). founded by Kotzebue ; since 1865 it has been edited by R. Gottschall with considerable success. Many of the literary journals did not disdain to occupy themselves with the fashions, but the first periodical of any merit specially devoted to the subject was the Bazar (1855). The first to popularize science was Natur (1852). The Hausbldttcr (1855), a bi-monthly magazine, was extremely successful. The Salon (1868) followed more closely the type of the English magazine. About this period arose a great number of serials for popular reading, known as "Sontagsblatter," of which the Gartcnlaubc (1858) and Dahcim are examples. Of a more solid character are the Dcutschcs Museum (1851-57) of Prutz and Frenzel ; the Grenzboten ; the Preussischc Jahrbiicher (1858) ; the Berliner Revue (1855) ; Unserc Zeit (1857), at first only a kind of supplement to Brockhaus s Conversationslexikon, but now an important review of matters of contemporary interest; Die Gegcnwart (1872) ; the new Literatur zeitung (1874) of Jena ; the Deutsche Rundsclutu (1874), conducted upon the method of the Revue dcs Deux Mondcs ; and many others. Periodicals have been specialized in Germany to an extent perhaps unequalled in any other country. Those of a really high class have become so numerous and form so marked a feature in the current literature that it may be useful to give a classified list of the chief of them, including the many Jahrcsbcrichte which supply summaries of the works published annually in particular departments. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND LITERARY: Pctzholdt s ncuer Anzeiger; Centralblatt fiir Bibliothcksv-isscnschaft; Allgemeinc Bib liographic fur Dcutschland ; Bibliographic und literarische Chronik der Schweiz ; Polytcchnischc Bibliothek ; Blatter fur literarische Un terhaltung, ed. by Rud. von Gottschall ; Literarisches Centralblatt fiir Dcutschland ; Die Gegcnwart ; Die Grenzboten ; Deutsche Rund schau ; Im neuen Reich ; Preussische Jahrbiicher ; Magazin fiir die Literatur dcs In- und Auslandes ; Die ncue Zeit ; Archiv f. Litcraturgcschichte ; Wcstermann s illustrirte deutsche Monatshcfte. THEOLOGY : Der Katholik ; Theologische Literaturzeitung ; Thco- logischc Studien und Kritiken ; Theologische Studicn aus Wiirttcm- berg; Theologische Quartalschrift ; Zeitschrift fiir Kirchcngeschichte ; Ncue cvangclische Kirchen- Zcitung ; Protestantische Kir chen- Zcitung; Monatsschrift fiir Gcschichte d. Judenthums. LAW, POLITICAL ECONOMY, &c. : Jahrbuchf. Gesetzgcbung ; Jahrbuch der dcutschen Gerichtsverfassung ; Zeitschrift fur Rcchtsgeschichte ; Jahrbuch der prcussischen Gerichtsverfassung ; Annalcn d. Rcichsgcrichts ; Scu/crfs Archiv fiir Entscheidung der oberstcn Gerichtc ; Scufferfs Blatter f. Rechtsanwcndung ; Jahrbuch fiir das deutsche Vcrsichcrungswcscii ; Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomic und Statistik ; Zeitschrift f. ge- sammte Staatsivisscnschaft; Viertclja hrsschrift fiir Volkswirtschaft ; Statistische Monatsschrift. MEDICINE AND SURGERY : Archiv fiir Anthropologic ; Archiv f. cxperimcntcllc Pathologic ; Schmidt s Jahrbiicher der in- und auslandischen ges. Mcdicin ; Zeitschrift f. klin, Mcdicin ; Archiv fur Anatomic und Physiologic ; Morpho- logischcs Jahrbuch ; Archiv fiir Gyndkologie ; Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Chirurgic ; Archiv f. klin. Chirurgie ; Gracfes Archiv ; Viertel- jahrsschrift fiir gerichtl. Mcdicin. NATURAL SCIENCE : Archiv fiir Anatomic u. Physiologic ; Archiv fur Naturgcschichte ; Annalcn der Physik und Chemie ; Annalen der Mathcmatik und Physik ; Botanischer Jahrcsbcricht ; Botan. Jahrbiicher ; Flora ; Botanische Zeitung ; Zoologischer Jahrcsbericht ; Zeitschrift fiir wisscnschaftl. Zoologic ; Jahrcsbcricht iibcr d. Fortschritte d. Chemie ; Licbig s Annalen d. Chemie. PHILOSOPHY : Philosophische Monatshcfte ; Zeitschrift fiir Philosophic. EDUCATION : Rhcinische Blatter ; Ncue Jahrbiicher fiir Philologie ; Pddagogischer Jahresbericht. JUVENILE LITERATURE : Herzbldttch-cns Zcitvertrcib ; Deutsche Jugend. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY AND PHILOLOGY : Jahrbiicher fiir class. Philologie ; Hermes ; Rheinisches Museum ; Philologus ; Archdologische Zeitung; Jahrcsbcrichte iib. d. Fortschritte d. class. Altcrthumswissenschaft. ORIENTAL LITERATURE : Zeitschrift d. deutschen morgenldndischcn Gesellschaft ; Zeitschrift f. Volkcrpsycho- logie. MODERN LANGUAGES -.Anglia ; Archiv f. d. Studium d. ncueren Sprachen ; Germania ; Zeitschrift f. dcut. Alterthum. HISTORY, &c. -. SybeVs hist. Zeitschrift ; Jahresbcrichte der Ge- schichtswisscnschaft; Archiv f. Anthropologie ; Archiv f. oesterr. Gcschichte ; Das Staatsarchiv ; Forschungcn z. deut. Gcschichte ; Baltischc Studien ; Zeits. f. Museologie ; Zcits. f. Numismatik. GEO GRAPHY: Geogr. Jahrbuch; Globus ; Das Ausland; Petermann s Mittcilungcn ; Zeitschrift f. Ethnologic. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRO NOMY : Jahrbuch iib. d. Fortschritte d. Mathemalik ; Archiv d. Mathcmatik u. Physik; Journal f. d. rtint. u. angewandte Math. ; Zeitschrift f. Mathcmatik; Astronomische A achrichten. ARMY AND NAVY: Jahresberichte iib. d. Vcrdnderungen im Militdru-escn ; Deutsche Heeres- Zeitung ; Jahrbiicher f. d. deut. Armee u. Marine ; Mi litdr- Literaturzeitung; Militdr-Wochenblatt; Strtffleurs ostcrr. Militdr-Zeitschrift. TRADE ORGANS, &c. : Borsenblatt f. d. deut. Buchhandel; Deutsches Handelsarchiv ; Stammer, Jahresbericht u. d. Zuckcrfabrikation; Geu-erbehalle ; Polytechn. Notizblatt. ARCHI TECTURE, ENGINEERING, &c. : Allgcmeine Bauzeitung ; Der Civil- ingcnieur ; Dingier s polytechnischcs Journal ; Zeitschrift f. Bau- wesen ; Ostcrr. Zeitschrift f. Berg.- u. Huttenwesen; Jahrbuch der Erfindungcn auf d. Gcbieten der Physik u. Chemie, der Technologic, u. s. w. RAILWAYS, TELEGRAPHY, SHIPPING, &c. : ffansa ; Mit- teilungen aus d. Gcbicte d. Secivescns ; Elcktrotcchnische Zeitschrift ;