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1326. Cannon used by the Florentines; by French and English, 1338 and 1339.
1327. Edward III. king of England. Edward II. deposed and murdered. The emperor declares the Pope a heretic; is crowned at Milan, and again excommunicated.
1328. Philip VI. (house of Valois) king of France. The emperor crowned at Rome, deposes the Pope, and gets Peter de Corbière elected (Nicholas V.) Death of Castruccio Castracani, head of republic of Lucca. Independence of Scotland recognized by treaty of Northampton. Constantinople taken, and Andronicus II. deposed by his grandson Andronicus III.
1329. David II. (Bruce) king of Scotland. Blockade of Nicæa by Orkhan. Battle of Pelekanon,—first engagement between the emperor of the East and the sultan of the Ottomans. Establishment of the Ottoman Empire.
1330. Capitulation of Nicæa to Orkhan.
1332. Invasion of Scotland by Edward Baliol, assisted by Edward III. of England.
1333. Battle of Halidon Hill,—victory of Edward III. over the Scots. Casimir III. the Great, king of Poland. Stephen Dushan king of Servia.
1334. Benedict XII. pope.
1336. Birth of Timur (Tamerlane.) Philip of France visits Avignon.
1337. Edward III. claims the crown of France. Plague of locusts in Europe for three years.
1338. Embassy from Louis of Bavaria and the king of France to the Pope to seek absolution of Louis; absolution refused. Mission of Barlaam from the Emperor Andronicus to Benedict XII. respecting reunion of Greek and Latin churches. Alliance of Jacob van Artevelde, captain of Ghent with Edward III. Meeting of the emperor and Edward III. at Diet of Coblentz.
1339. Edward III. invades France from Flanders. Conquest of Bithynia by the Turks completed.
1340. Battle of Sluys,—victory of Edward III. over the French fleet. Siege of Tournay; a truce concluded. Birth of Chaucer (?)
1341. First passage of the Turks into Europe. John V. (Palæologus) emperor of the East. Regency of Anne of Savoy. Intrigues of John Cantacuzenus. Dispute about the Light of Mount Thabor begins. Petrarch crowned in the Capitol at Rome. Disputed succession in Britanny; gives rise to civil war between John de Montfort and Charles of Blois.
1342. Clement VI. pope.
1343. Death of Robert the Wise, king of Naples.
1344. The jubilee period reduced to fifty years by Clement VI. War in Guienne. First English gold coinage (the florin). Discovery of Madeira by Robert Macham, an Englishman. Battle of Salado,—defeat of the Moors by Alphonso IV. of Portugal. Parliament of Paris organized by ordinance of Philip VI.
1345. Assassination of Jacob van Artevelde. Discovery of Canary Islands by Genoese and Spanish seamen. Servian empire established by Stephen Dushan; his code published, the oldest monument of Servian language. Assassination of the Grand-duke Apokaukos at Constantinople.
1346. Louis of Bavaria again deposed by the Pope. Charles IV. (Count of Luxembourg) elected king of the Romans. Victory of Edward III. over the French at Crecy, August 26. David II. of Scotland defeated and taken prisoner at Nevill's Cross, Durham, October 17. Siege of Calais begun (taken by Edward III. 1347). Marriage of Orkhan, sultan of the Ottomans, with Theodora, daughter of Cantacuzenus.
1347. Invasion of Naples by Louis of Hungary, January. Flight of Queen Joanna; she sells Avignon to the Pope. Cola di Rienzi tribune and liberator of Rome. University of Prague (Carolinum) founded by the emperor. Death of Louis of Bavaria. Truce between England and France. John Cantacuzenus crowned emperor of the East.
1348–1351. The Black Death prevails in Europe. Massacres of Jews on suspicion of poisoning the wells. War of the Genoese with Cantacuzenus.
1349. The Statute of Labourers (England) passed. Dauphiny united to crown of France. Title of Dauphin given to the king's eldest son. The Flagellants condemned by bull of Clement VI.
1350. Order of the Garter instituted by Edward III. about this time. John II. king of France; Order of the Star instituted by him. Peter the Cruel, king of Castile. Reconstruction of Windsor Castle begun; completed, 1369. Second Jubilee at Rome.
1351. Joanna restored with her husband Louis of Tarentum to throne of Naples. Rienzi at Prague. Alliance of Venice with Cantacuzenus.
1352. Victory of Genoese over Venetians and Greeks, and their treaty with the Emperor Cantacuzenus. Rienzi surrendered to the Pope. Innocent VI. pope, December.
1353. Establishment of the Turks in Europe. First Statute of Præmunire in England. Rienzi made senator of Rome by Cardinal Albornoz.
1354. Naval Code published by Peter IV. of Aragon. Rienzi slain in insurrection at Rome. Cantacuzenus dethroned, December.
1355. War between England and France renewed. Charles IV. crowned at Rome. Assassination of Inez de Castro by Alphonso IV. of Portugal. Treaty between John Palæologus I. and Innocent VI. Arabic numerals used by Petrarch.
1356. The Golden Bull of the empire published by Charles IV. Battle of Poitiers,—Edward the Black Prince defeats and captures John II. and his son. Wycliffe publishes his Last Age of the Church.
1357. Ordinance for the estate of the land of Ireland issued. Truce between England and France. Triumphal entry of the Black Prince into London. David II. returns to Scotland.
1358. Rising of the peasants (the Jacquerie) in France.
1360. Treaty of Bretigny,—renunciation by Edward III. of his claim to the crown of France, to Normandy, Anjou, and Maine, followed by liberation of King John. France ravaged by the Free Companies. Amurath I. sultan of the Ottomans. Leo Pilatus at Florence, the first teacher of Greek in Western Europe.
1361. Conquest of Roumania by Amurath I. Adrianople made the seat of the sultans. The Janissaries established. Death of John Tauler (born, 1290).
1362. Use of English in law pleadings directed by Act of Parliament. Urban V. pope, October.
1363. Philip the Bold duke of Burgundy.
1364. Charles V. king of France. The coast of Guinea discovered by French seamen about this time. Battle of Auray,—defeat and capture of Bertrand Duguesclin by John Chandos; death of Charles of Blois; Brittany secured to John de Montfort. University of Cracow founded by Casimir the Great.
1365. Urban V. demands tribute of England. University of Vienna founded by Duke Rudolph IV.
1366. The Black Prince defeats Henry of Trastamare at Najara, and re-establishes Peter the Cruel.
1367–1371. William of Wykeham chancellor of England (again, 13891391). Foundation of the Kremlin, 1367.
1368. University of Geneva founded. Ming dynasty founded in China; expulsion of the Moguls. Wyclifle's treatise De Dominio appears. Visit of the emperor to Rome.
1369. Renewal of war between France and England. John Palæologus visits Urban V. at Rome, and joins the Latin communion; he is arrested for debt at Venice. Birth of John Huss (?). Foundation of the Bastille.
1370. Timur sovereign of Tagatai. Limoges stormed by the Black Prince. Gregory XI. pope. Robert II., high steward (first of the Stuart line), king of Scotland. Death of Casimir the Great. Marriage of John of Gaunt with daughter of Peter the Cruel.
1372. Victory of Spanish fleet over the English off Rochelle.
1373. March of John of Gaunt from Calais to Bordeaux.
1376. Death of the Black Prince. The “Good Parliament” in England.
1377. Return of the Pope from Avignon to Rome. Wycliffe cited before the bishop of London. The Pope publishes three bulls against Wycliffe. Richard II. king of England.
1378. Urban VI. pope. Clement VII. anti-pope at Avignon. The schism lasts forty years. Wenceslas (king of Bohemia) emperor. Cession of Cherbourg to the English by the king of Navarre. Appearance of Halley's Comet.
1379. Wycliffe sends out his poor priests. The emperor John V. imprisoned.
1380–1386. Conquest of Khorassan by Timur.
1380. Wycliffe's English New Testament completed. Death of Bertrand Duguesclin. Charles VI. king of France. Regency of duke of Anjou. Joanna queen of Naples deprived by Urban VI. Charles of Durazzo made king of Naples. Birth of Thomas à Kempis (died, 1471).
1381. Wycliffe's declaration against transubstantiation. Poll-tax granted in England. Revolt of the peasantry under Wat the Tyler. Arrest of Lollard preachers ordered. Wycliffe's opinions condemned by synod of London. An earthquake during the synod. The emperor John V. escapes from prison and becomes tributary to Amurath I.
1882. Victory of the French over the Flemings at Rosbecque.
1383. Expedition of Spenser bishop of Norwich into Flanders. Death of Queen Joanna of Naples.
1384. Wycliffe's English Bible completed about this time. Death of Wycliffe, December 31. Philip the Bold becomes count of Flanders.
1385. Urban VI. besieged in castle of Nocera (Luceria) by Charles of Durazzo. He escapes to Genoa and puts five cardinals to death for conspiracy. The Scots aided by the French invade England. Richard II. takes and burns Edinburgh. Battle of Aljubarotta,—victory of John I. of Portugal over John I. of Castile.

1386. Timur invades Persia. Battle of Sempach,—Leopold of Austria defeated by the Swiss, July 9. Council of regency in England, under duke of Gloucester. Impeachment of the earl of Suffolk. University of Heidelberg founded. The Jagellon dynasty established in Poland.