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Sanitation, 175, 183, 245, 278, 340, 389, 408.
Sanon (Namtao), 127, 128, 320, 337, 362, 463, 508, 560.
Sares, Captain, 1.
Sargent, Lieut., 180, 184.
Sassoon, A., 387.
Scanlan, Dr., 481.
Scarth, J., 324.
Scherzer, Professor, 472.
Schmidt, W., 373, 387.
Schmidt, W., 564.
Schuck, J. L., 183, 186.
Scott, Captain, 123.
Scott, Major, 401.
Scott, W., 102, 169.
Seal of the Colony, 189; of the Superintendent, 203.
Seamen's Hospital (at Wantsai), 191, 247, 470, 509.
Senhouse, H. L. le Fleming, 119, 138, 150, 175.
Sen Kwang-tsin, 256, 305.
Seward, W. H., 459.
Seymour, Sir M., 306309, 351.
Shadwell, Admiral, 499.
Shakespeare Memorial, 395.
Shanghai, 342, 343.
Shares, 483.
Sharp, E., 486.
Sharp, Granville, 390, 543.
Shaukiwan, 130, 132, 378.
Shelley, A. E., 220.
Shipping Trade, 272, 345, 388, 550.
Shortrede, A., 347, 348.
Siam, 299, 300, 343.
Silva, C. C. da, 478.
Silver Standard, 185, 375.
Silver, Depreciation of, 551.
Sinnett, A. P., 470.
Sirr, H. Ch., 220.
Sketching Club, 518.
Slade, J., 35, 91.
Slavery Acts, 195, 229.
Slavery, Domestic,
Smale, J., 369, 370, 414, 438, 445, 474, 382, 501, 532, 548.
Smith, Archer & Co., 381.
Smith, Bishop G., 280, 302, 348, 392, 394, 400, 474.
Smith, Captain, 106.
Smith, C. C., 362, 365, 422, 423, 424, 434, 440, 443, 487, 527, 529.
Smith, J., 174.
Smith, J. M., 189.
Smith, G., 20, 102, 241.
Smuggling, 198, 419.
Social Life, 206, 247, 282, 395, 469, 506, 515, 563.
Social Science Association, 335.
Solomon, R., 453.
Souza, Admiral de, 422.
Souza, Regina v., 444.
Spanish Ports, 518, 557.
Special Fund, 433, 437, 438, 455, 462.
Spratt & Co., 565.
Spiritual Junk, 513.
Sports, 207, 283, 397, 517, 563.
Spring, F., 189.
Spring Gardens, 167, 190.
St. Andrew's School, 347, 393.
St. John's Cathedral, 186, 190, 246, 279, 394, 467, 469.
St. John's Lodge, 563.
St. Joseph's Church, 512.
St. Joseph's College, 512.
St. Paul's College, 181, 191, 280, 347, 391, 466, 511, 512.
St. Peter's Church, 467.
St. Saviour's College, 465, 512.
Stamp Duties, 425, 426, 534.
Standard (London), 410.
Stanley (Chikehü), 131, 171, 190.
Stanley of Alderley, Lord, 548.
Stanley, Lord, 124, 196, 241, 338.
Stanton, V. J., 119, 189, 191, 247.
Staunton, Sir G., 53, 54, 59, 66.
Staveley, Major-General, 248, 254, 282.
Stead, Captain, 149.
Steam-ferries, 520.
Stephen, D., 189.
Stephenson, Sir M., 388, 409.
Stewart, Ch. E., 189.
Stewart, F., 392, 448, 466, 481, 510, 527, 562.
Stewart, Hon. K., 320.
Stewart, P., 189.
Stewart, W., 68, 188.
Stirling, P. I., 193, 220.
Stirling, Sir J., 298, 299, 304, 344.
Stonecutters' Island, 127, 357, 378, 379, 405.
Storey, C. H., 373.
Strachan, G., 248.
Straits Settlements, 354.