Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/108

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98 Minutes of Meetings.

The election of Mr. G. E. Laurie and Mr. J. Langdon Davies as members of the. Society was announced ; the resignations of Mr. A. Sidgwick and Mr. R. H. Stephenson were also announced.

A paper by Mr. C. J. Billson entitled " Some Mythical Tales of the Lapps " was read by the Secretary ; and a paper by Mr, M, Esposito entitled " The Mediaeval Legend of the Terrestrial Paradise" by Miss E. Hull. In the discussion which followed Mr. A. R. Wright, Mr. M. Longworth Dames, Dr. Baudis, the Rev. Dr. Bussell and Mrs. Coote Lake took part.

The meeting terminated with hearty votes of thanks to Mr. Billson and Mr. Esposito for their papers and to the Secretary and Miss Hull for reading them.