Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/164

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J 54

Catalogue of Brand Material.

Lords of Misrule at Easter and Whitsuntide also, 1555 et sqq. - - - -

Collected money (forexpenses of sports ?)

The Finger-stocks ; an instru- ment into which the Lord of Misrule put the fingers of misdemeanants against Christmas rules (1686)

Business Customs.

Hiring Servants (see above)

Woodcutting rights begin Boar payable to Lords of Manor Lessee of Tithes gave boar's head to be wrestled for - - - " Hogling-money " (?) due

Warden to pay dues to Corpus

Christi guild-master Outgoing Masters of Cappers

Guild to deliver up accounts,

1520 ----- Town servants to receive liveries,



Melton Mowbray. Melton Mowbray.

Staffs. (Beaudesert).

Cheshire, North Staffs.

N.E. Salop. Herefd. (Yatton). Kent (Denfordj.

Essex (Hornchurch). Surrey (Wandsworth, 1455)-


Coventry. Coventry.

{To be continued.)