Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/165

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Folk Customs of the Russian Peasantry.

The following extracts from the Bulletin of January, 1918, issued by the Friends War Victims' Relief Committee, are published with the kind permission of the honorary secretary.

Russia. Mogotovo. Apple Sunday.

Last Sunday was "Apple Sunday." Outside the church the people in their gay clothes crowded round a cart buying apples, and then took them into the church to be blessed. It is impossible entirely to follow the service; there is much repetition, singing "Gospodu, Gospodu pomedus!" ("Lord! Lord! have mercy upon us!").

A Russian Peasant Wedding.

A few days before the wedding I was called from the workroom, not knowing for what. I went to find it was a sort of betrothal feast which I was expected to partake of. A dirty cloth was spread on the table, and on it lay a few raw salt fish, sour black bread, and the samovar was steaming. They gave me tea out of a cup that everyone took it in turns to drink out of, and when I refused sugar they insisted on putting a handful of dirty dried apricots in my cup. I then had to have one of the fish, which by the way had been kept too long before salting. I thought it would do to pretend to eat it, but it was soon noticed, and the bridegroom's father took it from me and tore it open, saying that was the way to do it. No plates, knives or forks were used. We were told that the wedding was to be