Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/9

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The Bird Cult of Easter Island. Arnold Burley 88
Melanesian Influence in Easter Island. A. C Haddon 161
The Killing of the Khazar Kings. Sir J. G. Frazer 162
Easter Church Ceremonies. E. S. Goodrich 163
Women fertilized by Stones. Sir J. G. Frazer 254
Nature Myths from Samoa 254
Mr. Clement Arthur Miles 89
Paul Sébillot. E. Sidney Hartland 252
P. Saintyves. Porphyre. L’Antre des Nymphs. E. Sidney Hartland 90
Gerald Friedlander. Jewish Fairy Tales 91
J. W. Wickwar. Dreams: What they are, and what they mean 93
Dwight Edwards Marvin. Curiosities in Proverbs 94
M. Gilleit. Folklore, Legend, and Superstitious Customs in connection with Andover and its Neighbourhood 94
Sven Magnus Gronberger. St. Bridget of Sweden 95
Judah Steinberg. The Breakfast of the Birds, and other Stories 95
F. W. Bussell. Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages. J. Kennedy 164
M. E. Dobbs. Side-Lights on the Tain Age and other Studies. J. Baudiš 169
W.J. Perry. The Megalithic Culture of Indonesia. E. Sidney Hartland 171