Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 4, 1893.djvu/481

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The Edinburgh Dinnshenchas.

The Edinburgh Dinnshenchas.

(Kilbride xvi, fo. 4a I.)

[53. Benn Boguine.]—Beand Bogaine, cid día ta?

Beand Bogaine .I. bo di bhuaib Flidaisi mna Oililla Find adrullai ind, [f. 42] fíadhaigheastar ann sil na bo sin go rugastar da læig .i. lægh fireand lægh boineand, go silastar J go fiadhaigsedar[1] annsin a sil go nach feta ni doib. in tarbh robai aco intan rogeisead dothigdis buar Erenn fua J noreithdís go maidheadh a cridhe. Robi Findchad mac Neill for altrom la hinghin n-Uatha. Luid in bo bai 'na beolo sein fo gheim in tairb isin sliab. Luidh mac Neill ina deghaidh[2] a buair, J gonais a buair J gonais go slegaib na bu, conaca imbí in martghail sin, con-ebert "is boghuine so", ol se, diamba[3] Beand Boghuine go so.

Beand Boghuine is de dotha
rocualadar fir is mna,
don martgail[s]e, go lin ngal,
rognídh go fir la Findchad.

Benn Boguine, whence is it?

Benn Boguine, to wit, thither escaped a cow of the kine of Flidais, wife of Ailil the Fair, and the offspring of that cow became wild. And the cow brought forth two calves, a male calf and a female calf, and her offspring went wild therein so that nought could be done with them. When the bull they had would bellow (all) the cattle of Ireland would go to him, and run so that their hearts were broken.

Finnchad, son of Niall, was in fosterage with Anè, daughter of Uath. The cow that was feeding him went at the roar of the bull to the mountain. Niall's son (at his foster-mother's command) followed the cattle and killed the kine with spears. And when he saw that ox-slaughter, he said: "This a killing of kine," quoth he. Whence Benn Boghuine, " Peak of Kine-killing," hitherto.

Benn Boguine, hence it is.
Men and women have heard,
From this ox-slaughter, with a number of fights,
Which was wrought truly by Finnchad.

Also in LL. 165 a 45, and, more fully, in BB. 397 a; H. 55 b; and L. 504 b. Benn Boguine has not, so far as I know, been identified. A man's name Bogaine occurs, LU. 70 b 14.

As to Flidais, see LL. 247 a 33—248 a 11.}}

[54. Mag Corainn.]—Mag Coraind, cid dia ta ? Ni ansa.

Corand cruitire sidhe do Dianche[ch]d, mac in Dag[hd]ai, go roghart sein asa croit Caelcheis do mhuccaibh Dreibrinde. Roraith

  1. MS. fiagaigsedar
  2. MS. deghaigh.
  3. MS. ciamba.