Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/123

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[XXIII, 14—

num; nē gē in ne gāþ, nē gē ne geþafiað þæt ōðre in gān.[1]


15. Wā ēow, bōcyras and Pharisei, līccetteras! for þām gē befarað sǣ and eorþan þæt gē dōn ānne elþēodigne; and þonne hē gewordyn byð, gē gedōð hyne helle bearn twȳfealdlīcor þonne ēow.[2]

16. Wā ēow blindan lāttēowas! gē secgeað swā hwylc swā swereþ on temple, þæt hē ys nāht; swā hwā swā swereð on þæs temples golde, sē ys scyldig.[3]

17. Ēalā gē dysegan and blindan! hwæþer ys māre, ðe þæt gold, þe þæt templ ðe þæt gold gehālgað?[4]

18. And swā hwā swā swereþ on þām wēofode, þæt ys nāht; swā hwylc swā swereþ on þǣre offrunge þe ofer þæt wēofud ys, sē ys gyltig.[5]

19. Ēalā gē blindan! hwæþer ys māre, þe offrung, þe þæt wēofud þe gehālgað þā offrunge?[6]

20. Witodlīce sē þe swereþ on wēofude, hē swereð on him and on eallum þām þe him ofer synt.[7] {{nop}

  1. A, inn; A, þafiað, B, geþafigeað; B, oþore.
  2. A, boceras ; A, lyceteras, B, liceteras; A, ænne; Corp., B, elþeodine, A, ælðeodigne; A, geworden, B, gewurdyn.
  3. A, latewas (a second t above the line); A, B, secgað.
  4. A, dysigan; A, tempel.
  5. B, sweryþ (twice); B, ofrunge; B, ofyr; A, weofod.
  6. B, hwæþyr; A, ofrung; A, weofod; A, ofrunge.
  7. B, sweryð; A, weofode; B, eallun; A, synd.